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Princess Evangile Release 2015


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Just now, Zenophilious said:

All I see is a link to the pic, which is allowed.  Are you seeing the full pic?  Ever since the update picture links have started auto-embedding for me, so that might be it.

Ah never mind, I thought you meant NSFW stuff was not allowed all together. 

I only see the link, not the actual pic :sachi: 

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I gave up Princess Evangile after a single route. Cute grills can only make up for so much underwhelming story and garbage music (and I don't use that word lightly - it really is far and away the worst I've ever heard in a professional production of any sort). I think I only ended up seeing the route of my 3rd-favorite heroine (and probably 5th- or 6th-best grill). Nonetheless, I might play the fandisk anyway just because Ruriko.

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Well, yeah, that's moege without much of a good plot for ya.  Which route did you start with, by the way?  If I started with Chiho's route or Ritsuko's route I might have dropped it, honestly.  Definitely the worst routes, IMO, but that's partially because I think Chiho is annoying as hell and a really shitty tsundere.  Ritsuko best grill, but man, her route is pretty bad.

Tamie is the obvious choice for best grill in the fandisk.  What are you talking about, heathen?  Don't let those meat balloons of Ruriko's sway you.

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There should have been a bad ending for Ritsuko's route where she gets NTR'ed, but I guess that would be too much... lol

But I agree with you @Zenophilious, Chiho's route is just so bad. Too much tsun-tsun isn't a good thing. There's gotta be a good balance with the dere. 



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I played Ayaka's route.

I think I'm just at odds with the way Princess Evangile tells its stories, especially in that there's generally no overarching plot. There may be a moderate-length plot, even one that starts off fairly early, is occasionally poked at, and eventually resolved at the end of a route. But whole chapters will go by without progressing that, and what you believe to be the overarching plot may resolve itself suddenly in a single chapter only to be replaced by a new moderate-length plot, or may suddenly disappear and go completely unresolved because you chose a particular route. I'm somewhat used to anime-style pacing, where a show will have one long arc that covers a season (equivalent to a whole VN, probably) and a bunch of small plots that cover a single episode. The resulting pacing is pretty natural, especially when progress is made towards that big arc in each episode. That pacing provides a solid, standard dramatic structure. Princess Evangile's approach was pretty far away from that, and just never worked for me - the action frequently fell too far off a generally rising pace, making me feel like the story should be done, leaving me wondering why I was still reading.

As far as Ruriko... simply no accounting for matters of taste, maybe. I don't mind either innocence or experience, nor do I have any particular preference on flat vs. oppai. But capability is worth a lot to me, and Ruriko seemed more capable than most of the other characters (aside from maybe Tamie, who is solidly second-best-grill). Ruriko easily takes the crown on sincerity, though; nobody else in this VN is half as honest as she is. And those two are pretty much the traits I care most about.

Although of course, having said all that about honesty, there's something appealing about tsunderes as well, and the only regret I have from abandoning this VN is Chiho... but if that route is mostly tsun and very little dere, then I probably am better off not looking back at all. Like Cer said, you have to have enough of both to make that trope work.

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6 hours ago, Zenophilious said:

Well, yeah, that's moege without much of a good plot for ya.  Which route did you start with, by the way?  If I started with Chiho's route or Ritsuko's route I might have dropped it, honestly.  Definitely the worst routes, IMO, but that's partially because I think Chiho is annoying as hell and a really shitty tsundere.  Ritsuko best grill, but man, her route is pretty bad.

Tamie is the obvious choice for best grill in the fandisk.  What are you talking about, heathen?  Don't let those meat balloons of Ruriko's sway you.

Ok Tamie is the best and Chiho's route is horrible. As a tsundere fan, I felt a lot of frustration (Like Cerulean said, it's probably the lack of -dere). On the other hand, I really, really liked Ritsuko's route. The clash between the bitchy mother Headmistress and the Kitamikado Sisters is my main source of satifaction in this VN (and that's why my rating is 7 and not 6) :ph34r:

Edited by Canicheslayer
Version 4.1
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35 minutes ago, Fred the Barber said:


Welp, Ayaka's route is pretty much the best one, sooo it's probably for the best that you dropped it if you didn't like it.

Yeah, the repetitive nature of the basic structure of the routes, combined with the slow pacing really kinda kills the motivation to keep going forward if you're not interested in it already.  At that point I was just reading it to see more of the character interactions and to justify the time I'd already put into reading it, honestly.

I'm just messin' with ya.  My three favorites are Ritsuko, Tamie and Ruriko, but Ruriko is in solid 3rd.

Trust me on this, Chiho doesn't really get any more interesting in her entire route, and her route was absolutely idiotic.  Just...ugh.  It was bad enough that I almost skipped part of it because of how utterly stupid Chiho and another character were being.  Like, "complete lack of common sense in a situation where most people would be extremely cautious" stupid.  I usually like tsunderes but I disliked her the moment she was introduced, and I didn't ever change my opinion on her because she doesn't ever really change.

24 minutes ago, Canicheslayer said:

Ok Chiho's route is horrible. As a tsundere fan, I felt a lot of frustation (Like Cerulean said, it's probably the lack of -dere). On the other hand, I really, really liked Ritsuko's route. The clash between the bitchy mother Headmistress and the Kitamikado Sisters is my main source of satifaction in this VN :ph34r:

Eh, it kinda went a bit on the ludicrous side towards the end, and that really prevented me from enjoying it.  The first 3/4ths were okay, but that last fourth just ruined it for me.

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Though PE was the first VN I read in 2015 after several months of hiatus, so that's probably why I was able to stomach its longwindedness and just slurp up all of the goodies it had to offer.

The amount of times Fred mentioned 'plot' in his post doe. That was what led to your downfall :P 

As a tsundere lover, I can indeed confirm Chiho is among my least favorite VN tsun tsuns of all time, in fact she's like the only one, she's just so meh

People like Ritsuko cuz she's a babe, long black hair + red eyes & that quiet, breathy way of talking

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6 hours ago, Decay said:

I don't think Ruriko is very good and I don't know why people like her.

I like Ruriko but not to the point I would say "she is the best grill". Nor have I need for her route (I would rather have Tamie's route, though I will be getting both in the fandisc, lol).

6 hours ago, CeruleanGamer said:

But I agree with you @Zenophilious, Chiho's route is just so bad. Too much tsun-tsun isn't a good thing. There's gotta be a good balance with the dere. 

Good thing I didn't even decide to start her route then. Her personality was already unbearable so I figured that her route wouldn't be good either.

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5 hours ago, Zenophilious said:

Welp, Ayaka's route is pretty much the best one, sooo it's probably for the best that you dropped it if you didn't like it.

Yeah, the repetitive nature of the basic structure of the routes, combined with the slow pacing really kinda kills the motivation to keep going forward if you're not interested in it already.  At that point I was just reading it to see more of the character interactions and to justify the time I'd already put into reading it, honestly.

I'm just messin' with ya.  My three favorites are Ritsuko, Tamie and Ruriko, but Ruriko is in solid 3rd.

Trust me on this, Chiho doesn't really get any more interesting in her entire route, and her route was absolutely idiotic.  Just...ugh.  It was bad enough that I almost skipped part of it because of how utterly stupid Chiho and another character were being.  Like, "complete lack of common sense in a situation where most people would be extremely cautious" stupid.  I usually like tsunderes but I disliked her the moment she was introduced, and I didn't ever change my opinion on her because she doesn't ever really change.

Eh, it kinda went a bit on the ludicrous side towards the end, and that really prevented me from enjoying it.  The first 3/4ths were okay, but that last fourth just ruined it for me.

Yeah it did feel repetitive. The Skip All Unread Text option was so useful in that regard however, :wahaha:

I particularly didn't like the pacing of Rise's route, because the H-scenes didn't occur until almost the last quarter of the game and I believe the first kiss wasn't too far before those... I have patience with the romance in general, but that one just kept dragging on and on and on. She's almost on par with Chiho for me because they are two very annoying girls when they get jealous and as for your typical annoying tsundere types, they don't confess their feelings but rather wait till the end of the world for the protag to do it. There's only so much you can do with a character being jealous. Feeling jealous because the protag is simply hanging out with other girls for a few minutes is just.... :amane: 

This is why I liked Ayaka the most in the original Princess Evangile. This girl knows what she wants, grabs her man, and doesn't give a fuck what other girls think. Also once W Happiness gets translated, you'll see how a tsundere is done right, with Mitsuki's route.


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9 minutes ago, CeruleanGamer said:

She's almost on par with Chiho for me because they are two very annoying girls when they get jealous and as for your typical annoying tsundere types, they don't confess their feelings but rather wait till the end of the world for the protag to do it. There's only so much you can do with a character being jealous. Feeling jealous because the protag is simply hanging out with other girls for a few minutes is just.... :amane: 


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