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Hello fellow VN enthusiasts.


Im from the great scandinavia and my genitals tells me I am a male human being.


My name is Mads, I make electronic music, watch anime and playing VN's and "real games"(?)


Anyway, I started my VN adventure when a guy on my facebook talked about yume miru kusuri and i decided to download it and play it. All the endings made me cry like a little baby and I loved VN's ever since.


My favorites right now even though I havent played a lot so far is saya no uta and (surprise) yume miru kusuri.


Playing cannonball neko neko machine mou race right now and even though its kinda bad I still kinda love it.


Check out my stuff here: https://soundcloud.com/psyched_mind (I actually made a song called saya no uta) and I hope that you can guide me to the best VN experiences!



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Is your username based off of Mai Kawasumi from Kanon? If so, I wrote a whole analysis of her character. Link to the post is in my signature. Yume Miru Kusuri was also one of my earlier VNs, I still love it. Aeka's route got me the most.

Welcome to the forums~ 

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Is your username based off of Mai Kawasumi from Kanon? If so, I wrote a whole analysis of her character. Link to the post is in my signature. Yume Miru Kusuri was also one of my earlier VNs, I still love it. Aeka's route got me the most.

Welcome to the forums~ 

Yep It is, I actually took the name before I watched kanon even though I'm a big fan of stuff that Key makes. But I really like her character after I watched the anime.


For some reason Nekoko's route got me the most, maybe its because I feel the same way she does sometimes and it just hit home.

But I love all the routes almost equally, that one is just one level above the others.

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Welcome to the forums!

SO is Cannonball the good type of bad or just the bad type of bad? It didn't look like the worst thing in the world so I was wondering if I should put it on my to read list.

Also have a cybernetic implant.


Well I havent read that long into it (it was much longer than I though) and the small gameplay elements in it are pretty lame also a lot of extremely cheesy eroge scenes that makes no sense.

But there are some really wierd characters in it that I kinda like also that the other main protagonist is a serial killer robot is awesome (so awesome that im kinda thinking about taking her route first)

So if you can stand meaningless eroge scenes in the beginning and a kind of confusing start I actually think that there might be something under the hood.


Hello adorable Dewgong w/ sunglasses, welcome to the forums~

Check out Kaguya-hime's 50 VN list for some recommendations!

Thanks, I will!


Welcome to the forums! There's no doubt in my mind that Saya no Uta will also leave you an emotional wreck at the end.

It did, I really love to read the controversy around this VN, mostly because I think the story is beatiful in a very twisted way, kinda have this Elfen Lied vibe to it that I love about some kind of "superior" being to humans. It really peaked my inner misanthrop a great deal too.

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nice I will get to it as soon as I have read through Cannonball and Rewrite I guess  AKA its gonna take a while :P

Also is there any VN just as crazy as saya no uta? Not the bible black kinda crazy though,

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and its sequel are both translated. If you're into the whole theme of madness and mysterious events then this might be right up your alley. The setting isn't as twisted but it does work off characters being isolated like Saya no Uta in order to instill a feeling of pure dread.

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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and its sequel are both translated. If you're into the whole theme of madness and mysterious events then this might be right up your alley. The setting isn't as twisted but it does work off characters being isolated like Saya no Uta in order to instill a feeling of pure dread.

Yeah I know it, Im a huge fan of the anime series, what is the benefit of reading the visual novel instead?

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Note that Higurashi is getting a retranslation. The current one is serviceable, but not that great.


I haven't seen the anime myself, so I can't speak for how good the VN would be afterward. The benefit would be a much more long-form story more or less. I doubt they managed to compress all the creepiness (and sometimes chuu2 awesomeness) Higurashi has to offer in an anime.


If you're interested in gruesome murders and the like Cartagra and Kara no Shoujo might interest you. They were both commercially localized by MangaGamer, so they're not available on Fuwanovel. I haven't read them myself...

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Yeah I know it, Im a huge fan of the anime series, what is the benefit of reading the visual novel instead?

A couple of things that get skimmed through in the anime


Takano’s motivation which takes up the majority of a chapter in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai, the existence of random parasites that don’t exist in reality and the presence of a benevolent deity that sacrificed herself for the good of the village


Also, skip to the Answers. Pt I and II in this thread and check off how many of those questions you feel the anime answered to your heart's content and that might give you an idea of whether or not you want to devote more time to this VN in the future when it gets re-released.



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A couple of things that get skimmed through in the anime


Takano’s motivation which takes up the majority of a chapter in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai, the existence of random parasites that don’t exist in reality and the presence of a benevolent deity that sacrificed herself for the good of the village


Also, skip to the Answers. Pt I and II in this thread and check off how many of those questions you feel the anime answered to your heart's content and that might give you an idea of whether or not you want to devote more time to this VN in the future when it gets re-released.



Interesting. I think I will be playing the VN at some point because while the anime felt somehow complete I just think that there is a lot of "arcs" that they couldnt cover that I could read in the VN's

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