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2014 Worst year ever


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Yeah, except people are posting positive stuff like hey have a happy new year and best wishes in the coming year and not boom my brother is dead. That kind of information isn't really suited for the internet.

Although to be honest, he is free to do whatever he wants on the internet.

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Ah yes, the freedom of the internet. If everyone's free to do whatever they want, then I'm guessing you won't mind me posting the ISIS beheading here would you?

(edit mod: nope.jpg)

While people do have the freedom to do whatever they want, this kind of forum and that kind of topic do not go together. Also common sense usually stops people from posting this kind of shit, but as you can see neither I or Rin have that so.

Dude quit being a damn dick, Im allowed to post how i feel about things if you dont like it dont read or post on it; but to sit there and continue to be a asshat on my thread just cause you dont like that I posted a negative thing about 2014 especially when that thing is about a death I hope karma bites you in the ass hard.

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Yeah, except people are posting positive stuff like hey have a happy new year and best wishes in the coming year and not boom my brother is dead. That kind of information isn't really suited for the internet.


The Member's Lounge was made for users to share experiences with one another, it's one of the ways people become closer and one of the ways people build friendships. True this is an uncomfortable topic but life is sometimes not comfortable. Sometimes it's raw, and painful, and messy. Posting only positive, meaningless stuff is a decent way to build a sterile and superficial community.


My condolences Rin, I hope 2015 goes better for you.

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The Member's Lounge was made for users to share experiences with one another, it's one of the ways people become closer and one of the ways people build friendships. True this is an uncomfortable topic but life is sometimes not comfortable. Sometimes it's raw, and painful, and messy. Posting only positive, meaningless stuff is a decent way to build a sterile and superficial community.


My condolences Rin, I hope 2015 goes better for you.


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We've decided to let this thread as is, but I'd like to mention that being so blunt about such a serious subject on a public forum doesn't feel very appropriate. You should consider keeping very private matters for private discussions or be a bit less abrupt about it.

Yea, there's nothing wrong with it in terms of rights or rules or how things should be, but socially it's quite frowned upon.


For some reason, I don't feel like I can give you my sincere condolences, but I do send your way a nod of acknowledgment. Hope 2015 is a good year for you.



The Member's Lounge was made for users to share experiences with one another, it's one of the ways people become closer and one of the ways people build friendships. True this is an uncomfortable topic but life is sometimes not comfortable. Sometimes it's raw, and painful, and messy. Posting only positive, meaningless stuff is a decent way to build a sterile and superficial community.

Yay some depth to fuwanovel!



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There is no reason to have death as a taboo subject. It might seem a little attention whoring to post it suddenly outright though instead of just posting a yearly summary in a more refined manner although it can be overlooked by people who dislike excessively long posts such as myself. I discuss my sister's death so easily nowadays it's almost uncomfortable and you'll also reach that stage after a while, of course at this opportunity i could take the chance to insert a "i know how you feel" but the last person that told me that got an up close and personal feel of the skin over my knuckles. Instead i shall join you in bidding the year adieu and wishing you a 2015 void of tragedy. Also in the future shy away from bluntness on such matters, not everyone likes the sight of it or put a disclaimer in the title if you will  

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