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The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies


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The entire damn trilogy was too much CGI. It felt lazy in comparison to LotR, and the second movie was nearly entirely forgettable save how good Evangeline Lily looks. Streching one book into three movies when there isn't the material was a horrible idea on New Line Cinema's part. All the death in the last movie, I really didn't care about. Too many characters without enough screen time, and those that did get screen time were mostly unlikable. Bilbo was at least played very well by Watson

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Did like the fan service (no, not THAT kind!) in the first movie. My main problem with the Hobbit movies is the tonal change from the original book, shown mainly in the second: Beorn was not a grim broody guy, the wood elves weren't that dickish, and Lake Town was not a rejected Game of Thrones setting.


On a side note did anyone know there's one more character immune to the one ring's influence besides Tom Bombadil?

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I liked this movie a little more than the other two, because it doesn't waste as much time on pointless blabbering and fanservice (there's still a lot, but not as much).


The breaks and changes in scenery during the battle sequence did a great job of successfully keeping me interested, so there's that. (if you don't know what I mean, think back to Star Wars Episode 3 and the lava-planet fight.)  

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I had such high expectations on the movie. It didn't deliver. Too much animated. Orcs, battles, characters and effects. A lot of things were unrealistic and gave me that "wtf moment". For example 

When the dwarfs from nowhere get 3 goats and Azog and his pack managed to slip by an army of elves and set up a base on a hill. The armies were so small too. 200-300 dwarfs and a couple of hundred elves against "legions of orcs" (according to the first or second movie).

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I had such high expectations on the movie. It didn't deliver. Too much animated. Orcs, battles, characters and effects. A lot of things were unrealistic and gave me that "wtf moment". For example 

When the dwarfs from nowhere get 3 goats and Azog and his pack managed to slip by an army of elves and set up a base on a hill. The armies were so small too. 200-300 dwarfs and a couple of hundred elves against "legions of orcs" (according to the first or second movie).


I also didn't like the fact that 8 of 13 dwarfs didn't say a word in the last movie. For f*cks sake Gloin is Gimli's father. The only thing he said in 3 movies was something on that barge when they had to bribe Bard. 

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Haven't seen this movie. I know the 2nd one was incredibly forgettable, and I heard the first one was boring.


Also just want to mention that Tolkien, while not being some tactical genius, certainly wasn't idiotic. No one charged to their deaths at the black gates or five armies. In the books that is.

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Haven't seen this movie. I know the 2nd one was incredibly forgettable, and I heard the first one was boring.


Also just want to mention that Tolkien, while not being some tactical genius, certainly wasn't idiotic. No one charged to their deaths at the black gates or five armies. In the books that is.

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Honestly, my motto has always been "Fuck the original material". (As has Hollywood's, clearly). I didn't let the whole "How dare they make 3 movies out of 1 book!? They just want more money! asdfghjkl" rubbish get to my judgement of the movies, either.


All that said, I love this series. I actually was moved by the character deaths. I actually was invested in the outcome of the fight. (Although it really was long... I mean, I know it's in the title; but...) 


I won't let my love for it blind me from its flaws, though. There are plenty.


To name a few, of the top of my head, Smaug goes from Arch-Villain to not important almost instantly; how the fuck did the dwarves expect to win against that many elves in the first place?; Azog's death fake-out was stupid; the whole "hey, Legalos, go find 'THAT ONE HUMAN" thing was 100% forced; no, Legalos, falling debris does not work like that; and DEUS EX EAGLE.


Is it nothing like the conclusion to LoTR? Yes.

Was the entire series ever in the same humour as LoTR? No.

So, I think it follows the spirit of "The Hobbit" perfectly. Honestly, my biggest complaint is actually the eagle bullshit; and that (I assume) was in the book anyway; so... meh.

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The eagles played multiple roles in the book to be hones and legolas defying physics made me wtf too

Yeah. It's hard to know what to think. I mean, they did add Legolas to the story when he wasn't in the book at all; so it wouldn't have been as much of a stretch to say "That's just stupid" and cut the eagles out of the film. I still can't really blame Jackson for keeping them in though. It's just something I really despise about what is otherwise my favourite series of films ever.


And yeah, seriously! Legolas would need the jumping strength of like 50 kangaroos to get enough energy to jump that high from a small block of stone falling in mid air! xD The best he could really feasably manage would be to decelerate his own fall.

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Yeah. It's hard to know what to think. I mean, they did add Legolas to the story when he wasn't in the book at all; so it wouldn't have been as much of a stretch to say "That's just stupid" and cut the eagles out of the film. I still can't really blame Jackson for keeping them in though. It's just something I really despise about what is otherwise my favourite series of films ever.


And yeah, seriously! Legolas would need the jumping strength of like 50 kangaroos to get enough energy to jump that high from a small block of stone falling in mid air! xD The best he could really feasably manage would be to decelerate his own fall.

Just about everyone in the theater starting laughing when that scene happened. It was so stupid looking

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  • 2 weeks later...

Legolas= physics defying elf


Yeahh. I went to see with a friend, and he was like 'wtf, there's nothing holding it up' xD  (the fallen over tower, he and the orc were fighting on).  It was like just floating in midair haha.


But it's okay, cause Legolas is cool ;p he can do anything~

I gotta say... I was captivated by the Elf King the whole time. I loved the majestic and elegant way he looked...  would so want a poster of him.  He'd be the only male character allowed on my wall, haha.. along with Legolas.


Overall.. I enjoyed the movie even if it seemed bit unbelievable. I didn't read the book though? (Unless reading The Hobbit counts.. but that was so long ago, I remember it just being about Smog).  

So when I went into the movie, I thought the whole movie was going to be about killing Smog, and he ended up dying in the first few minutes in, lol.

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