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Fuwanovel formula


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After months of hard work, in depth studies, thousands of pages of quantum physics mixed together with thermodynamic, numerical calculus, and pedobear variables.

This was the work of a thousand men working together for science.


We finally found an exact formula for fuwanovel !


d08044b3aa0bb81583c4cef41062fdb5.pngP : is the probability that something announced will be done. from R4 -> [0,1]

t : is time in [months]

diff : is the projects difficulty ratio, in [ruppies]

Rl : is the real life factor, it is a variable of time, temperature and cosmic ray exposure. The studies on this variable are still going on, he hope that we can figure this one out soon enough, but we are facing issues with the quantic tunnel effect of particules jumping from states to others whilst not having enough energy to get out of the potential pit. I.S unit.

n : no idea what this is, but it holds the forumula together ! Very important, no unit.

k : Staff factor, uncontrolable and very arbitrary, be sure to check the value before every iteration, [W/m.A]

F : the universal Fuwa constant  F=3,5383773....

w : pulsation in [months-1]


If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

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I realise that donating "money" is traditional but can I instead donate spare buttons and candy bar wrappers?


Depends if you also cover the dentist exenses added to the psychologic help for our workers stressed out by an overwhelming amount of unsewed buttons.

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Depends if you also cover the dentist exenses added to the psycologic help for our workers stressed out by an overwhelming amount of unsewed buttons.

Psychological help, you say? -Puts on a bald cap and fancy old-timey glasses.-


The Doctor is in.

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Le right part (with Le phi) is the density of probability that a project of that difficulty can eventually be achieved in a galilean referential. 

It doesn't take in account fuwanovel, the disturbance in the force as well as the universe's instability.

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Some fun facts:


*This formula doesn't converge if the time of the project is less than a month, so we should assume that any given project will take at least a month.

*The phi(diff) term insures that the probability of completing a project is never zero. For simplicity's sake we can probably asssume phi(diff) = 0 for most values of difficulty.

*In that case, the oscilating term of the formula makes it so that there are regularly times where you can't possibly complete your project, no matter what you do.

*Also this probability decreases slightly faster than exponentially so you better get your thing done fast...

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Some fun facts:


*This formula doesn't converge if the time of the project is less than a month, so we should assume that any given project will take at least a month.

*The phi(diff) term insures that the probability of completing a project is never zero. For simplicity's sake we can probably asssume phi(diff) = 0 for most values of difficulty.

*In that case, the oscilating term of the formula makes it so that there are regularly times where you can't possibly complete your project, no matter what you do.

*Also this probability decreases slightly faster than exponentially so you better get your thing done fast...


Holy shit, I didn't think someone would actually notice all this xD


I'll add that the cosinus is a model of the periodicity of the forum's activy.

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  • 4 months later...

Have you ever wondered if you could prepare yourself for incoming drama ? Want to sneakily prepare your butt for it not to hurt too much before the storm strikes ?


Fear no more ! A group of specialists which I am a part of have studied the patterns thoughtfully and came to a stunning conclusion.


We have managed to create a model of the drama fluctuation on fuwanovel. Here is the function we believe is the most representative.



D is the drama funtion, the higher it is, the bigger the drama. It is dependent on the time.


A : Fuwa's nervousness factor, we believe it is close to 0.25. Further experimentation may cause modifications.

B : Fuwa's inconcistence factor. Value : 0.3.

C : This depends on the percentage of people who woke up using their right foot, times 10. Value : 5.4 (which is an average made on 100 days).

k1 : You want this < 0.2, we believe it's around 0.1. Representing the activity of the older members

k2 : too hard to explain, figure this one out yourselves

P(t) : random function. Since our models can't exactly predict (+/- 0.5 s difference) the reality, this fills the gap, which means the function is now perfect.


And of course, earth temperature, n, the amount of people who facepalmed when read the ending of Naruto, and the rating I will have at this last economy test all enter into account in a way or an other.



Graphical representation of the function in 20 days.

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