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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Inb4 the passive skill is actually 'auto turn off grills'



Could be, probably didn't help that I reallocated all of my points from charisma to everything else.



Trust me, 1 out of 3 doesn't cut it.  I may not be confident or attractive, but I can damn well be interesting.  That's yet to produce results, though  :/

How do you know you're interesting, at least in the way that'd help your cause?

I mean, my grandma tells me I'm handsome but somehow I feel she might be biased. :makina:

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How do you know you're interesting, at least in the way that'd help your cause?

I never said how I was interesting  :P  I'm most definitely not interesting if by interesting you mean alluring, I'm more interesting in terms of, "WTF is that guy saying?" or "Man, that dude's weird".

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Confession: Oh yeah? I am literally the definition of humble. If you google "humble" you get my username. results may vary


Confession: I am actually a physical manifestation of the word humble. People bow before my humbality. (#AlsoAMasterofMorphologicalDerivation)

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Confession: I am actually a physical manifestation of the word humble. People bow before my humbality. (#AlsoAMasterofMorphologicalDerivation)

I think you dropped this


humilityノ( ゜-゜ノ)


No need to thank me, I'm just literally the intangible concept of humility sitting in front of a computer, doing its job.

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I think you dropped this


humilityノ( ゜-゜ノ)


No need to thank me, I'm just literally the concept of humility sitting in front of a computer, doing its job.


Oh no, don't worry... I was just showing the world my superb abilities that I had procured from my top notch Linguistics classes. A man as humble as I will gladly grace people with new words that they can take into the world and use at their own volition.

As the physical manifestation of the word "humble" it is only right that I do this, to show you just how humble I am.


Confession: inb4 all of this gets deleted for derailing.


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Oh no, don't worry... I was just showing the world my superb abilities that I had procured from my top notch Linguistics classes. A man as humble as I will gladly grace people with new words that they can take into the world and use at their own volition.

As the physical manifestation of the word "humble" it is only right that I do this, to show you just how humble I am.


Confession: inb4 all of this gets deleted for derailing.


Oh, your physical manifestation of the word "humble" is definitely more humble than my intangible concept of humility. (I'm being humble, by the way :makina:)


We are still confessing, in a thread about confessions, in the coliseum of chatter, we'll be fine!

I was honestly tempted to hide all of our posts immediately after posting this


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Confession: I have many vices, but the one I'll admit to today is eating frozen corn and peas straight from the bag.  Dunno why, but I've always loved frozen corn and peas better than thawed frozen corn and peas, and I will occasionally eat entire bags by myself in under an hour.  My mom usually buys 2 of 'em so in case I eat one she can still use another.  My self-control goes out the window when it comes to frozen vegetables :vinty:

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Confession: I have many vices, but the one I'll admit to today is eating frozen corn and peas straight from the bag.  Dunno why, but I've always loved frozen corn and peas better than thawed frozen corn and peas, and I will occasionally eat entire bags by myself in under an hour.  My mom usually buys 2 of 'em so in case I eat one she can still use another.  My self-control goes out the window when it comes to frozen vegetables :vinty:

I guess when they're frozen its similar to crunching/eating ice which I can relate to. 

Eating ice is kinda nice, just ice with maybe a bit of syrup or something. Shaved Ice basically. 

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I don't get it. I spend a lot of time with girls as well, but I never level up with them.

I-Is this the 'automatic friendzone' passive skill!?


According to r/relationships there is no such thing as the friendzone  :sachi:



Tfw girls tell you that you look great but none falls for you


Tfw the girl you confessed to and who rejected you says you look great and deserve to get a nice, good looking girlfriend

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