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Has your technology but well worth your purchase?


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It goes without saying they just keep getting outdated and go on sale every 6 months.


For me I bet I don't even use more than 10% of the potentiality of all the gadgets I've purchased recently (New speaker system, new Wacom drawing tablet, new smartphone, new flatscreen LED TV, new PC Tablet etc.). My life and needs are extremely simple. It's like giving someone a Porsche who only drives 4 miles back and forth to work everyday and never goes anywhere else. Yet, I don't know why but I just like owning them and seeing the shiny new boxes they come in. It's extremely gratifying to see a new product and smelling it right out of the box. I used to collect the boxes that my PC games came in for years and display them in plastic covers.


In the end, I wouldn't say I feel empty. I would say I could better use that money to the fullest elsewhere. I used to think jumping different bars and drinking were a waste of time and money; but thinking back it was really enjoyable seeing the different sites, tasting different food and alcohol and meeting random strangers in life. My room used to be empty because I carried everything with me. 

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I have a cousin whose mode of operation is to stay three years behind on the phone releases. Because really all the new stuff is quite unnecessary, and not even that much more useful than the older stuff, it really works for her. Every time she upgrades, things feel so much newer to her, but she barely pays anything because everyone else thinks it's old news. But it's new to her.  I think that mindset is really good when dealing with technology. Simplify, step back, and just enjoy what you have. Don't worry too much about all those weird new things you could have but probably would never use. It's advice I think all of us can use ^^ (except those that actually use all of their gadgets to the maximum, but I dont know anyone who actually does that)


A more pertinent response to your question would be that I feel similarly to you. I dont have too many gadgets, but I definitely know where you're coming from and exactly the reason why I think tablets are a horrible idea (at least for me)

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My Samsung Galaxy SII is probably the best investment in technology I've made in my life. I had no tech whatsoever before I entered college (well, except a pay-as-you-go emergency cellphone and a pretty ancient PC that ran single core < 1ghz w/ no dedicated video card ) so yeah you can imagine how fascinated I was with all of a smartphone's capabilities :P.

My phone has served me well. Sure, it's outdated when compared to the current Samsung Galaxy SXXVIII or whatever that's out right now, but it still serves its purpose just fine~

You like them packagings huh :P. I had a friend who also enjoyed doing unboxes as well. But he would return the merchandise after he's had his fun. (He once bought a friggen' laser projection keyboard for $170 or something. Man, the things technology can do xD).



Too young to do the bar hopping and drinking with strangers but I have drank with some close friends and agree it's a very enjoyable social activity (though my alcohol tolerance is shit (aka vomit after 2 shots) so I don't think I'll drink again anytime soon.)

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Before I lived in my current studio apartment, I lived in a two bed, two bath apartment and I left all but two rooms completely empty.  Originally I was going to rent it with a friend, but he backed out at the last second, and I didn't have any other options.  When the landlord came by, he asked me why I did that.  I didn't own enough stuff to justify putting anything into those rooms.  Less than a month later he helped me move to a studio apartment across town, where the rent was a quarter of what I was paying, and ended up being much closer to where I work.


I own a bed, a chest of drawers, an upright piano (my pride and joy) and my desk that doubles as my bookshelf, TV stand, kitchen table, and periodically something to play mahjong on.


I tend to keep my computer relatively up to date, since I use it for virtually everything, but I can't say the same for everything else.


Also, I don't have a social life.  Save for the acquaintance that screwed me over, I rarely talk to people outside of the internet.  Never been to a bar, though I drink at home when the mood strikes me.

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I rarely buy technological devices (I started high school last year, after all) and to be honest besides the steaming pile of bullshit that is my Blackberry and my wonderful laptop (which is about 50% of my daily life) I do not have many electronics I use on a daily basis. My 3DS could (and should) have been my go-to console, but I don't want Nintendo to rape my wallet every time I want to buy a game since one cannot buy many 3DS games when they're roughly 70$ a pop and you're buying them solely off of allowance so I'm just waiting for a good GBA emulator to be released for the 3DS. After that, yo-ho a pirate's life for me.

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I only purchase new toys once I already have the need for them. I just think that buying the latest and greatest technology just because I *might* eventually have a use for it is overkill. I can understand why people get a kick out of just buying new stuff though.. I guess

The last thing I bought was a WiiU, and I haven't even turned it on since the week I bought it. I learned my lesson after that. My speaker system is probably 10 years old and still produces a crystal clear sound so that's an example of how I adore old technology that still serves its purpose.

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Depends on your needs. I use some compute intensive software on a daily basis, fast and reliable hardware saves time and trouble. I don't upgrade every year or every time a new product comes out though, gotta do a simple CBA first, I'm still using a SNB quad core on my mobile workstation, the 14% faster 47mq won't justify the price.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Processor Intel® Core i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz Manufacturer Intel Speed 2.5 GHz Number of Cores 8 Video Card 1 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M Manufacturer NVIDIA Chipset GeForce GTX 860M Dedicated Memory 2.0 GB Total Memory 3.9 GB Video Card 2 Intel® HD Graphics 4600 Manufacturer Intel Chipset Intel® HD Graphics 4600 Dedicated Memory 32 MB Total Memory 1.8 GB Memory 8.1 GB Operating System Microsoft Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit Service Pack 0 Size 64 Bit Edition Basic Display Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080 DVD MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ8E2 S CD MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ8E2 S Drive   Size 910.4 GB Free

772.8 GB



 paid 1400 for this laptop

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Processor Intel® Core i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz Manufacturer Intel Speed 2.5 GHz Number of Cores 8 Video Card 1 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M Manufacturer NVIDIA Chipset GeForce GTX 860M Dedicated Memory 2.0 GB Total Memory 3.9 GB Video Card 2 Intel® HD Graphics 4600 Manufacturer Intel Chipset Intel® HD Graphics 4600 Dedicated Memory 32 MB Total Memory 1.8 GB Memory 8.1 GB Operating System Microsoft Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit Service Pack 0 Size 64 Bit Edition Basic Display Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080 DVD MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ8E2 S CD MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ8E2 S Drive   Size 910.4 GB Free

772.8 GB



 paid 1400 for this laptop


Sorry to say but you paid too much for your laptop in my opinion. But I guess laptops are more expensive. I am also a desktop fan. For 1400$ I could buy parts for my computer and die happy. But I hope you are pleased and it works well. 

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its a gaming laptop Silver I have a gaming desktop that i built thats worth about 3 grand

Just a question. Why buy an expensive gaming laptop when you already got a good desktop? :) Aren't the laptop just a substitute you are using when you travel or something. Yes I know if it is annoying to move a desktop to a friend's house.


I prefer a desktop but for someone who always have to move and travel, laptops are the way to go. That being said, I went for the laptop.

So far I think buying the Lumia 625 was a bad choice. I feel that I should have gone for the Lumia 1520.

Of course laptops are superior in the flexibility area. I just feel cramped when I am using one. But I hate touchpad and such. Horrible and no free movement.

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Just a question. Why buy an expensive gaming laptop when you already got a good desktop? :) Aren't the laptop just a substitute you are using when you travel or something. Yes I know if it is annoying to move a desktop to a friend's house.


Of course laptops are superior in the flexibility area. I just feel cramped when I am using one. But I hate touchpad and such. Horrible and no free movement.

I agree about the touchpad. I always use a mouse, unless I'm using a touch screen laptop/convertible

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Just a question. Why buy an expensive gaming laptop when you already got a good desktop? :) Aren't the laptop just a substitute you are using when you travel or something. Yes I know if it is annoying to move a desktop to a friend's house.


Of course laptops are superior in the flexibility area. I just feel cramped when I am using one. But I hate touchpad and such. Horrible and no free movement.


1. Because people have the $$$ to do it and like portability. The MSI Ghost 60 is a sexy 15.6" laptop that boasts Nvidia's newer Maxwell 860m gpu and is under 1" thick weighing only 1.96kg (4.32 lbs.)


but yeah a good desktop only costs a fraction of the price :D


2. Omg yes. If I forget my wireless mouse when I'm bring my laptop to places, I cry. Loudly. 



I think touchscreens are nice for the 2-in-1 laptop-tablet-hybrid thingies.

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I have a cousin whose mode of operation is to stay three years behind on the phone releases. Because really all the new stuff is quite unnecessary, and not even that much more useful than the older stuff, it really works for her.

If you have an iPhone, there's even less of a reason to upgrade  :/  It's pretty much the same hardware (I've checked this, they basically marginally upgrade the specs every release, so it's really not worth the price), but nobody cares because everyone is obsessed with getting the latest Apple product.  They make a killing simply because of just how much they mark up the individual parts.  A new iPhone 6 costs $649 dollars new, but it costs just $200.10 to produce, and the 6 Plus, which costs $749 new, costs $215.60 to produce.  Granted, that is without a contract, but still, it's so dumb.  And people wonder why I hate Apple...  (My iPod was a gift, and it's the only MP3 player I have...)


Never understood why everyone is so obsessed with getting the newest smartphone (I don't even have a smartphone  lol).  It's hilarious, people like me are called geeks and nerds for knowing how the internet works and building our own computers, but the people calling us those names are so obsessed with their smartphones they'd probably sell their souls just to get the newest model.

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