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Mahouka Discussion


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MAL reviews aren't reliable in the first place... the more people in general like something, the more the ones who want to pose as connoisseurs of anime will bash them.  Mahouka gives me hope for the fantasy and science fantasy genres, because it managed to escape the usual crap that plague gakuen-related action/fantasy. 




Tropes of gakuen fantasy:

1.  Mystic/esper/magic/gene-altered abilities are only known to a select few

2.  If the abilities are known to the general public, the story is primarily non-violent and slice-of-life focused

3.  If 2 doesn't apply, the violence tends to be primarily comical, with only occasional serious/straightforward combo (Example:. To Aru series)

4.  Protagonist is a non-entity or an idealist/pure good guy


I was so glad it didn't fall into any of the trap-tropes above.

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Did this show really turned out this well? I honestly backed out after the first two episodes were awful.


Well, for me it was really good. But I don't know what could be 'awful' for you D; for example, I think To Love Ru, SNK or SAO II are afwul, yet there are a lot of people that love it. What did you not like from the first two episodes? If it was Miyuki, she keeps being like that the entire series (?)

I would've loved a second season, but after a friend of mine spoiled me a lot of the light novel... I don't know :(

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The main character was extremely boring, the portrayal of the brother-sister relationship was weird and creepy, on top of a bunch of other stuff. It's been like half a year so I can't remember all the details. 


I didn't come in here just to shit on a show people enjoy. I'm just wondering if the show was known to have a bad start or something and if I should give it a second shot.

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From what I heard from the people who read the novels, this is just a fraction of the magnitude of events that happen later. This series had a huge chunk of it focusing on school matters and what comes after from what I was told will be more outside of school focused, I'm assuming this means more battles and of course more Tatsuya being god-like.

If this gets a 2nd season, I'll gladly watch it.


Great ending as I was expecting, this series really did not disappoint in delivering an interesting world, characters and a story (that has yet to be fully explored). 

I hope they go deeper into it in a possible 2nd season.


The point is, if i ever were to go gay, it'd be for Tatsuya.

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I watched this Anime yesterday and I wanted to share my opinion about it.


(Spoiler free)


I think that this anime is best of summer season, it has a great futuristic settings with mix of supernatural/fantasy elements that is magic, story is very great and it has some very sweet romance moments. If you are a fun of Action X Romance genre  I think you should give it a try and if you also like bro X sis romance you should definitely give it a try. Also rather then classical flashy action it has more of a strategic action, or to be more precise it has mix of flashy action and interesting strategies. It also has very nice character development.


Here is a plot for those who didn't hear about this Anime yet:


Magic—A century has passed since this concept has been recognized as a formal technology instead of the product of the occult or folklore.

The season is spring and it is time for a brand new school year.
At the National Magic University First Affiliate High School, A.K.A Magic High School, students are divided into two distinct groups according to their academic performances. The "Bloom," who demonstrate the highest grades and are enrolled in the "First Course," and the "Weed," who have a poor academic record and are enrolled in the "Second Course."

This spring, a very peculiar brother and sister enroll as new students.

The brother is an under achiever with some deficiencies and enrolls as a "Weed," while his younger sister is an honor student, who enrolls as a "Bloom."

The brother, with a somewhat philosophical expression, and the younger sister who holds feelings a little stronger than sibling love for him...

Ever since these two have entered through the gates of this prestigious school, the calm campus was beginning to change...

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