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Anagram Trivia Month - One Final Farewell!


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As many of you are aware, the issues surrounding YouTube and the copyright fiasco have caused me a great deal of pain and disappointment. While it has set me back and caused me to lose something I had always enjoyed doing, it does not in anyway mean I am down and out because of it. Thanks to the continued support of the community, I have found a way to let bygones be bygones and work around the channel issues by creating a new account that still uses my old Google information. I am currently working on fixing that by uploading the videos which are usable from my old account and transferring them over. In the meantime, I have also saved all of the old recordings in case a day comes when I will be allowed to do a "Let's Play" once more.


In the meantime, I wanted to go out with a bang, and there is only one way I know how to to do that in this community: make it a project.


Introducing OriginalRen's Visual Novel Anagram Game!

A step back in time to relive some of the most memorable moments




The Winners!


1. suikashoujo


The Rules -

  • There are a total of 9 anagrams to solve. If you know the answer to any or all of them, send a PM to me. As with the visual novel trivia month, an answer will only be accepted 1 time - changing an answer is not allowed once it has been submitted.
  • The winner of the competition will be the 1st person to successfully guess all 9 of the anagrams on their 1st attempt. As opposed to most contests however, there will be a total of 2 winners this time around.
  • This event will not be timed. The 1st players to guess the answers will win the game.
  • If you don't know what an anagram is, feel free to ask!


Reminder - Do not post answers in this thread!


The Prize -


This time around, the winners of the anagram game will receive something very special:


A custom order as part of my visual novel mailing service. Choose any visual novel you wish to own (within reason), and all of the hassle and shipping costs will be paid for by yours truly.


2 lucky winners will receive this prize, so make it count.


With all that being said, let the games begin!




Thank you again to everyone who followed my streams and made the last 6 months of playing visual novels an experience in and of itself. Good luck everyone!

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Oh god, another bloody one. 

I have no idea how a human being could possibly solve an anagram, but I've been told it's not as hard as I make it out to be.

It's certainly much easier if you have at least a vague idea of what kind of words you're looking for. Just start thinking of words that you might be able to find, and then try to find them in one of the anagrams. And if you do chances are rather high that that word is correct.

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Are these all the title to Vns?

Nope. Well, at least one of them isn't, since I've only solved two questions myself.



As much as I like to get Chuuning Lover, anagram is too hard for me. Well, congrats for suikashoujo and good luck for anyone else who's trying to solve this You can give your prize to me if you only do this for the fun  :ph34r: 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still amazed that I managed to get them all. Motivation does some crazy things for me, like making me comb through forums and old streams for hours on end to find 9 anagrams. Seriously, it's a good thing I had no other plans the day I did it.

Also, looking at these anagrams again made me realize that I forgot the answers. If I forgot them after only a month or two, then they really WERE hard.

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Here are the answers for the anagram trivia month! Thanks again to everyone that participated. The thread will now be locked.




1. Nursery Rhyme

2. Mina's Orca

3. Concierge Bell

4. Rio Inamura

5. Lump of Sugar

6. Hentai Senpai

7. Yin Yang Bureau

8. Shirakusa Sisters

9. Cocoro Function Navigator


Once again, congratulations suikashoujo!

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