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is Dracu-Riot translated?

Dark Ariel7

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I'd just like a translation of Dracu-riot, period.  Friggin' Insem.  He did most of the TL and refuses to give his work to someone else to finish or to even release his current work as-is because, and I quote, "Releasing the patch does not benefit me in any way AND takes up my valuable time. Therefore, it's better not to release."  And he wonders why people hate him.


Sources: Insem's Twitter post

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But everyone saw that, people were questioning wether or not that information was true, anyone can edit that and put 80+% complete, and we can't know wether or not it's legit because there's no partials or information from Insem.

So all we can do is literally wait.


Well at least the website's back now which indicates everything's not dead so there's hope~

"The current progress on Dracu Riot is exactly as indicated on the project page. With the exception of Miu’s route, which is an insignificant ~200 lines in, the rest of the routes are complete."

- from a post by Insem on Staircase Subs, which also happens to be where to find the partial patch


Dunno, it seems like he's either refusing to release the rest, or was just BSing everyone about having TL'd all the routes except Miu's.

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"The current progress on Dracu Riot is exactly as indicated on the project page. With the exception of Miu’s route, which is an insignificant ~200 lines in, the rest of the routes are complete."

From a post by Insem on Staircase Subs, which also happens to be where to find the partial patch


Dunno, it seems like he's either refusing to release the rest, or was just BSing everyone about having TL'd all the routes except Miu's.

Like I said.. anyone can write that (not to mention that was written a year ago), but there's no proof of it, and since people know Insem for trolling a lot, or so it seems, hence why it is questioned so much, that's really what i boiled down to, wether or not Insem is trolling.


The website is offline for months and months and doesn't address the project. And I remember people asking Insem on twitter and he avoided the subject on purpose most of the time, granted people were really nagging him so I'm sure he had reasons.

And that is why there's so much drama surrounding the project.


I personally want to believe it's true but, again, there's no proof, let's just stay hopeful and wait.

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On one hand, we have a translator saying something, on the other hand we have a bunch of people sitting on the sidelines wildly speculating. Yeah, it's "not confirmed" that it isn't bullshit, just like how it's not confirmed that 2pac didn't fake his death or that nosebleed likes lolis. What if it's all a ruse? Someone hand me my tinfoil hat.


It seems like someone other than Insem was working on Dracu Riot for Staircase in some capacity and then just recently somehow lost a lot of progress that they've made. At least, that's what I got out of the email insem posted to twitter a week or two ago. The project is cursed, it's never getting finished.

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It seems like someone other than Insem was working on Dracu Riot for Staircase in some capacity and then just recently somehow lost a lot of progress that they've made. At least, that's what I got out of the email insem posted to twitter a week or two ago. The project is cursed, it's never getting finished.

Yeah, I saw that too.  Apparently Insem refused to give him what he's supposedly already TL'd, and then the guy who had asked for it started from scratch before somehow losing everything he'd done so far.

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I never get why people refuse to hand off their work to other people. If you are not gonna finish it why not let another finish it?

Well, he said he likes to troll multiple times on Twitter, so I guess he just really enjoys being a dick.  That's my understanding of it, at least if he's actually translated everything except Miu's route.

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Well, he said he likes to troll multiple times on Twitter, so I guess he just really enjoys being a dick.  That's my understanding of it, at least if he's actually translated everything except Miu's route.

people seem to do this a lot though. they guys from Majikoi did the same thing. They were 85% done with one of the 2 last routes but did not give their work to the guy currently finishing it. 

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Well, I guess now is the time to post what I have been up to in my spare time. A friend and I have been translating Miu's lines at a very slow pace for the sake of reading it. It has been translated and edited, and we have completed around 6000 or so lines (about 60% of the route). I am not going to promise it will get finished anytime soon, seeing as it's just for fun and something I felt like doing when we had some spare time, but if it does get done by the end of the year I will let you know and share it with everyone.


Keep in mind I have no idea how to patch these lines into the game.

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Well, I guess now is the time to post in here what I have been up to in my spare time. A friend and I have been translating Miu's lines at a very slow pace just for the sake of reading it. It has been translated and edited by both of us, where we have completed 6000 or so lines (about 60% of the route). I am not going to promise it will get finished seeing as it's just for fun and something I felt like doing when we had some spare time, but if it does get done by the end of the year or even during the time I am in Japan considering the person I work with lives there, I will let you know and share it.


Keep in mind I have no idea how to patch these lines into the game...

Ren, I think I love you.  Even though you're not making any promises about giving us a translated Miu's route, just the fact that you're trying is enough.

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