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So, what did everyone think about today?

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Today I thought about how wrongly I have been living my life as how I don't workout, I don't learn anything except what I learn at school (and forget next) 

then I decided to continue my life that way I have been living ..... because it is easier

Also I thought that I liked Euphoria's plot and that I should read it.

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I though a lot about Welcome to the NHK, particularly why I don't like Misaki and about ethics related to suicide.

Some NHK spoilers:

I'm still not sure exactly why I don't like her so much, but I've found a few possible reasons. Initially I thought maybe it was because there would most likely never be a girl like that in my life, but then I realized that not only will there never be, say, a Kud in my life and I don't dislike her for that, but also that Misaki didn't actually save Satou. In fact, if she hadn't brought him food all the time when his parents started sending him less money, he would have stopped being a hikikomori that much sooner. That led me to realize that the kind of relationship she wanted to have with Satou was basically an abusive relationship, where she makes him falsely think that he can't live without her and so can't leave her, and if he realizes that he can live without her she can just reverse it and say that she can't live without her and that she'll kill herself if he leaves her.


Which brings me to suicide. I've always been of the opinion that if someone in their right mind wants to commit suicide, nobody has the right to stop them. Try to convince them otherwise? Sure. But not physically preventing them from doing so. In a perfect world perhaps you could go to a clinic, request a lethal injection, take a test to make sure you're not high or insane, sign a bunch of forms, have to wait, say, a few days just to have some time to change your mind, and then have a clean and painless death. So what about people who pretend to want to commit suicide for attention? The way I figure the reason they can get attention for doing something stupid like that is because people are afraid they will actually do it. If we lived in a world where nobody committed suicide, the people who pretend to want to do it for attention wouldn't get any, so in a sense people who fake it are abusing whatever misfortunes caused other to commit suicide (and I realize that that's a little bit of a leap, but that's how I feel). Basically, I feel that pretending to want to commit suicide is a pretty terrible thing to do, and it seems to me Misaki did just that. I'm not an expert on suicide, but I'm pretty sure if you know what you're doing and you lock the bathroom door or something it's pretty unlikely you'll survive after cutting your wrist. Not only that, Misaki left a note basically telling Satou where to go to save her, and she took her sweet time once she was there. If she had actually wanted to die, she would have fallen sooner or more quickly, not giving Satou a chance to save her. And even if she had jumped, I think she knew there was a net there.

So yeah, I think that's why I dislike Misaki. I still very much enjoyed the show, though.

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I though a lot about Welcome to the NHK, particularly why I don't like Misaki and about ethics related to suicide.

Some NHK spoilers:

I'm still not sure exactly why I don't like her so much, but I've found a few possible reasons. Initially I thought maybe it was because there would most likely never be a girl like that in my life, but then I realized that not only will there never be, say, a Kud in my life and I don't dislike her for that, but also that Misaki didn't actually save Satou. In fact, if she hadn't brought him food all the time when his parents started sending him less money, he would have stopped being a hikikomori that much sooner. That led me to realize that the kind of relationship she wanted to have with Satou was basically an abusive relationship, where she makes him falsely think that he can't live without her and so can't leave her, and if he realizes that he can live without her she can just reverse it and say that she can't live without her and that she'll kill herself if he leaves her.


Which brings me to suicide. I've always been of the opinion that if someone in their right mind wants to commit suicide, nobody has the right to stop them. Try to convince them otherwise? Sure. But not physically preventing them from doing so. In a perfect world perhaps you could go to a clinic, request a lethal injection, take a test to make sure you're not high or insane, sign a bunch of forms, have to wait, say, a few days just to have some time to change your mind, and then have a clean and painless death. So what about people who pretend to want to commit suicide for attention? The way I figure the reason they can get attention for doing something stupid like that is because people are afraid they will actually do it. If we lived in a world where nobody committed suicide, the people who pretend to want to do it for attention wouldn't get any, so in a sense people who fake it are abusing whatever misfortunes caused other to commit suicide (and I realize that that's a little bit of a leap, but that's how I feel). Basically, I feel that pretending to want to commit suicide is a pretty terrible thing to do, and it seems to me Misaki did just that. I'm not an expert on suicide, but I'm pretty sure if you know what you're doing and you lock the bathroom door or something it's pretty unlikely you'll survive after cutting your wrist. Not only that, Misaki left a note basically telling Satou where to go to save her, and she took her sweet time once she was there. If she had actually wanted to die, she would have fallen sooner or more quickly, not giving Satou a chance to save her. And even if she had jumped, I think she knew there was a net there.

So yeah, I think that's why I dislike Misaki. I still very much enjoyed the show, though.

I remember watching NHK a long time ago (been years).. but from what I can recall, I actually did not hate Misaki but sort of liked/related to her in a way. If anything it was Satou that annoyed me more. But maybe I'll have to watch it again to really remember how I felt. I know I cried a lot in the end though.


If I recall correctly, the sense I got in the end was that.. she was suicidal, but part of her was afraid to die or wasn't entirely sure. Her giving Satou a chance to save her was part of her cry for help. If he hadn't come, I think there's a high chance she actually would have gone through with it.


I think in her mind, part of him 'needing' her made her own life more meaningful. When that crutch was no longer there, she probably went back into a pit of despair. I can see how that may be awful in her 'using' him, but in her mind.. I don't think she was intentionally trying to hurt him.


But yeah... I probably should try watching it again some time xD



Oh, and I thought about how cool Erza in Fairy Tail was  B)

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I remember watching NHK a long time ago (been years).. but from what I can recall, I actually did not hate Misaki but sort of liked/related to her in a way. If anything it was Satou that annoyed me more. But maybe I'll have to watch it again to really remember how I felt. I know I cried a lot in the end though.


If I recall correctly, the sense I got in the end was that.. she was suicidal, but part of her was afraid to die or wasn't entirely sure. Her giving Satou a chance to save her was part of her cry for help. If he hadn't come, I think there's a high chance she actually would have gone through with it.


I think in her mind, part of him 'needing' her made her own life more meaningful. When that crutch was no longer there, she probably went back into a pit of despair. I can see how that may be awful in her 'using' him, but in her mind.. I don't think she was intentionally trying to hurt him.


But yeah... I probably should try watching it again some time xD



Oh, and I thought about how cool Erza in Fairy Tail was   B)

I guess I can see that, but the problem is that I didn't think about it and then realize that she's a bad person, I just really disliked her while watching and then had to think about why that might be. :P


Butter is always the best kind.

Lies, lots of salt and no butter FTW

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