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Fuwanovel Podcast (Fuwacast) Official Thread


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That sounds like it's focused on OELVNs (VNs originally released in English).  If it's not, you should reword that title.


I wasn't sure what title to put for this episode. The original idea was Rooke's, so if you guys have a more solid title for it, let me know.

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Just finished listening to Episode 3.


It was kind of creepy to be honest. If the goal is to make visual novels more appealing in the west this podcast may have the reverse effect on a person who doesn't know anything about visual novels.


I guess there are some aspects of visual novels, sexual content, forbidden love themes, etc. that make explaining what one's preferences are in a visual novel a bit creepy. It kind of felt like a podcast where multiple men describe what their porn preferences are.


NPR's This American Life handles some difficult and controversial topics on their podcast all the time. I think what helps make it more available to mainstream audiences is that they give a disclaimer before doing a deep dive about what content may be offensive, or they warn you that if you have kids listening to be aware of if the podcast contains swear words, drug usage, etc.


It might be an idea to put a similar disclaimer in the podcast just in case. Another suggestion would be to include a female member in each podcast.

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I'm sort of wondering if people will find my gravelly voice difficult to listen too when I eventually do the podcast. There's no way in hell I'm listening to the whole thing. I couldn't stand to hear my own voice.

I know how you feel, I can't stand listening to my voice either. But other people say it's fine, so don't worry.

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OK I'm about 80% thru Episode 5. Some interesting discussion about the game.


One pet peeve was the consuming of food (chips?), dog barking and heavy breathing sporadically throughout the podcast. If you are hungry, eat beforehand or at least mute your mic while you are eating. The dog barks could also be edited out post-recording or close the door? I'm probably going to get flamed for being too critical but I really think these things could be fixed easily and make the overall podcast much better.

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Hey everyone,


The other day, I received a private message that I would like to share with the Fuwanovel community. I think this particular message brought up some valid points that I have been noticing people are confused about when it comes to the podcast, and I thought it would be best to address them. Hopefully this will help clear some stuff up for those that feel there are still some unanswered questions. At the end of this post, I will also be hosting a new idea for the podcast coming after episode 10. I would love some feedback on this idea and see if it will liven up the excitement so it isn't always the same formula each and every time.


Anyways, here are the points that were brought up in the PM and my responses to them:


1. The guests: I believe leaving the guests come and go so freely might not be a good idea. I wouldn't like to bring forth any examples, but on more than one occasion a guest has come forth not really answering much. I think you might wanna put a few restrictions as to who can participate and who can't. An example would be like a)only senior members allowed, B) state 3 reasons why you wanna join this episode. Those two sound a little harsh, but I suppose you can come up with better ones.


A: While I do understand that there are guests in the podcast episodes that don't have as much to say, I feel this point is a drawing a fine line for the community and not allowing everyone to participate. One of the major points I want to reflect on from this suggestion is that in all reality, getting volunteers for episodes is already hard enough. I do my best to advertise for those episodes and try to keep each of the episodes varied (one with a specific visual novel/anime topic and another with a more open ended opinion question), however the lack of volunteers is just what it is: a lack of volunteers. Limiting the restrictions on who is allowed to join would not only make some people feel left out, but also make it very very hard to find volunteers, if any at all.


Still, I want to also know what the rest of the community thinks about this, since perhaps the problem itself lies in the fact the episodes aren't as appealing to many people. How can I make them more appealing? Is there a way I can motivate others to offer more suggestions? Let me know!


2. Preparing questions: I've already said this to you before, but i think it would be better if everyone knew the questions beforehand. Another good idea: ask your guests what questions they think would be better, if any should be removed; you can even ask them for any questions they might want to add. I think that would calm everybody down a little before the recording.


A: This point doesn't need to be touched on. I agree with this 100%. I have been somewhat lax when it comes to better preparation, and I have been focusing on improving that for future episodes. When a time is established, I will be sure to PM a list of all the questions to those in the episodes from here on out so they have time to prepare.


3. I noticed you at times seem to get a little off topic, no problem! Just ask a guest beforehand to warn you about it, so you don't lose track of things.


A: While I can't always argue this, the truth of the matter is that without that filler in some places, the time would not fit the bill of the podcast episode length. If I didn't play the "filler" role in certain instances, the conversations would die a lot sooner and the time would be cut drastically. Now, I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing, however would anyone be opposed to organizing the times of the recordings a little differently?


For example, have the length be a minimum of 45 minutes, but allow for that 15 minute extension if need be? I am open to ideas on this, so let me know.


4. Guest Interaction: What I think would be a wonderful idea to add to the format of the episode is if there could be a segment at the end were the guests could ask each other some questions about anything. That would be pretty interesting, especially when theirs more than one opinion clashing hard.


A: I am not opposed to this idea, however one thing I have noticed in many of the podcast episodes is that it tends to be too one sided on the "question - answer" track. What I mean by this is that I ask a question, and people answer; the formula does not change. What I want to encourage is more discussion among the members. If someone brings up a good point I want them to agree, expand on what the other people say, or hell, even argue against them in a friendly matter. This not only extends the time the guests are interacting with one another, but also directly correlates with point number 3 in that it would mean I would be talking less and letting the conversation guide itself. Perhaps I am not doing a good enough of job of driving this point home? I'm not sure, but if you have any suggestions regarding this as well, please let me know.


Anyways, that's it for the PM suggestions. Based on these ideas I wanted to suggest a new idea that may or may not work for the podcast, but it is something I wanted to try out if possible.


Alternative hosts for the episodes.


One thing I have noticed is that people love to volunteer for topics they enjoy talking about, and those who suggest topics want to see people talk about certain things they think would be interesting to hear people's opinions on. What if, as I said above, we change the host of the podcast for a few future episodes so new people get a chance to run the show? In essence, I would still be responsible for the recording and management of the episode, however the host and the person asking the questions would be different each time. Not only would this allow users to talk about the things THEY want to talk about, but also give everyone a chance to have a chance at hosting.


In short, this would be a great experiment and give me some great ideas to work off of in the future. Tay and Batman are obviously very different in style when it comes to hosting a podcast, and there are things I love about what they do in their respective episodes. I would love to see other people being in the spotlight and leading the charge!


But anyways, let me know what you think about all of this. I hope this post answers some of your questions and clears up a few loose ends.


PS -


It might be an idea to put a similar disclaimer in the podcast just in case. Another suggestion would be to include a female member in each podcast.


I wish females existed on the internet.

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