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Hi, I've been using fuwanovel since it was basically functional but never registered on forums... and now I felt like registering so I did just that smile.gif/>

I'm Steve, its my nickname and everyone calls me that, even friends I know in person. I'm 21 and from non-interesting part of Europe.

First thing to mention and reason why I didn't say "RL friends" is because my RL is basically in front of computer monitor (sometimes bellow ohmy.gif/>). I am basically NEET, I earn money on PC and I leave house like once a month (If I don't count going with trash or shopping across street) and once a year I meet with people on lanparty xD

Like already mentioned, lot of time I spent bellow computer monitor, because I have one in bed so I just tilt it to comfortable angle and do everything there, even work.

I actually bought this setup just because of visual novels, I used to have a bigger screen further away for watching movies but approximately year ago I watched my first anime Lucky Star, just out of curiosity (before that I though that all anime is like Naruto [ie. BAD, sorry but Naruto is terrible]). Then I tried one anime and got into it. And a while after I tried a visual novel, Planetarian. However the font was unreadable on the distance so I read it on chair and loved it, then I started little busters to like half of common but something was missing, it was the possibility to lay down and read xD So I got 5:4 screen with handle to bed. I didn't like the black bars I had on sides of VNs so I wanted to have the resolution they use, I don't mind black bars on bottom and top so that's why I chose that display. Mouse and keyboard wireless in bed for easy control.

So yeah, that's how I got into VNs and I read several of them already, my favorites are Little Busters and Hoshizora no Memoria, because of Kud and Mare (and Chinami of course). Also the second vocaloid VN Rin ga Utau was so awesome, the Rin story. And I can use this as transition to my favorite genres and heroine types, because as you can see, I have a thing for lolis or loli-like pettanko heroines. Those 2 traits are my favorite for heroine look. As for personality, I don't think I have a specific fav trait there, even from anime and such I like tsunderes, but more like the modern tsunderes, however in game it helps if she is shy too, something like Mare from hoshimemo. Well basically moments that make her blush, those are the best.

I like good endings but drama and tear jerkers so basically Nakige all the way, or some light romance comedies like My girlfriend is the president.

As for nukiges and sexual content based games, again I like lolis, I often play those in japanese even though I don't know japanese. I usually download 100% CG and replay the h-scenes. Some realtime 3d found a way to my heart as well.

You can check my votes here: http://vndb.org/u22877/votes (I only recently voted on the sexual ones so there might be some I missed)

If it has English translation then I've read it, if it doesn't then I've only played the ero content so the vote is purely based on the quality of h-scenes. In those games with stories the rating is mostly based on quality of story.

I like what I like and I respect people for liking what they like so I hope nobody here will stone me for loli love.

One thing I might add is that I am passively learning Japanese, what I mean by passively is that I learn as I watch, read, chat. I played pso2 for a while so I got a bit of reading there. I can read kana and few kanji but like I said, I'm not actively going for some learning sessions, those are too expensive here. This is the way I learned English, from movies, TV series, games and overall communication on the internet and in games, It took me like 8 years to get to this level (and I believe I am quite good at it now given that I didn't take any lessons) so I expect Japanese to take me probably little longer without active studying, but I don't rush anywhere.

PS: I have a teamspek server dedicated to VNs, lolis and some anime, we usually only use server chat but sometimes we go to rooms and use voice too. IP is if you want, not much people there (like 5 or 6 usually during europe evening) Ask me or Luch for "Dorj" rank to get rights to chat and move. I usually repost articles from VN aer, summ up translation progress for last week etc there and we also have some rooms for active VNs with pictures and link to fuwanovel (or other DL or torrent if its not on fuwanovel).

PSS: I tend to write TLDRs, be careful.

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Seems, alot like to lurk some before joining. That's okay :P

Omg yes, reading position is a great matter. I used alot of money on a armchair, which is very comfortable. I put my laptop on my lap and lean back. Put game on auto read, then I don't move a muscle for hours. Brilliant. Doubt I could read that many Vn's as I have without it.

Everyone has their tastes, though. I kinda dislike goro lol.

I learned english by 10 000's of hours of reading, tv, etc. Learning jap the same way is going to take some time. :P So I atleast decided to learn more seriously, going to take some time that too :D/>

(Yes, I read all of your wall of text lol.)

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Alrighty, welcome to the forum steve~

First of all, I really don't mind any long intros, I might actually say I prefer them, though my intro was pretty short. As a part of a VN community, it's a given that most of us likes reading anyway.

I've met and befriended a lot of people who like loli and/or is a lolicon, bot in internet and some in real life, so even though I wouldn't prefer them, I totally understand the reason to like them. And I'm pretty sure that the fanbase for loli is actually quite big, otherwise you wouldn't be seeing so much of them :lol:

Right now, I don't have a personal set-up like what you have there, mainly since I can't really afford it, but I agree that you need to get in the mood and one way of doing that is to be getting a good position and angle.

as for hcg and something like that, I always prefer to play the game, nukige or otherwise and since my japanese comprehension is decent, I can play them with little assistance.

Just like you though, my japanese and english started as more of a passive learning, ever since I watched my first anime with english subs. though I ended up learning very high english skills in high middle school up to high school, which is not the case for japanese. I have recently take more japanese lessons though. I really love the language and the country and I want to be fluent at it, if possible as fluent as I am in English now, but that's enough about me.

Anyway, welcome once again, and I may visit the server chat sometimes~

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hey welcome steve~

PS: I have a teamspek server dedicated to VNs,

That's so cool, so there's actually people you chat with online who play VNs? ive heard teamspeak is more for multiplayer games

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First, thanks for the warm welcome :)/>

hey welcome steve~

That's so cool, so there's actually people you chat with online who play VNs? ive heard teamspeak is more for multiplayer games

Well I grew up on teamspeak (2 at that time) and we used it for multiplayer games and mmos and I still do (In ts3 you can be at multiple teamspeak servers connected at the same time in one window)

And what most people don't know is that it isn't only voice communication software anymore, it has so much more added with the version 3. Yes the voice is the main feature, but it can serve as a private messenger, it has even offline messages like mail, extensive logs and log management (so if I need to find something I posted 2 years ago, I just need to ctrl+f in log file). It servers as file storage, I can just upload something there and link it to chat, torrent files or whole CG sets and songs.

On this VN teamspeak I have it set so every member can chat in global chat (I recommend turning off some of the notifications) about various things. Then there are chat channels so you can discuss VNs without spoiling them to people who didn't play but well since its like 5 of us there usually its not really much used.

Then there are few voice channels for when we want to play some game like PSO2 or we played worms and such just for fun.

All in theme :)

Why I like it better then any IRC is the management of channels, you can put pictures there, upload files to specific channels.

And my goal is actually to get people who play VNs there just to chat about randomness when they have time, ask for quick suggestion on what to play next etc. Forum is nice but it takes people long to reply and there are no sound notifications on chats like you can set on teamspeak.

So if you have time, drop by, check how it looks. Now its only me and Luch there as we only have Europeans now and me and luch are the only crazy people staying on till 8 am :)

If you want, connect with your name here (like Aaeru or Saber or something so I recognize, if I dont react then poke me and ask for Dorj rank [right click and "Poke Client"] ;) )

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Heyyy & welcome! Where abouts in Europe are you from?

Good luck with your Japanese learning, you must have a skill for languages if you learnt English to this level without lessons!

P.s. I do not judge your loli love ;P

Well might as well tell since some people could have already guessed from my other posts.

I would like to say I am from "United Tribes and Kingdoms of Unlimited Power of Bohemian nation" but sadly the name is plain boring Czech Republic :( And nobody cares about us anymore, first communists stole everything from everyone and then after revolution random people stole those stolen things from communists and left for Bahamas or Seychelles. And now people have to steal from others as a daily job so state can pay social benefits to gypsies that invaded our country and countries around here too, but those people's job actually is steal, not only metaphorically like others, they actually go and steal everything you left unlocked (or even some locked things), and that's why most of these countries experience a lot of racism against them.

My first mountain bike got stolen by them when I was kid, they just cut the chain :(

So everyone hates them and Americans can never understand it, this isn't racism because we can't accept their look, its because we can't accept their lifestyle (i.e. steal everything that can be moved, hell they steal rails from railroads! From my friend that has internet provider company, they steal optic cables! Or actually if you have fenced area, they steal the fence! And then what is behind it. Actually sometimes when you have those spiked wires on fence to prevent people from going over, they steal those! How do they transport them we can never know.

I am now glad I live in center of city because they can't try it here, too may people would see it even at night. But outside, they are capable of stealing LOCKS!

Well anyway enough of hate against my country, hopefully I will be able to move to some Asian country, South Korea seems nice (well Japan would be awesome but its hard to get long visa there) :)

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Well anyway enough of hate against my country, hopefully I will be able to move to some Asian country, South Korea seems nice (well Japan would be awesome but its hard to get long visa there) :)/>

Oh wow, the situation there seems pretty bad :( I don't really know anything about the Czech Republic (my knowledge of European history is terrible), so thanks for the insight. But yeah, hopefully you will be able to move! I just moved from the UK to Japan. Getting a long-term visa is pretty difficult, but it's possible if you find a steady employer who's willing to sponsor you. Or marry a Japanese person XD

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find a steady employer who's willing to sponsor you

yeah, maybe ill get lucky with that, but first I need to learn perfect Japanese :)

Or marry a Japanese person XD

Do 2d girls count? xD

If not it is discrimination of people who are only into 2d! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome! You have a way of autobiographical writing that is easy and entertaining to read. Very interesting stuff : ). I've spent some time in the CR. I'd like to talk about it sometime. I'm also interested in how you make a living on the internet, lol.

In any case, welcome to Fuwanovel! We're happy to have you. Thanks, already, for some of the great content you've added. I hope you feel welcome, and already feel a part of the magic : ).

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Welcome! You have a way of autobiographical writing that is easy and entertaining to read. Very interesting stuff : ). I've spent some time in the CR. I'd like to talk about it sometime. I'm also interested in how you make a living on the internet, lol.

In any case, welcome to Fuwanovel! We're happy to have you. Thanks, already, for some of the great content you've added. I hope you feel welcome, and already feel a part of the magic : ).

EDIT: HOLY BATMOBILE WHEEL! another essay, sorry xD

Hehe well I actually like writing, I always liked writing in school about self chosen subject, about the predermined ones not so much.

It needs to be something I am interested in, I was thinking about writing reviews of things I watch/read/play but there are not many people interested in that stuff here in the Republic and general gaming magazines are not doing too good either. My English isn't perfect either so I don't know about joining some review websites or something. Again the thing is if I am part of a website I would probably need to review games I don't really want to play etc.

With writing books, I don't read them much and autobiography would be really boring, as most of it would be me doing something on computer.

So I usually end up writing tons of stuff on the internet for free, reviews, guides and everything.

But now I have a goal, since I discovered VNs I am thinking about writing one too, I actually already have the outline for it (guess its the right English translation, you know the thing you prepare before writing something, like skeleton or diagram).

But well that again is non commercial fan fiction only, ill probably write it in English and Czech, but I at least have a goal, one day I want to become VN writer in Japanese as my occupation, well I have very long time before that though xD

As for CR, it might just be because I grew up here but I don't really find anything interesting here, where as I would like to actually visit some other places, like some waterfalls, big cities with skyscrapers, deserts or even the sea (I've never been to one, the furthest I've been aboard is like 100km in Germany xD, I would like to watch sunset by the sea with Mare tongue.gif)

None of these cool things we have here xD But what's not cool for me might be cool for others, castles and cathedrals here are always visited by foreigners yet I find them boring as they are on every corner xD

As for job on the net, well it might be hard to find good enough one to sustain living in the USA or more expensive parts of Europe but here its little cheaper and customers are usually from the richer parts so they are willing to pay more than Czech people.

My friend actually runs websites and all and invests lot of money into it (and gets much more back) but as for me I am too lazy to do that so currently I just do email support for few websites, maybe later ill try my own projects too but for now I like it this way.

So if you want to start, there is lot to internet marketing and if you have money for start its not that hard, actually before I got this support job I was farming gold in World of Warcraft, had to invest money to some accounts and bot programs but it made me nice money, there was many people who were willing to pay real money for stuff in game (well I do it too in free to play games...) so I just gave them that, had few old computers laying around so I run bots there and because I already knew about the economy of that game (I played that for a long time back then) I didn't have to learn much, I just farmed what I knew would sell and traded in big and then sold the ingame money. But then wow started declining a lot and people stopped buying or stopped playing altogether and prices went down.

I would recommend just doing things you already know (so maybe VN related stuff?) and somehow monetize it, what Aaeru is doing could probably make some money with ads and all but then its about what you want to do for free as a hobby and what for living. I like doing stuff for free and I try to help a lot of people but in the end I need something to put into mouth and a roof to live under so It can't be everything, I would have gladly gave all the gold I farmed to people who needed it for various things and items in the game as I knew the tricks of trading and was making lot, but I also needed to live xD

One way to make living on the internet is to understand that - you can't do everything for free and you might find people who are willing to do stuff like that for free as well. Its good to find a nice balance, help people as well (as you might need their help in the future or have needed their help in the past) but don't starve to death because of that. That's why you see even VN translators taking commercial offers to join and do the translation of licensed games. I did translation for TV series (eng to cz) for free and most of the people do it for free - but if you get the chance to do it for living, don't feel bad about it, there is always someone doing things for free that you do for living.

[this is like for anyone who reads this, don't know if anyone is really interested in starting like that on the net, I have my circumstances for that and I hope to never have to go to "official" job, because I know how people here get screwed over there here]

And finally thanks for the welcome Tay, it is awesome here, so peaceful, not like reddit or even anime forums xD

I hope to help more in the future with what I can, I have some quite hard to get loli doujins, but I don't think its much of a use here xD

Ill just try to focus more on the Japanese learning so I can one day help with TL and one other day (20 years after the first mentioned day) write my own VN story in Japanese, preferably some loli route for KEY xD

EDIT2: look at that blonde loli in the back, that's how lazy I am xD I would just like to laze around with her xD 15813.jpg

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