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Spring 2014 Anime Discussion


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Best way to get over a hangover is definitely to watch No Game No Life


Interesting development, I like Izuna though her speech bothers me a bit, but that gap moe.

They spent waaay too long on explaining the theory behind the game though. 

I wonder what will be of Shiro after the last scene..

Such a tense build up is killing me. Can't wait for next week.

Her speech was influenced by Ino (well, not the "des", that's just her being unable to say desu for whatever reason, but the "you bastards")

If you're that curious, you can start reading the LN by the chapter 1 of the third volume. It picks up exactly where the anime left.


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Just started the LN and I didn't feel anything like this in the game who'll appear in the next ep. I'm agree that before there is manipulation and a little luck but here (little spoiler)

everything was planned


And what's your opinion on Brynhildr in the darkness? 

I went and even read the manga. Part of it in spanish. I did not like reading in spanish but addiction is a b^($#.

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In this week's pyon pyon time we have the infamous hot springs episode. 

As usual, no anime, no matter what genre it is will always have this episode.


We also learned that when the sun's light shines through the clouds after the rain clears up it's called sun's snot.

Cocoa is full of wonderful insights.


Also, Maya's voice actress is the same one as Nico's! 


This series is such a guilty pleasure~


Also Mekakucity Actors' OP gets a MV by Jin!


So epic. I'm fanboying hard right now.


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Uah, Akuma no Riddle keeps getting more ridiculous. Why is it so bad?

I should have dropped it already, but it's so close to the end.


Well, even with all the problems, some times watching an anime with not particularly good characters, poor tricks, third rate drama and bad action is one way to enjoy your evening.

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Maybe it's one of those things that's so bad that you just stop caring midway and finish it?


But yeah I'm not even impressed anymore.


One thing I'm concerned about though, is the whole school made of stone?


Because no matter what that girl broke with the massive hammer, everything made the sound of stone breaking, and it also looked like stone breaking. One notorious example is the auditorium, she smashed the chairs and the chairs literally break into rock chunks. And then she smashes the wall that's clearly made of wood planks and even those wood planks turn into stone and have stone sound effects while breaking.


I'm not a pro in architechture or interior design but I don't think this is how most school are built. Am I wrong?


I'm also pretty sure that when you break a wall it doesn't turn into a perfect rectangle. Maybe that's just me though.


And I didn't really understand what was up with Tokaku. This show is too flawed..

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Maybe it's one of those things that's so bad that you just stop caring midway and finish it?


But yeah I'm not even impressed anymore.


One thing I'm concerned about though, is the whole school made of stone?


Because no matter what that girl broke with the massive hammer, everything made the sound of stone breaking, and it also looked like stone breaking. One notorious example is the auditorium, she smashed the chairs and the chairs literally break into rock chunks. And then she smashes the wall that's clearly made of wood planks and even those wood planks turn into stone and have stone sound effects while breaking.


I'm not a pro in architechture or interior design but I don't think this is how most school are built. Am I wrong?


I'm also pretty sure that when you break a wall it doesn't turn into a perfect rectangle. Maybe that's just me though.


And I didn't really understand what was up with Tokaku. This show is too flawed..


Well, it takes considerable strength to even carry that thing. No way in hell those thin arms could handle it, much less swing that thing around.


There are so many other bad points in the episode I don't even know what I should say, really. I just noticed you said "the girl" and realized I forgot her name, talk about a remarkable character that stays in your mind :P


This episode of Jojo was pretty fun, though.

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Well, it takes considerable strength to even carry that thing. No way in hell those thin arms could handle it, much less swing that thing around.


There are so many other bad points in the episode I don't even know what I should say, really. I just noticed you said "the girl" and realized I forgot her name, talk about a remarkable character that stays in your mind :P

I said "the girl" for the exact same reason. I don't remember pretty much any of the characters' names aside from the main girls.

I know "the girl"'s other personality is called Mahiru though. Mainly because i think she's kind of cute.


What really bugs me is that the anime attempts to make you feel sympathy for every single character by having some sappy out of place flashback. Talk about originality huh.

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I said "the girl" for the exact same reason. I don't remember pretty much any of the characters' names aside from the main girls.

I know "the girl"'s other personality is called Mahiru though. Mainly because i think she's kind of cute.


What really bugs me is that the anime attempts to make you feel sympathy for every single character by having some sappy out of place flashback. Talk about originality huh.

I was thinking the anime could have worked better if they were warriors, policemen in training, pizza deliverers or whatever besides assassins. It'd still be bad, though.

Also, it's ridiculous that someone would jump in a knife fight when they have a gun. Plus, the ways ichinose used to extend her lifespan were just cringe worthy.


You'd expect the little girl who can swing that huge hammer around would have a prety good equilibrium (or if not, massive strength). You know.... To not go flying with the hammer whenever she swung it.

Apparently, cellphone to the face is enough to disrupt that. And all of the other stupid things.

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The choreography of the knife fight was also pretty lame to say the least. It was a stalemate through out.

Left right left right left right while in the middle of normal chatting. I hate stuff of this sort.

If they were drinking tea together it'd have had the same impact for me.


I don't understand the girls' strength either. When the pink haired girl kicked the hammer girl she went literally flying across the air into the chairs. Yet against Tokaku she couldn't even shove her off. 

I'm slightly confused. Maybe Tokaku is just that heavy.

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I feel the same about Akuma no riddle, it's just like they threw the money on chara design and ending, nothing in the plot, in the storyboard...etc



I think it's pointless to wait anything more than...this, from this anime, what a waste, i'm pretty sure of the potential of this anime, but...they just missed it.

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At first I thought "Don't worry, we'll probably have some really hardcore yuri soon enough to make up for this crappy story!"


We're in episode 9. Awesome yuri still not found.

And I'm a massive yuri fan. I've fanboyed over just 2 girls holding hands sometimes so it doesn't take too much to impress me.

Yet i'm still disappointed at the lack of yuri.

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At first I thought "Don't worry, we'll probably have some really hardcore yuri soon enough to make up for this crappy story!"


We're in episode 9. Awesome yuri still not found.

And I'm a massive yuri fan. I've fanboyed over just 2 girls holding hands sometimes so it doesn't take too much to impress me.

Yet i'm still disappointed at the lack of yuri.

Same for me, if it wasn't the yuri setting, this anime wouldn't even catch my eye.

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Best plot twist would be they all being pizza deliverers or construction workers. Everything would be explained!


As I said before, Akuma no Riddle is pretty bad, but watching something bad can be enoyable at times.




Jojo totally makes up for it, though. Gotta love seeing manly man act manly and do long speeches during manly fights.

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When you sit through Tenkuu Danzato Skelter Heaven.

You can sit through anything.

And yes i'm telling you to go watch it.

after spending a few hours playing Ride to Hell Retribution (google it) I can sit through a lot of stuff even if it's horrible. Is this really that horrible though.

And I could never get into Jojo. For some reason I was never able to like it even though it looked awesome.

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after spending a few hours playing Ride to Hell Retribution (google it) I can sit through a lot of stuff even if it's horrible. Is this really that horrible though.

Oh Ride to Hell Retribution. Now that was something.


Yes this is that horrible.


The plot goes kind of like this


Giant squid attacks city

Random girls playing around

Random mecha fight suddenly breaks out

Jump cuts everywhere

Mechas are now going to fight giant squid

Sudden flashbacks

Romantic plot appears

Squid is defeated

Main girl dies

Epilogue: 1 year after

A ton more giant squids appear



All this coupled with horrible graphics, horrible CGI, horrible voice acting , horrible sound effects, horrible pacing, and the list goes on.


You should relly just check it out for yourself, it's only 20 mins long.

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The worst thing about Akuma no Riddle thought is that it was misleading. From the art and description and maybe even the first episode it looked to be really good. Then, BAM! You get squat.

There's many examples of that sadly. I remember this atrocity back from last year.

Never have I been so deceived by a synopsis and art.

You'd think it'd be like Girls und Panzer or at least be some sort of SoL with the airsoft club.

NOPEEE, it's just sappy drama with really bad (and annoying) characters that go back and forth without any clear direction, particulary the protagonist who's one of the most annoying ones.


And from last season there was Coppelion which I might add was one of THE worst anime I have ever seen that showed so much promise with its synopsis and cover art.


Now onto good things.

So much Kurumi. No matter how repetitive and unoriginal Date A Live's plot gets, Kurumi is enough of a reward<3


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Bokura kawaisou never disappoints me! Ritsu is still as cute as ever (even cuter in this episode), and I find very funny how Usa is always getting turned on by Ritsu innocent reactions! XD

Still I wonder if actual romance will develop, since it's already ep9, and there wasn't a lot of progress so far. Well, even if there isn't, I won't be mad, it was still very refreshing to have this kind of light-hearted slice of life comedy and romance anime, and without any drama or stupid love triangle (well, for now at least).

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Mekakucity Actors is actually helping me understand some of the stuff I didn't quite get from the original, particularly the Heat Haze and how one enters it.

I'm really loving the series and the way they're building it. 

The Lost Time Memory cover was also really cool and it was much more clear than the original Lost Time Memory. Wonder if they'll explain the events in it later on to help wrap it up because it's a very crucial part.

Also the story that's told at the end of the credits is entering the depressing stage, for those of you who are not watching past the credits, you really should because it's a very important plot point.

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