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NSFW talk


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Not suitable/safe for work is Internet slang or shorthand. Typically, the NSFW tag is used in e-mail, videos, and on interactive discussion areas (such as Internet forums, blogs, or community websites) to mark URLs or hyperlinks which contain material such as nudity, violence, pornography or profanity, which the viewer may not want to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting such as at work.


  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag?
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS?
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet?
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages?
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience?
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why?
  • Anything else you would want to add?


I have always wondered what peoples constructive opinions are on this :)

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When I think NSFW i think porn basically. It hardly ever means anything else.

I just take the term NSFW literally, it's something you should not be looking at in work ;) and general public or crowded places where you'll be judged for looking at such material.

I wouldn't let my kids watch NSFW stuff. Granted they'll most likely find a way to just like I did at the time but I think it's important for a parent to explain how they should not be looking at it regardless even if they end up doing it because then you'd be teaching them it's okay when that material was clearly not made for them. It's what "the talk" is for. But it's not like I'll have kids anyway.

My first NSFW experience was at 6 years old in a green VHS tape I found in my dad's bedroom. I had no clue what was going on in the videos but hey it was an experience nonetheless.

No, fuwa should not open up to NSFW content. You can discuss it to some extent but hosting images/videos/whatever is something that should be kept out of fuwa. 

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  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? Porn/Hentai 
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS? No it's not bad, but you can't say it's good
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet? On the streets ? What ._. ? Sexuality or whatever is a private matter, everybody does it but nobody talks about it and it's fine that way. Talk about it on internet it's fine cause internet is the place of everything.
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages? No ._.
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience? 12 maybe
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why? No, it's fine this way. Why would we need it ? It's not 4chan ^^. I want to have discussion without NSFW pictures everywere, plus there would be legal issues.
  • Anything else you would want to add? ... Nope
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What comes to mind? Oh well, every 18+ material on the internet, not only porn, but some brutal images of torture or something similiar. I don't think that the concept is bad, it definitely comes in handy when you're browsing a page and want to exclude the content which you shouldn't be seeing in public.


I don't really think these images should be posted on the streets or any place accessible by children, not that I would be legally watching this content either, since I am below 18. When I say children I mean the age category that isn't yet prepared to encounter such things you know. I think that there definitely are children that would be confused and maybe even shocked by these things (not that I like to see some african kids being slaughtered publicly either, but the effect on child's psyche is magnified in this way).


If I had children I wouldn't really go to such extent of monitoring their network activity, because I think that they will look for this kind of stuff when they're prepared to see it. It's like looking at a meme page, a 3 year old won't look at it because he can't read, I think it's a bit similiar in this way. I would just let them do as they want.


And considering this site being open to NSFW? Well, I think that there are already plenty of pages with this content which you are free to browse, so I don't really see the reason why should it be added, but if it was added, I wouldn't protest either.


Oh and considering my first NSFW experience, that would be around 8 I think. I wasn't actively looking for it, I just stumbled upon it on the net and didn't really think anything about it, because it was a common practice in our household (probably in attempt for another kid, beats me, they weren't doing it in secret :D) at the time.

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  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? Porn/ extreme gore of course ;-; 
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly" material total BS?  It will always be viewed by people as either good or bad
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet? What kind of question is this ;-; it doesn't belong on the streets it belongs on the internet
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages? Not having any children fuck that. But if i did i would teach them sex education in their pre teen/ teen age so they wouldn't screw up later on. I mean i started looking at this stuff at my pre teen age so they should be able to as well
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience? 13 i came across a porno site when i was browsing through the internet. 
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why? No. Just leave it up to links and spoilers
  • Anything else you would want to add? No..
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  • 1 What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? 
  • 2 Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS?
  • 3 Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet?
  • 4 IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages?
  • 5 When did you encounter your first NSFW experience?
  • 6 Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why?
  • 7 Anything else you would want to add?

1- erotic content

2- I don't judge things by "bad" or "good". There isn't anything in the world I'd say is "bad". It's about what you like. If you like it, go ahead.

3- Doesn't matter. I think showing it in the streets wouldn't work out, but I don't care, personally.

4_I cannot picture myself with children. If I had any, I'd probably find a way to put them in an orphanage. 

If I really had to deal with children no matter what, I'd leave my partner take care of them. Then they could do whatever they want with the brats, I'd let them watch whatever.

If I really wa in care of their education, I'd let them see it anyway. Stopping it just because is the best way to turn them into drones, which I wouldn't like.

5-It's been so long I don't remember.

6- No. A lot of children enter the site, and while I personally don't care, tons of parents do. That would be detrimental to our popularity, so I'd never support it.

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  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? Erotic content, mostly
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS? "Good" or "bad" is generalizing, instead of looking at it objectively. What people like is their business.
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet? It's fine as it is.
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages? If I had children, they would probably be prepared for it when they start actively looking for it.
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience? Around when I was 14.
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why? It's fine as it is, really.
  • Anything else you would want to add? Nope.
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  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? Porn/hentai.  I don't usually think of gore or extreme violence when I think of NSFW content.
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS? I think that it's not a good thing to look up in public, as other people usually judge you for looking at it.  Whether it's bad or not depends on the content itself; as long as it's legal, I don't think it's bad, but if it's something like kiddie porn I don't think it could ever be good.
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet? I do find it rather hypocritical that, as a culture, we're obsessed with sex, but at the same time ashamed of ourselves for it, but no, I think that NSFW content should be in places that you have to go to yourself to find it, otherwise viewing it no longer is a choice.
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages?  I wouldn't encourage them to do so, but I wouldn't make it impossible for them to find it on their own initiative, which usually means that they're mature enough to handle it in the first place.  Being that overprotective usually ends up backfiring, anyway.
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience?  Hmmm...around the age of 14, if we're talking about sexual content.  I was exposed to simulated violence/gore at about 8, due to my dad's computer getting a virus that showed me some pretty disgusting simulated violence.
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why?  Isn't it already?  There aren't post filters, and you can download 18+ VNs directly from the site.  Aside from having a "Favorite Porn Sites" thread, I don't see what else we could do.  Links and spoilers are fine.
  • Anything else you would want to add?  Nope.
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When I think NSFW i think porn basically. It hardly ever means anything else.

I just take the term NSFW literally, it's something you should not be looking at in work ;) and general public or crowded places where you'll be judged for looking at such material.

I wouldn't let my kids watch NSFW stuff. Granted they'll most likely find a way to just like I did at the time but I think it's important for a parent to explain how they should not be looking at it regardless even if they end up doing it because then you'd be teaching them it's okay when that material was clearly not made for them. It's what "the talk" is for. But it's not like I'll have kids anyway.

My first NSFW experience was at 6 years old in a green VHS tape I found in my dad's bedroom. I had no clue what was going on in the videos but hey it was an experience nonetheless.

No, fuwa should not open up to NSFW content. You can discuss it to some extent but hosting images/videos/whatever is something that should be kept out of fuwa. 

Would you be ashamed if people talked/judged about how open you are with NSFW?

Do you think it is never okay to do something illegal?

6 years of age is pretty fast. was the same case for me, maybe even sooner (4-5), since i can remember. the first porn that i remember watching was a hardcore S&M at the age of 6-8 and i knew everything that was going on. i told my friends what i saw and they didnt know anything about those kinda things. the first gore was a chainsaw beheading at the age of 10 i think. i watched horror movies also since i can remember. i grew up on horror and porn and i can tell you there is nothing "wrong" with me today :)


What comes to mind? Oh well, every 18+ material on the internet, not only porn, but some brutal images of torture or something similiar. I don't think that the concept is bad, it definitely comes in handy when you're browsing a page and want to exclude the content which you shouldn't be seeing in public.


I don't really think these images should be posted on the streets or any place accessible by children, not that I would be legally watching this content either, since I am below 18. When I say children I mean the age category that isn't yet prepared to encounter such things you know. I think that there definitely are children that would be confused and maybe even shocked by these things (not that I like to see some african kids being slaughtered publicly either, but the effect on child's psyche is magnified in this way).


If I had children I wouldn't really go to such extent of monitoring their network activity, because I think that they will look for this kind of stuff when they're prepared to see it. It's like looking at a meme page, a 3 year old won't look at it because he can't read, I think it's a bit similiar in this way. I would just let them do as they want.


And considering this site being open to NSFW? Well, I think that there are already plenty of pages with this content which you are free to browse, so I don't really see the reason why should it be added, but if it was added, I wouldn't protest either.


Oh and considering my first NSFW experience, that would be around 8 I think. I wasn't actively looking for it, I just stumbled upon it on the net and didn't really think anything about it, because it was a common practice in our household (probably in attempt for another kid, beats me, they weren't doing it in secret :D) at the time.

what difference do you see between gore and sex being displayed on huge screens, advertisements and such in the streets?

what do you think about parents being very strict with their children in such matters? do you think it does them any good or is the oppposite the case?



  • 1 What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? 
  • 2 Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS?
  • 3 Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet?
  • 4 IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages?
  • 5 When did you encounter your first NSFW experience?
  • 6 Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why?
  • 7 Anything else you would want to add?

1- erotic content

2- I don't judge things by "bad" or "good". There isn't anything in the world I'd say is "bad". It's about what you like. If you like it, go ahead.

3- Doesn't matter. I think showing it in the streets wouldn't work out, but I don't care, personally.

4_I cannot picture myself with children. If I had any, I'd probably find a way to put them in an orphanage. 

If I really had to deal with children no matter what, I'd leave my partner take care of them. Then they could do whatever they want with the brats, I'd let them watch whatever.

If I really wa in care of their education, I'd let them see it anyway. Stopping it just because is the best way to turn them into drones, which I wouldn't like.

5-It's been so long I don't remember.

6- No. A lot of children enter the site, and while I personally don't care, tons of parents do. That would be detrimental to our popularity, so I'd never support it.

havnt seen a dictionary that could define good or bad on a pure "rational" level so its more of a feeling, but do you really thing there is no good or bad? for example looking from a humans standpoint: what would you call human extinction if not bad? what do animals struggle so hard to keep their race alive, why do they hav that instinct?

i think you would be a great parent :P(its not meant as a joke)



  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? Erotic content, mostly
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS? "Good" or "bad" is generalizing, instead of looking at it objectively. What people like is their business.
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet? It's fine as it is.
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages? If I had children, they would probably be prepared for it when they start actively looking for it.
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience? Around when I was 14.
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why? It's fine as it is, really.
  • Anything else you would want to add? Nope.


if you had the power would you make any changes with the law regarding nsfw content?

14? wow. i cant even image that



  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? Porn/hentai.  I don't usually think of gore or extreme violence when I think of NSFW content.
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS? I think that it's not a good thing to look up in public, as other people usually judge you for looking at it.  Whether it's bad or not depends on the content itself; as long as it's legal, I don't think it's bad, but if it's something like kiddie porn I don't think it could ever be good.
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet? I do find it rather hypocritical that, as a culture, we're obsessed with sex, but at the same time ashamed of ourselves for it, but no, I think that NSFW content should be in places that you have to go to yourself to find it, otherwise viewing it no longer is a choice.
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages?  I wouldn't encourage them to do so, but I wouldn't make it impossible for them to find it on their own initiative, which usually means that they're mature enough to handle it in the first place.  Being that overprotective usually ends up backfiring, anyway.
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience?  Hmmm...around the age of 14, if we're talking about sexual content.  I was exposed to simulated violence/gore at about 8, due to my dad's computer getting a virus that showed me some pretty disgusting simulated violence.
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why?  Isn't it already?  There aren't post filters, and you can download 18+ VNs directly from the site.  Aside from having a "Favorite Porn Sites" thread, I don't see what else we could do.  Links and spoilers are fine.
  • Anything else you would want to add?  Nope.


same question: what difference do you see between gore and sex being displayed on huge screens, advertisements and such in the streets?

how do you feel about someone watching and enjoying gore?

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havnt seen a dictionary that could define good or bad on a pure "rational" level so its more of a feeling, but do you really thing there is no good or bad? for example looking from a humans standpoint: what would you call human extinction if not bad? what do animals struggle so hard to keep their race alive, why do they hav that instinct?

i think you would be a great parent :P(its not meant as a joke)

I'm quite the nihilist, so really, human extinction doesn't actually matter. It's not like there would be anyone left to complain about it, and the only problem I can see with it is feeling pain- but that's because I dislike feeling pain, which goes back to my point of "the only things that matter are what you like and what you dislike, there's no real good or bad." 

I can't answer you why people have instincts, but I believe they don't have any meaning.


I for once wouldn't mind having an apprentice or something, but having a kid would be way too bothersome for me. Thanks for the compliment (sort of?), though.

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same question: what difference do you see between gore and sex being displayed on huge screens, advertisements and such in the streets?

Well, I don't think that gore, real or simulated, should be put out for everyone to see.  I know that I feel physically sick when I see such depictions, and having to see stuff like that day after day would really get to me.  Also, real gore is quite disturbing, for me at least.  I accidentally stumbled on some on the internet, and I actually threw up.  Depictions of sex is a different matter.  It really depends on what country you live in.  Most of the people in the US are prudes, yet German newspapers have 18+ pictures of naked women/pornography on the first few pages, or at least one German newspaper I saw did.  I don't think that public depictions of sex or gore are okay, since not everyone wants to see it.  In private, it's a different matter.


how do you feel about someone watching and enjoying gore?

Like I said before, it depends on whether it's real or simulated.  Simulated gore, while it disgusts me, harms nobody.  While I'm not into it, I don't think it should be prohibited.  Real gore is a different story.  Someone actually got hurt, and I think viewing that for your own pleasure is sickening.  While I don't think it should be accessible on the net, it would violate free speech and freedom of expression, which I strongly support, if it wasn't.  I don't agree with it, like it, or think that it should be available, but getting rid of it from the net violates several of my core beliefs.

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  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? - NSFW either means porn/hentai or something that I'd find disturbing to watch.
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS? - I don't think all of it is bad but I also don't think it's BS, I don't think some stuff should be shown to public. As someone coming from a country that came out of war 15 years ago I've seen some disturbing shit and I wouldn't wanna see them again, I have a couple of friends that watch videos with real gore (there's plenty from countries in war) and that sickens me.
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet? - Shouldn't be made public no way.
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages? - If I ever have kids I wouldn't let them watch it although we all know they'll do it in secret.
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience? - When I was like 12 or 13 I think.
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why? - No. I like this community how it is now, about Visual Novels. If I want NSFW there's plenty of places to visit.
  • Anything else you would want to add? - Hmm no nothing else.
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  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag?
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS?
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet?
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages?
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience?
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why?
  • Anything else you would want to add?


1- Breasts.

2- There's no need to take sides.

3- If they are public they should be in places that are known for being NSFW.

4- They are going to find their way to it eventually so why not give them an eroge instead of ugly porn, they'll grow to be fine perverts or fine nihilists.

5- Hmm... probably at 10 years old.

6- Nope, it's fine the way it is.

7- Sexuality is an everyday thing, it shouldn't be such a taboo.

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I'm quite the nihilist, so really, human extinction doesn't actually matter. It's not like there would be anyone left to complain about it, and the only problem I can see with it is feeling pain- but that's because I dislike feeling pain, which goes back to my point of "the only things that matter are what you like and what you dislike, there's no real good or bad." 

I can't answer you why people have instincts, but I believe they don't have any meaning.


I for once wouldn't mind having an apprentice or something, but having a kid would be way too bothersome for me. Thanks for the compliment (sort of?), though.

a nihilist huh? i think besides not being rasist thats the worst thing for our modern society, which is what we need nowadays for a peaceful world.

well whatever you are or think, based on instict/survival dying is a "bad" thing. if its not, then i wonder why we even invented the words good and bad (religious reasons?), today they serve mostly for comedy purposes


Well, I don't think that gore, real or simulated, should be put out for everyone to see.  I know that I feel physically sick when I see such depictions, and having to see stuff like that day after day would really get to me.  Also, real gore is quite disturbing, for me at least.  I accidentally stumbled on some on the internet, and I actually threw up.  Depictions of sex is a different matter.  It really depends on what country you live in.  Most of the people in the US are prudes, yet German newspapers have 18+ pictures of naked women/pornography on the first few pages, or at least one German newspaper I saw did.  I don't think that public depictions of sex or gore are okay, since not everyone wants to see it.  In private, it's a different matter.


Like I said before, it depends on whether it's real or simulated.  Simulated gore, while it disgusts me, harms nobody.  While I'm not into it, I don't think it should be prohibited.  Real gore is a different story.  Someone actually got hurt, and I think viewing that for your own pleasure is sickening.  While I don't think it should be accessible on the net, it would violate free speech and freedom of expression, which I strongly support, if it wasn't.  I don't agree with it, like it, or think that it should be available, but getting rid of it from the net violates several of my core beliefs.

how would you go on about if they for some reason decided to show all that sex and violance on tv and streets so that you are forced to adapt to it?



  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag? - NSFW either means porn/hentai or something that I'd find disturbing to watch.
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS? - I don't think all of it is bad but I also don't think it's BS, I don't think some stuff should be shown to public. As someone coming from a country that came out of war 15 years ago I've seen some disturbing shit and I wouldn't wanna see them again, I have a couple of friends that watch videos with real gore (there's plenty from countries in war) and that sickens me.
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet? - Shouldn't be made public no way.
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages? - If I ever have kids I wouldn't let them watch it although we all know they'll do it in secret.
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience? - When I was like 12 or 13 I think.
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why? - No. I like this community how it is now, about Visual Novels. If I want NSFW there's plenty of places to visit.
  • Anything else you would want to add? - Hmm no nothing else.

do you think there is a better way of teaching people about kindness and apreciation other than by showing them the violance and poverty thats happening all around the world?

(if) how would sexual material on Fuwa disturb you from doing what you do now?

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do you think there is a better way of teaching people about kindness and apreciation other than by showing them the violance and poverty thats happening all around the world?

(if) how would sexual material on Fuwa disturb you from doing what you do now?


I don't know. I'm a pessimistic and whenever I see violence and poverty around the world I get even more pessimistic about the future.


Sexual material doesn't disturb me but I don't see a reason why Fuwa would need sexual material. Like I don't see any positives in that decision if it was ever made.

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  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag?
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS?
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet?
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages?
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience?
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why?
  • Anything else you would want to add?

1. Sexual content or something disgusting.

2. It's not exactly bad, but its hidden for a reason. Some people can't take NSFW.

3. It needs to be hidden in the darkest corners of 4Chan.

4. Nope, not until I think they're ready, maybe around 10-13.

5. When I was 13

6. No. The general public wouldn't take it very well. It could ruin Fuwanovel's reputation.

7. NSFW should stay hidden unless you're searching for it. I hate it when random NSFW content pops up out of nowhere.

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what difference do you see between gore and sex being displayed on huge screens, advertisements and such in the streets?

what do you think about parents being very strict with their children in such matters? do you think it does them any good or is the oppposite the case?


Well there is definitely a difference between gore and sex, but I don't think that any of those should be displayed anywhere in public. Well, maybe in red-light districts you could encounter such displays (not gore, only sex), unless they were close to some often visited and crowded areas so that children might stumble there.


Being too strict is definitely a bad thing in my opinion. Some people think that it is unacceptable to learn about sex in a different way than in school (civics) or by being told by your parents (birds and the bees), because it is a "beautiful act" performed when two people "love" each other. I don't really think that's true, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that's what sex is about today or even in the past. I admit that these cases might happen, but they are extremely rare. Today, there is a large number of people who have sex only to fullfill their needs, not because they desperately need to have sex with someone they love. And because that is how it is, I think that they should check that porn out (at somewhat acceptable age) and realize that sex is also done for a variety of different reasons that yield profit to both sides and don't involve any love (porn actors - money, office workers - promotion, etc.). Because if they go for their first sex with the illusion of love in their minds, when in the end they just end up being drunk at a party and have sex with anything that is recognizable as opposite sex (sometimes not even this...) makes them depressed for a long time.

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For one question... would I let my kids see NSFW-labeled pics?  The honest answer to that question is probably going to be a no, in most cultures.  Early exposure to sexual material (it is wise to educate as they enter puberty, but before that...) can have adverse effects on a kid's ability to adapt socially. 


That's not to say that sexual material in and of itself is unhealthy to the psyche.  If anything, sexual material is beneficial, if those around you are supportive of you.  However, cultural taboos make such an environment almost impossible to create.  While sex-related materials have always been a part of art, since the beginning of civilization, modern attitudes about sex in the West tend to be over-influenced by Christianity, for better or worse.  Christianity makes sex into a shameful act, outside of producing kids, and that does a huge disservice to people, as people who are over-repressed sexually tend to form all sorts of 'interesting' complexes and fetishes.  Japan is the most sexually repressed modern culture on the planet... but it also has the most fetish-infested sexual culture on the planet.  What does that tell you?

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Guest loppez

For one question... would I let my kids see NSFW-labeled pics?  The honest answer to that question is probably going to be a no, in most cultures.  Early exposure to sexual material (it is wise to educate as they enter puberty, but before that...) can have adverse effects on a kid's ability to adapt socially. 


That's not to say that sexual material in and of itself is unhealthy to the psyche.  If anything, sexual material is beneficial, if those around you are supportive of you.  However, cultural taboos make such an environment almost impossible to create.  While sex-related materials have always been a part of art, since the beginning of civilization, modern attitudes about sex in the West tend to be over-influenced by Christianity, for better or worse.  Christianity makes sex into a shameful act, outside of producing kids, and that does a huge disservice to people, as people who are over-repressed sexually tend to form all sorts of 'interesting' complexes and fetishes.  Japan is the most sexually repressed modern culture on the planet... but it also has the most fetish-infested sexual culture on the planet.  What does that tell you?

what are you talking about? taboo, christianity influence? wake up. we live in 2014. internet is everywhere. nobody cares about something like taboo or religion when you can just open your browser and type sex. even if your family is religious, it dosen't matter.

kids can reach everything so discussion about "will you let your kids watch porn" is pointless. they will find out about sex either way. 

teenegers have sex, they jerk off and everything. hell, we were teenegers. going on a party, having sex with a girl, watching porn. it is normal. i live in a country where christianity is kinda important and i can assure you, nobody gives a damn. we were and we are still doing all that things.


Japan is the most sexually repressed modern culture on the planet... 


what the.... where did you find that? omg.. pls sthap!

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For one question... would I let my kids see NSFW-labeled pics?  The honest answer to that question is probably going to be a no, in most cultures.  Early exposure to sexual material (it is wise to educate as they enter puberty, but before that...) can have adverse effects on a kid's ability to adapt socially. 


That's not to say that sexual material in and of itself is unhealthy to the psyche.  If anything, sexual material is beneficial, if those around you are supportive of you.  However, cultural taboos make such an environment almost impossible to create.  While sex-related materials have always been a part of art, since the beginning of civilization, modern attitudes about sex in the West tend to be over-influenced by Christianity, for better or worse.  Christianity makes sex into a shameful act, outside of producing kids, and that does a huge disservice to people, as people who are over-repressed sexually tend to form all sorts of 'interesting' complexes and fetishes.  Japan is the most sexually repressed modern culture on the planet... but it also has the most fetish-infested sexual culture on the planet.  What does that tell you?

"What does that tell you?"

sexually repressed + fetish-infested = oppresion => lack of self-confidence


you said "it can have adverse effects on a kid's ability to adapt socially", but what do you think is the key factor here that makes exceptions?


kids can reach everything so discussion about "will you let your kids watch porn" is pointless. they will find out about sex either way. 

teenegers have sex, they jerk off and everything. hell, we were teenegers. going on a party, having sex with a girl, watching porn. it is normal. i live in a country where christianity is kinda important and i can assure you, nobody gives a damn. we were and we are still doing all that things.

if i made a list about "pointless" things, the list would have exactly zero pages :)


what do you think was the first step towards a society that made sex a taboo topic?

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if you had the power would you make any changes with the law regarding nsfw content?

14? wow. i cant even image that


I would at least make NSFW less "taboo". What people like is their business, as long as it doesn't cause problems for other people. Anything that would stop people from being judgmental hypocrites. 


While I may have had my first NSFW experience earlier, 14 is the earliest point where I can mentally "confirm" it, and remember it.

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Tom, let's turn the table, it's your turn to answer these questions.


  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag?
  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS?
  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet?
  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages?
  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience?
  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why?
  • Anything else you would want to add?
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lol... it is funny how how Loppez never really understands what he reads.


@Tom: The major factors that might cause problems for a child if they were exposed to sexual knowledge too early would be public scolding from non familial adults for speaking about sex amongst other children (leading to embarrassment and other such annoyances), a sense of disconnection from others their own age, and a lack of gut-level understanding of how society sees sex.  While all this might seem minor, they can all cause problems later in life and alter the course of a kid's development. 


If you are human, it isn't possible to escape the influence of cultural taboos completely as long as you are a part of that culture.  Isolation or a sense of disconnection from others caused by the breaching of those taboos is - generally speaking - a source of immense suffering for many (people who can stand being shunned are relatively rare, though many think they can stand it).  Thankfully, taboos can change over time, though it can take decades and even generations at times. 


As for sex-education, I believe that everyone should be given a full education on sex, its dangers, its benefits, and its other results around age twelve or thirteen.  It makes me want to puke when I see schools that try to use 'abstinence-only' sex-education that barely gets beyond the cabbage patch theories, lol

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note: these are just my opinions (duh), take them serious or as a joke, either is fine

  • What comes to your mind when you see a NSFW tag?

i definitely want to check it out

  • Do you think content like that is "bad" or is the whole hidding "non-public-friendly"  material total BS?

this was meant to be more of a provocative question

the answer would be the same as next question

  • Would you like see that on the streets or is it better left hidden in the "dark corners" of the internet?

nudity and sex yes, it belongs on the streets. it would be very beneficial to moving things forward, let them know there are other problems in this world, caring about some taboos like that makes everything even worse. gore is bad and it should stay on the internet, but everyone should see it and know whats happening all around the world.

  • IF you have children would you/do you let them watch NSFW in their early ages?

Yes. They can do whatever they want to (with a rational mindset)

  • When did you encounter your first NSFW experience?

i watched porn and horror since i can think/remember (4-6 years of age), gore came alittle bit late, at around 10 years of age.

i grew up on horror and porn and knew all about it years before my classmates. i kept all that a secret from my mother untill around the age of 10.

i might be an extreme case here, but even so, im perfectly "healthy" today in every aspect, hell i even listen to reggae everyday and dislike most metal music :P

i never get into any arguments or even raise my voice, im monotone in every situation (i do joke around alot and try to provoke people to test their humour and see if i can get along with them or not, but thats just a little selfish thing i do :P )

so i think im the perfect example that extreme exposure to porn and gore alone has no "bad" side-effects

  • *Do you think Fuwa should be open to NSFW? Why?

everything should be open to nudity and sex, it is the most normal thing in the world. gore should stay in their respective websites for edjucational purposes.

  • Anything else you would want to add?

how is sex and nudity labeled in the same (nsfw) category as gore? :(

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