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Fuwa-fuwa story~ me and fuwanovel


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These topics tend to be so serious, right? Well, mighty Kaguya here to break the tradition with my usual bragging! Fuhhahahahahahahah!!!!!! Prepare for a bunch of trivia about myself and my feats in the fuwanovel forums!


I don’t know how many of you are aware of this, but I first joined fuwa because of a thread Clephas made, the “fan translation skills registration”. It was quite a whim- I reasonably liked the site because torrents, but I could already find my VNs elsewhere at that point, so I never really downloaded much from fuwa in the first place. I was really bored, since I had already finished all major VNs that had been translated at that point, left with naught but average moeges. So I figured I might as well try chatting about VNs with other people.


And that’s where it all begun. The forums were friendly overall, but there was one particular thread that had me talking a lot- it was first a thread about tsukihime, if I remember correctly, but it was then changed to “type-moon powerlevel thread”. That was the first discussion I had about VNs that I liked, the nasuverse and all.  The fun I had on that thread was enough to make me keep entering for about one month- time enough for me to find out the IRC and start spamming there, which made me stick around for some months.

At that point in time, I had the unusual habit of refuting myself in my own posts. So if I wrote “as they say” I’d write “(who is them anyway?)” right below. Now I leave that to my kouhais, though :P


Just as I started to lose interest in the forums again, a wild moenovel appeared. It again sparked some very interesting discussion that had me coming back to the forums to read about it. While I had already read more VNs than most people here at that point (hell, even before I entered) I still knew nothing about VN news- I just downloaded and played them without having any interest on who translated them, why, or even which VNs were getting tld at that moment. When I was first introduced to VNDB I had already read over 100 VNs, which is actually the reason I don’t have an account (way too much of a hassle to add them one by one. Especially now that I read over 200).


 By May, I was already quite the active member of the community, rewrite had been tld and I was away for a few days marathoning it. That was one hell of a week. At that point, introduction threads were a bit rarer and I spent over 15 lines in most of my posts on those, suggesting VNs and randomly chatting with newcomers to see if I could find more people to bother. I also wrote a yuri fanfiction for the lulz starring random people from the IRC. Those were the days.


The period until august passed by without much of a problem-  I gave a lot of lectures on how 2D was obviously better than 3D, and overall talked a lot about VNs. At that point, my postcount actually came mostly from the VN talk forum.


In September I hacked the save data of a strategy-VN to mess around with characters and their names to make fuwan people playable- I myself had tons of fun with the game, and it was overall a success. I was planning to do the same to a fighting game, but it needed image editing which was a bit out of my league.


In October, I made my 50 VNs list. Tay blogged it and the thread had a lot more hype than I could possibly imagine. Over 25000 views, people! I still brag about that thread until today.  At that point, I started to actively pm our kind hearted archmage. There wasn’t a fuwanovel improvements sub-forum yet (if I remember correctly), so the only way to send my feedback on what I liked and disliked about the site was filling Tay’s pm box with my thoughts. While I always thought I was kind of annoying, seems like he didn’t think so. I’m sure I brought a lot of problems anyway, so I’ll just apologize here~


Then there was the fuwanovel improvements subforum. I started spamming a bunch of ideas there too, since brainstorming is a good thing and I needed somewhere to rant. At the end of November, I became a moderator.


In December, I started getting used to being a staff member and I made that fuwanovel yugioh deck + started to make a tournament, but the tournament didn’t work out. The deck still shines beautifully, though.


You will notice that I’m leaving a lot of things aside. IRC loldoramas, fuwapocalypses and such.

Those either have or are in the process of getting a fanfic, so they aren’t mentioned here.

I had no rant for January, and it’s already at the end of the month, so to not break the tradition of doing something, I updated the 50 VNs list and made this thread.


This is basically me bragging, but bragging is fun~

And that ends the oh-so-serious flashback. Hope you enjoyed my monthly rant!


The actual meaning of this thread? I've been kinda out of touch with the newcomers lately since I don't spend as much time in the intro threads, so I want them to know me well and put some incentive for those who feel like braving the wilds of fuwa searching for those old epic threads. I hope you all have fun~

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i want to know about that totally secret Kaguya faction !

You gotta join before knowing it~


That's top secret information, even we don't know the true form of the Kaguya faction.

I thought we were KNIGHT now, right? And there's the plan to conquer the multiverse.

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Wow, You seem to have some history with Fuwa. I just joined cuz... Well i was influenced by Oreimo. Kirino played them so im like why not? (my friend tried one before me tho...) And i kept serchin for the Little Busters VN and i came here. I decided to join the forums cuz i thut itd b fun and all (and it is...). Not much of a flash back but eh...

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