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New Fate/Stay Night anime preview(yes, it's ufotable)


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Wish it was a HF series instead, but fuck it, I'll take it. I enjoyed UBW too after all. I just... really hope the HF movie is like either really long, or split up into several movies... cause HF is the longest route with the most character development and back story... and if they condense that into an hour long film like the old UBW movie.... won't be anywhere near as good as the VN.

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^ With the way things are going it's most propel to actually see it this way. Though this is my theory and I stand firm by my opinion. :P

Considering how UBW film came out few years ago and now they're making UBW TV and they hit it off with HF movie, they may make an HF TV just because of how lengthy the freaking arc is. I mean, HF's length is the combination of both Fate and UBW's arcs together. So how much can they stuff inside a movie that's no more than two hours? ......... Plus, if anything, they'll probably remake Fate into TV and conclude the whole series with the Final Episode (those who beat all 5 arcs will know what I'm talking about) considering that Saber is the main heroine of Fate.

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The reason why they make HF into a movie, or much more probably a serie of movies, is because that way they don't have to deal with censorship. Like Kara no Kyoukai.


After that they'll really have made tons of Fate stuff (non-TM fans are already bored to claim "surexploitation") so I doubt they'll take the effort of adapting the Fate route.

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^ The censorship is one thing. But you're forgetting that even UBW had H-scenes, not as many as HF, and they still produced a single movie and now they're making a TV series. So with the way things are they may produce a TV series later on. I don't think the censorship has anything to do with it.

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