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[Submission] Small Changes That Make the Site More Fun


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I agree this isn't a big deal, but as the title of the topic is about little things which make the site more fun, this is the right place to discuss it. Before I say anything more, let me be especially clear about one thing: Just as I've said all over the forums, Fuwanovel isn't going to take a dive into hierarchy.  The Fuwa improvement forum represents that whole ideal/movement, and our goal for the community is to let the best (feasible) ideas rule (as opposed to the ideas of those in power).  


With that context, here's where I come down on the issue:

  • Like Batman and Aaeru, I think Fuwanovel has a good thing going on with the concept of level-playing-field. As I said above, if we lived in a perfect world I'd have all members (and mods and admins) use the same colors to push this philosophical point.
  • I can also understand the logic of helping new members find people (mods) who can answer questions
  • THUS:   If a lot of mods or members would like a color change, I suggest we go with the idea provided by Flutterz -- just a darker shade of green.  That seems pretty harmless.  We're going to keep Admins as red -- for the reasons I listed above -- but a very subtle change for mods is fine by me.


That's going to be my suggestion: if we think it'll be helpful, mods display color could be a slightly darker green to distinguish them.  Admins will stay Red.  (Thanks for a great suggestion, Flutterz)

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I like Flutterz idea if the point is just to make mods identifiable and not completely different in color so they don't stand out a lot going with a darker green is more liable. Like i mentioned before my stand on this is "any sort of way to identify staff is helpful" in my opinion so i will support the motion.

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Got about 1000 profile views today O.o

First point I'd like to make is that if the change is too subtle, maybe it won't make any difference. Perhaps Teal, Persian or Pine Green? My love of blue has nothing to do with this, by the way.  Oh, here are the shades of green so that people know which I'm talking about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Shades_of_green


I do think it would be helpful, though not much. I already recieved pms asking about random things (like how to use winrar) when I was a member, and I can't say that the amount of pms from those kind of things that I recieve has really changed since I became a mod. It depends on wether there really is any sort of harm in changing mod colors to me, really. Yes, I think it brings some benefit but said benefits simply aren't worth risking any problem that may arise because of the change (besides making my profile view count go even higher. That's totally worth risking another fuwapocalypse for).



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Just to put my own opinion... I don't really think colors "divide" users at all. it's more in how we (as staff) treat other members. Like human beings (as well everyone should anyways...)


on another note, looking at colorful "Who's online" is sometimes quite amusing... to at least look at.... but maybe that's me....

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One of the earlier things I noted about Fuwanovel was the distinct lack of divide between Mods/Members. Coming from other forum cultures, I've seen the power to edit/remove posts/etc. go to people's head for the silliest reasons and I kind of got the impression that it might be different here just from that.  Obviously a change in the moderators color scheme wouldn't change a thing about this wonderful community and the good people who moderate it, but it was nonetheless something I thought was kind of cool and was something of an indicator on how this community was run. It's a small touch, but it's a nice one.


So for that reason I think it should stay the same.

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Since this seems to be raising issues how about something like what Nayleen posted pinned in the introduce yourself board (maybe combined with the forum rules) so new members can know the currently active staff and what they do for most part so they know who to contact.

  • Site down -> Go ask Nay
  • Official Fuwanovel business -> Taylor
  • Blog / FB / Social media in general -> Naomi
  • Releases / new projects -> Taylor/Naomi/Beato/me
  • Tech problems -> Luch/Down
  • Walkthroughs -> Most often Down
  • Everything else like title approvements -> Everynya~
  • Lolis -> Steve (duh)


Like Zaka mentioned people who aren't total newbies know who to go to so i'm guessing this is mostly related to new members. Hence the suggestion of pinning it on the introduce yourself board.

Though there's technically a button that says moderating team on the bottom of the page that everyone can look at but that merely lists all the staff members on Fuwa with no specifications.


This is just an alternative to not changing the color of the names on the front page.

I can see the color thing not being carried in the end though i still support it since it's not a massive deal and i don't think would divide members and staff that much.

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Are we seriously still debating this...? 


It is a color, on a name, at the bottom of a page...(to help out new members).  Seriously, this is just pointless....  <_<

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Are we seriously still debating this...? 


It is a color, on a name, at the bottom of a page to help out noobies.  Seriously, this is just pointless....  <_<


I don't know, I think it is worth discussing. No less of a small touch/change than the reputation colors for our profile pages. That is the point of this topic.

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Are we seriously still debating this...? 


It is a color, on a name, at the bottom of a page...(to help out new members).  Seriously, this is just pointless....  <_<

I agree but it seems like more users are opposing. Well i'm going to remain quiet on this for now. I've already made my point clear on how i support the change so. I hope this gets solved rather smoothly.

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Are we seriously still debating this...? 


It is a color, on a name, at the bottom of a page...(to help out new members).  Seriously, this is just pointless....   <_<



Are we going to play Make A Wish over every pixel on the site as well now? Guess I should introduce user stylesheets so everyone can do whatever the fuck they want while I can maintain a style I don't need to read almost 3 freaking pages of replies to.

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This is the internet - where people come to seriously debate absolutely meaningless things. :D




I don't know, I think it is worth discussing. No less of a small touch/change than the reputation colors for our profile pages. That is the point of this topic.


When you get down to it, this is less of a "make the site more fun" change, and more of a business change.  But yeah, I guess I understand what you're saying; I just get annoyed when I see all this debating over such a silly change and we can't get 5 posts in a thread talking about important expansion projects, ya know~?   :P

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Guess I should introduce user stylesheets so everyone can do whatever the fuck they want while I can maintain a style I don't need to read almost 3 freaking pages of replies of.


Nice. I want to be able to make a firefox-theme-like Precure theme on my Fuwa page. Also a slightly stronger shading of green on the theme. And the option to make my pseudo twinkle. Pretty please. Totally useful.

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