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[Submission] Small Changes That Make the Site More Fun


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We need new names for each status.  As you know, it's still neutral, good, and excellent.  What can we integrate with each color?

White = 0-9

Pink = 10

Orangeyyellowish~ = 25

Lime Green = 50

Sky blue = 100

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"Unnoticed" is a little sad.  Maybe "Starting Out" or something with no emotive language?


 Yeah, after writing that, I thought the same thing.  Okay, so:


White = Love This Guy /// Starting Out /// Neutral  <---Which one do you want to see?
Pink = Liked
Orange = Loved
Green = Naomi Approved.  Just kidding, the real title here: FuwAdored (unless you guys want it to be like Aaeru or Tay Approved, or something like that?)
Blue = FuwAwesome~!
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I still like my idea of having Fuwa and adding more a's as rep increases until you get something like fuwaaaaaaaa~


We'll cross that bridge when we get to it  ;)

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I just wanted to put down here that Nosebleed asked me about maybe shining up the stars to the staff badges.  I made them dull on purpose, but when I asked Nayleen he thought it looked nicer with the shines.  Thanks for doing that Nosebleed~!  That was a really selfless deed you did.  :wub:


(Note: Apparently you have to press ctrl + f5 to see the changes because the old stuff is cached.)

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So, here I was (again) changing my profile picture and title. I got the image I want, and started the cropping/resizing.

Final product was around 100kb. Here's the image in question:




Point is, why is the maximum avatar size 50kb? I think that's kind of too small. If not 100, at least make it like 75~

Sure, no one cares much about this, but I think the limit should be a bit higher. Is there any reason as to why the current one is 50?


Well, that's it. This may belong to the "small visual changes" topic, but I don't really know it. Oh well, feel free to merge it if it shouldn't be here~

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