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I don't remember this at all. xD


I love running too! Unfortunately, I have bad knees, so I can't run much anymore, but I want to start biking more often. It's nice to know that someone else enjoys it too. :3 As for metal, of course, there are some exceptions, but it's not my favourite type of music.

(Sorry to hear that, but hopefully with time & hard work your knees will get stronger. I also like biking, especially when you go down hill. Same here. :3)

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(Sorry to hear that, but hopefully with time & hard work your knees will get stronger. I also like biking, especially when you go down hill. Same here. :3)

Thanks, but the knee situation is hereditary. And I'm gonna have to wait for drier weather before getting into biking, since it's the rainy season atm. But there's nothing like running in the rain, with some good music on, and just zoning out.

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Thanks, but the knee situation is hereditary. And I'm gonna have to wait for drier weather before getting into biking, since it's the rainy season atm. But there's nothing like running in the rain, with some good music on, and just zoning out.

It just rained last night where I am & the humidity  was really high. haven't tried that out yet because of my luck, but looking forward to it.

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Since people were talking about Italian power metal I figured I'd throw in some Greek stuff.

Also: the fuck, guys? Hahahahaha. Woke up to some great reading material.

Greek stuff? Try Wardrum:


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I´ll just randomly teleport into this weird conversation (though I didn´t expect any less), and say that you guys are making my days so much funnier and, for better or for worse, weirder.

I wish I could spend nearly as much time as some of you do to contribute to all of this, but time lag is a bitch and when I actually have time noone els is active...

Well I´ll try to make some random comments here and there, so I hope you guys don´t mind :D

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I´ll just randomly teleport into this weird conversation (though I didn´t expect any less), and say that you guys are making my days so much funnier and, for better or for worse, weirder.

I wish I could spend nearly as much time as some of you do to contribute to all of this, but time lag is a bitch and when I actually have time noone els is active...

Well I´ll try to make some random comments here and there, so I hope you guys don´t mind :D


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I´ll just randomly teleport into this weird conversation (though I didn´t expect any less), and say that you guys are making my days so much funnier and, for better or for worse, weirder.

I wish I could spend nearly as much time as some of you do to contribute to all of this, but time lag is a bitch and when I actually have time noone els is active...

Well I´ll try to make some random comments here and there, so I hope you guys don´t mind :D

Just post everyone will reply anyway

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I´ll just randomly teleport into this weird conversation (though I didn´t expect any less), and say that you guys are making my days so much funnier and, for better or for worse, weirder.

I wish I could spend nearly as much time as some of you do to contribute to all of this, but time lag is a bitch and when I actually have time noone els is active...

Well I´ll try to make some random comments here and there, so I hope you guys don´t mind :D

Europe ftw, don't let them make you think otherwise!

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I´ll just randomly teleport into this weird conversation (though I didn´t expect any less), and say that you guys are making my days so much funnier and, for better or for worse, weirder.

I wish I could spend nearly as much time as some of you do to contribute to all of this, but time lag is a bitch and when I actually have time noone els is active...

Well I´ll try to make some random comments here and there, so I hope you guys don´t mind :D

Just post whenever :P Don't worry about it!

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I´ll just randomly teleport into this weird conversation (though I didn´t expect any less), and say that you guys are making my days so much funnier and, for better or for worse, weirder.

I wish I could spend nearly as much time as some of you do to contribute to all of this, but time lag is a bitch and when I actually have time noone els is active...

Well I´ll try to make some random comments here and there, so I hope you guys don´t mind :D

That's how we do things around here.

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Depends on how bad it is. If it's the  *Cut your skull open and fuck your brains kind of* then I'll be honest and say no thanks. And bishounen.. don't mind it though I'll take kemonomimi over anything


I thought I was alone here!! Kemonomimi are JUSTICE!


On the topic of NTR, any amount of it is an instant drop for me. The few times I've forced myself to read/watch it, I've just felt like shit afterwards. Rape, however I can handle if it's more like semi-rape (i.e. the girl gets into it at some point. Ahegao is even better, for the same reason that Oliver likes it)


Am I the only person here who isn't much into metal?


Nope, metal isn't really my thing. Though Rin does have a few metal songs that I like

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Alright, I gotta respond to like, EVERYONE now, so look next to the spoiler tags and see if you see your name.  It means I'm responding to you.  You should read it anyways guys, they're interesting!



WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH. Hold up. Hold the FUCK up.

I was reading along in your post, thinking about my own reactions to grisaia, about how I'm not too good at taking compliments and my self esteem issues when it comes to being desireable to the opposite sex, when all of a sudden, out of FUCKING NOWHERE, you drop this huge-ass bomb on us:



(Disclaimer: The following quote may or may not have been altered)







Do you have any idea how many times pickles have saved my life?!? Yes they are that amazing. DO YOU HAVE ANY I-

No... let's talk about this calmly. So, I understand that you think you hate pickles... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???

 *sigh* let me just calm down for a second. I can get a little bit carried away. Let's give you one last chance to redeem yourself. Were you, or were you not referring to western pickles? (By the way, it is totally fine to hate eastern pickles because they are impostor pickles, mooching off the fame, success, and deliciousness of western pickles to spread their evil, taste bud destroying, lies)


Also, in case you think I'm seriously mad, have some yuri and read my post again:

14312d5573011a6c3f9bb3d91da1b58d.pngI hate pickles.  I hate the 

Hey, If I helped you do a bit of introspection on yourself and you become better because of it, I'm happy!

And I texture, the smell, and the taste of pickles.  I live in America sooooo, I guess it's the Western version I hate.


Is it bad that it's my secret dream to one day get my brain transplanted in the head of a little girl so I could try living out my life as a female? Because I think that would be dope as fuck. Of course, I'd be a lesbian when I got older. (Yuri is love, yuri is life.)


<3  Me too!!!  I have a ton of metrosexual tendencies because I'm very aware of my image, so I wonder sometimes if it would be easier to cope with if I was a girl.  The shit I get from my friends for what I do. .. It's all in jest, but sometimes it just gets to me, ya know?  Also, I would have the hypnotic power of BOOBIES if I became a chick.  Good shit.  But I would be for sure a Lesbian!  Yuri for life!


I'd love to answer that when I get home.


I'm still waiting for you're answer Dimdito!

Ouraibaa.  Again lol.

So was I. You don't realize how lowly I think of myself.



I'm the same way, just with a sexual scenario. For example, if I was sitting on a bench at McDonalds, the one with that immobile McD statue (You know the one), and some girl came over and hit on me all like, "Hey, listen, I saw you sitting there, and, um, well, the thing is, I, well, I think you're kinda... cute. Do you want to go out with me?"


I would wait a bit, look on my left at the McD statue, look back and say, "I don't think he heard you."


I'm completely incapable of thinking that I'm desirable in any way.



Wow, that's pretty bad mate.  Yeah, I've had a situation like that.  Had some chick who emanated shyness and submissiveness, which if EXACTLY MY TYPE have her friend come up to me and introduce us saying she was interested in me.  Basically I held polite conversation but said I had to go back to work cause I thought they were making fun of me.  Only later at work did I realize they were serious.

It's like the scene in Grisaia with Amane 

when you kiss her, and she is kinda in a daze. She asks if she won the lottery, because Amane believes there's no way she deserves you as a boyfriend. She couldn't accept that anyone would bother to say yes to her.


I have always had a good sense of self awareness, the one thing that I can say that I probably discovered from reading VN's was my ideal type.


I see that like me you are also a very cynical person.  ^_^


When I was playing Grisaia I went out of my way to do Amane's route last simply because like Yuuji I didn't trust her at all.


Recently, thanks to this thread and a couple other VN's I've been reading, I've realized I love small chests.  Of course big tits make me kinda stare if she's really hot, but that Loli-type 18+ girls just make me HHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

And also that I like my girls shy and submissive.  I don't want them trying to drag me out around to clubs.  I like to stay at home so shy works well for me.  And I'm a lightly sadistic(Also recently realized) person, so submissive is also excellent! 

Blue Ember

(Several things actually: After reading Kazuko's route I wanted to run & found out I was pretty athletic & loved running. I'm also shy but I've always tried speaking up anyways even if it's stupid, but I didn't know why I did it to be honest until again I played Kazuko's route: I hate losing to my weaknesses if that makes any sense whatsoever, so I put in more effort to try & fix them.)

Yeah, I used to go to the gym ALL THE TIME until this January.  I ripped some cartilage in my wrist and a day later injured my foot.  So I've been out for about 4 months rcovering.  Reading Majikoi through and always seeing Wanko training got me back into the groove though.  Been doing a lot of abdominal exercises, light leg exercises, and 10 lb weight reps for upper body to make sure my wrist isn't going to crap out again.  I'll move it up slowly as long as it doesn't hurt.  Feels nice to be back!


And I think that attitude you have about challenging your weakness is very admirable.  I'm going to try it like that.  I think if I set it up as a challenge to myself, I'll be less concerned about looking like an idiot.  I'm the kind of fool who gets very competitive if you challenge me to be, so I think it might work!  Thanks alot for the idea Blue!

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(Several things actually: After reading Kazuko's route I wanted to run & found out I was pretty athletic & loved running. I'm also shy but I've always tried speaking up anyways even if it's stupid, but I didn't know why I did it to be honest until again I played Kazuko's route: I hate losing to my weaknesses if that makes any sense whatsoever, so I put in more effort to try & fix them.)


(Same, but there are a few that I like)

That's extremely cool. I think I might try and do that from now on.

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Blue Ember


Yeah, I used to go to the gym ALL THE TIME until this January.  I ripped some cartilage in my wrist and a day later injured my foot.  So I've been out for about 4 months rcovering.  Reading Majikoi through and always seeing Wanko training got me back into the groove though.  Been doing a lot of abdominal exercises, light leg exercises, and 10 lb weight reps for upper body to make sure my wrist isn't going to crap out again.  I'll move it up slowly as long as it doesn't hurt.  Feels nice to be back!


And I think that attitude you have about challenging your weakness is very admirable.  I'm going to try it like that.  I think if I set it up as a challenge to myself, I'll be less concerned about looking like an idiot.  I'm the kind of fool who gets very competitive if you challenge me to be, so I think it might work!  Thanks alot for the idea Blue!


(That's good to hear! I hope your hard work pays off although from the way you put it it already has, either way I was happy to read this. Pretty much the same for me, I really hate lose, especially to myself so I can really relate to being competitive. Tell how it goes. ^-^)  

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That's extremely cool. I think I might try and do that from now on.


And I think that attitude you have about challenging your weakness is very admirable.

(Huh, never really thought of it as cool or admiral to be honest, thank you though. ^-^

Good luck to the both of you!

And remember Push forward! 



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(That's good to hear! I hope your hard work pays off although from the way you put it it already has, either way I was happy to read this. Pretty much the same for me, I really hate lose, especially to myself so I can really relate to being competitive. Tell how it goes. ^-^)  

I'm really competitive too however, I don't do much exercise so I get tired pretty quickly

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