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Is it really that hard to spell my name? How come everyone gets Ouraibaa's right?


And while my fan fiction may certainly be "unique", interesting is not exactly what I'd call it.

his is easy to read.


While your name reads like a brick taigo


Long story short. Your a nice guy and we all love you.

But your naming sense sucks.

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Is it really that hard to spell my name? How come everyone gets Ouraibaa's right?


And while my fan fiction may certainly be "unique", interesting is not exactly what I'd call it.

Don't worry. No one ever accused you of writing interesting(or good) literature.

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I was unde the impression that that story was a joke.

Nope, it's been officially confirmed by Microsoft.  Windows 10 is legit, and is on the horizon.

Source 1, source 2


Hilariously enough, though, someone joked about this exact thing occurring over a year ago.  You just can't make stuff like that up.

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Don't worry. No one ever accused you of writing interesting(or good) literature.

I was really worried you people might've thought I knew how to write. What a relief.

Is Tiago's name Tiago or Tiag?

"Is Tiago's name..."

You got it right. My name is Tiago. Tiago F Varela.

It's Tiag-bitch, or, his favorite, Hctib Elttil

I pity your son should he have to put up with your naming sense.
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I was really worried you people might've thought I knew how to write. What a relief.

"Is Tiago's name..."

You got it right. My name is Tiago. Tiago F Varela.

I pitty your son should he have to put up with your naming sense.

Nobody thinks that.


Nope. Tiag-bitch.


I'm going to name my son King, probably, or Kenji if I marry a Japanese lady. Unless we keep my last name.....then King would not work. Kenji would. Not Japanese and same last name.....Joseph, maybe? I like that name.

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Maybe not that part but, I stand by my statement.


On a completely tangent train of thought. Phersu always reminds me of phallus. I associate your username with the word phallus. I think its the PH.

It's my gigantic dick, rending space and time and forcing people to think of it always. Clearly. Obviously.

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