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What is your most hated anime character?


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Aww, Ayumi was my 2nd favorite heroine in TWGOK, 2nd only to Chihiro.

Mitsuki Sonoda from Sakura Trick

Her personality alone annoyed me to no end and actually ruined some of my enjoyment of Sakura Trick, but just having a personality that rubs me wrong isn't enough to have me hate them. She's hypocritical and cruel by the end. She starts off by telling her sister that she can't have a girlfriend because it's "not right" and bans them being together alone, but ends up trying to

STEAL that same girl from her sister. How low can you go!? Stealing someone from someone else is already bad enough, but from your own I]sister makes it go to a whole new level. Add on the hypocrisy of what she's doing and I ended up despising her.

I may agree. She was horrible! Honestly, one character can ruin an anime. She is that character. 

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Aww, Ayumi was my 2nd favorite heroine in TWGOK, 2nd only to Chihiro.

Mitsuki Sonoda from Sakura Trick

Her personality alone annoyed me to no end and actually ruined some of my enjoyment of Sakura Trick, but just having a personality that rubs me wrong isn't enough to have me hate them. She's hypocritical and cruel by the end. She starts off by telling her sister that she can't have a girlfriend because it's "not right" and bans them being together alone, but ends up trying to

STEAL that same girl from her sister. How low can you go!? Stealing someone from someone else is already bad enough, but from your own sister makes it go to a whole new level. Add on the hypocrisy of what she's doing and the fact I already extremely disliked her personality/character, I ended up despising her.

See I kinda liked Mitsuki (not as much as the other characters) 

but I found her struggle entertaining to watch. Yes she was hypocritical, but the way she struggled with her feelings over a complex issue and eventually matured and re-defined herself made up for it IMO.


Also, Haqua all the way, though I liked Chihiro a lot too. 

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Ayumi really did hinder TWGOK.

I wouldn't say she was the worst out of all but she definitely wasn't great.


And if any of  you read the manga you know what a pain in the ass she is at the end.

Choosing world destruction because she can't stop being moody really annoyed me.

Her attitude during the goddesses arc was also annoying but at least it had some reasoning.


Chihiro best girl though <3

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Ayumi really did hinder TWGOK.

I wouldn't say she was the worst out of all but she definitely wasn't great.

And if any of  you read the manga you know what a pain in the ass she is at the end.

Choosing world destruction because she can't stop being moody really annoyed me.

Her attitude during the goddesses arc was also annoying but at least it had some reasoning.


Chihiro best girl though <3

That right there was what really pounded it in for me, but since that hasn't been animated yet.  I liked her in episode one, and it just went downhill after that.  

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It might be either Makoto from School Days or (I don't know if this is counts, as it is no specific person) the strong guys with that 'innocence' thing. Like, an extremely strong person that limits himself by saying he'll never kill. It gets on my nerves. The ONLY time this has felt natural to me is Buso Renkin, God knows why.





Same as you, I felt gratification at the fact that Makoto was dead. I still remember how his head pokes out of that bag, with an expression that says "Huh? What am I doing here?" It cracks me up every time.

Which is why I was surprised to find out that in the VN, he doesn't get killed in every ending.

I still hate him, though. No matter what path I chose, I never ended up satisfied at the end.

Except the path where he was killed. Until Sekai turned into a homicidal bitch and decided to go after Kotonoha too.

liked Sekai. I may have mentioned this in an earlier thread, but the thought of a perfect heroine reeeeeaaaaally annoys me. I can't stand them. Kotonoha doesn't seem to have any faults.

She's the stereotypical embodiment of perfection that somehow inexplicably falls in love with the MC instead of being a whore. In reality, someone like this would NEVER be perfectly innocent. There is evidence to prove that those most innocent at the beginning become the most twisted at the end. And I'd rather see the twisted. So I pursued her route.

And I was disappointed. I could write volumes on how disappointed I was. Sekai seemed perfect for me,

slightly obsessive, but not too obsessive. Subtle, yet suddenly pushy. She can't hold to a single decision. She was so helpful, despite the fact she liked him. She didn't hint at liking him, and suddenly she kissed him. Man, the bad ends made her a total bitch.


If this counts at all, I'd like to address every powerful fighter that limits himself with an excuse. It's stupid. It's useless. It's gonna cost you in real life. Unfortunately, *sigh* anime isn't reality. Okay, so sometimes people are grateful. But often, if you accept them, they pretend. They pretend to accept you. They pretend to like you. They pretend to believe in you. And the moment you turn your back, you find a blade poking out your chest. If people can be faithful to you, they can be faithful to your enemy. They can also believe that you will fail, and decide to take the reward for killing you. 99% of the time, they will do this. Anime may give good advice at times, but if kids watch this and think 'If someone attacks me, I'll let them go because I'm not as bad as them, and they're not really bad either', do you really think the bad guy will let them go? No, the villain will kidnap the kid and sell him/her as a slave, or keep them for ransom. I feel this does not accurately portray any hero or fighter or soldier. In fact, in war, if you left an enemy alive, either they would shoot you in the back or your commanding officer would shoot you in the head. That's just how it is in the world. I really want to see an MC that has no morals in battle.


Sorry for the rant.

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Everyone dissing the MC from School Days makes me want to watch it. I mean, I've seen the first episode already and I already know how the show goes and wraps up, but I should probably watch it so I can join in the hate circle.

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Oh, Sekai deserved that too.

NO! No, she doesn't! lol I'm sick of people saying that she deserves it, she's asking for it. The anime twists her character into a generic selfish villain. People really should check the VN, you know, the source material, before jumping into conclusions like that.


Sigh... Not a great start. I know that post was made a year ago, but just seeing the OP like that made me cringe. Heh...


My most hated character... It's tough, because I'm rather lenient when it comes to fictional characters, because I understand the fundamental logic that we're all flawed humans in one way or another, so even the worst person on Earth has some redeeming value at best. Thus, when I try to see such redeeming values, you'll have me rooting for underdog characters like Sekai over there... That said.


Kotonoha. Don't get me wrong, this is not just an immature attack out of some self-righteous desire to defend Sekai. It's just... she's annoying in her own way too... in the 'whiny Shinji' kind of way. I mean, I understand that she was bullied, but the way her character was written, even in the VN, she's like this little selfish puppy who's waiting for some prince to come and rescue her. To be fair, a lot of unfortunate circumstances were piled on her for sure, which is why my supposed 'hatred' for her is nothing more than an irritation. I'm just mildly bothered by her, that's all, not outright hating her.


I mean, just take a look at another emotionally-weak character, if you will - Miki Sayaka. Despite being the weakest magical girl of all, despite having all that crap piled on her, she still fought till the bitter end. That's something I could respect, not crying, "It's your fault I'm in this kind of state" and hope for people to pity you.


The other character of irritation, not necessary hatred, is Akemi Homura. While I understood her circumstances, I couldn't bring myself to like the way she's so clingy to Madoka. And also, her bias treatment towards my favorite character, Sayaka, didn't help a whole lot either.

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For me, it would be Lala, from to love ru.


I find her so annoying that I have stopped watching the anime after 5 episodes or less. A naive character can be cute, but her actings were too much for me, she was going overboard.


I could also say Sasami in the anime Sasami mahou shoujo club, mostly because I loved the character in Tenshi muyo and that's in this serie, she was a little mary sue (with an annoying voice in the japanese dub).

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Haven't really watched the School Days anime (don't flame), but I've played the entirety of the VN. Makoto is still undoubtedly and unbelievably irritating. The only routes that seem replayable are the bad ends (not surprisingly, those are my only saves)


I know there are ways on how to make an indecisive character look nice on anime (I'm looking at you, High School DXD, I.S., Campione), but Makoto takes it all.


Oh wait... Takeya from DearS


Tch, it'll be a long night ;)

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Oh wait, don't forget Subaru from the VN "Yandere". For some reason, the females (varying ages, that's why) tend to be reasonably innocent at first,

but butchers it all by doing everyone... plus you couldn't really tell whether or not you want to sympathize with the guy. This guy SWINGS from pitiful to pompous in no time, I'd say he ties with Makoto, but since Yandere was written as a comedy...



Arrgh my head hurts ;)

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I can't think of any characters I've outright hated, but since I just finished Love Live season 2, the first truly irritating character I can think of off the top of my head is Nico Yazawa. She didn't ruin the show for me- Now that I've seen both seasons, I can safely say that Love Live is one of my top five favorite anime- but from beginning to end, she was the one character that I never warmed up to. I mean, even Eri annoyed me at first too, but eventually redeemed herself. But Nico was just annoying from beginning to end. Every time she did her little "Nico Nico Nii~" thing, I wanted to slap her, because she usually used it to get herself out of situations brought on by her being selfish or to direct everyone's attention to her, even when she didn't deserve it.


Not to mention the Season 2 episode that revolved around her and her family. I'm sure it was supposed to be touching that she cared so much for her siblings that she lied and said that she was a :Super idol," but I actually just found it kind of rude that she called everyone else her background dancers, then tried to lie about it. Considering how much the group had talked at that point about having no leader and being honest with each other, it came off as an immature move that proved that she hadn't matured at all. It's hard to believe that she's one of the third years- not just because she looks young, but because she acts like an immature brat.


Oh well, at least there are 8 other main girls.

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Rosa.... definitely Rosa from Umineko no Naku Koro ni. Ugh... just thinking about her, a vein comes to surface in my forehead. I haven't watched the anime, but of course it's the same plot so she's still the most hateful person.


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this may to soon to say this but on this week's episode of aldnoah zero there was a pilot of specific that was killing people for no reason, he is the character i hate the most right now since no one lese comes to mind, the sick bastard toyed with lives like it was game, i wanna see his ass go down a painful fashion.

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Used to hate: Orihime from Bleach. 

Nowadays, it's Touma from Index. I don't necessarily hate him, I like him as a character, but he has no progression. He's lackluster ability-wise. :/ I don't like that, and despite being "unlucky" because of his arm, he shouldn't have won 80% of his fights. His arm is OP in that it can negate anything, but he has to physically touch it/react fast enough to touch it to negate it. This guy shouldn't be alive anymore. Dat plot arm is OP as hell. I feel like he deserves some sort of "boost." I like him as a character like I said, but winning all his fights by punching people in the face he should've definitely lost to (Accelerator especially, I mean, really? lol) is kind of dull. >_>

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I can't really say I hate any character at the moment, but I do remember hating the ever-living crap out of Moeka while marathoning Steins;Gate.


When she showed up out of nowhere and straight up shot Mayuri, I couldn't stand the bitch, not to mention that she kept killing her in several of the attempts that Okabe made to save her. Granted, it was only a momentary period of hatred, and I eventually grew to kinda like her, but that's the most recent that I can recall.


Also while not hate, I really, really disliked Minori from Log Horizon. Just didn't sit well with me. 


And, of course, the obligatory Makoto hate. I dunno, I like having romance in anime, and when I first saw School Days, I was in the infancy of my anime days. Makoto pretty much shat on the genre of romance for me. Not what I had been expecting at all.

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