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Why do gamers care so much about getting 1080p and 60 FPS?


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Mmm... to be honest, I don't notice small differences, but you can definitely tell when framerates fall severely.  One of the reasons a lot of Japanese games (such as the Final Fantasy series) limit their games to a specific framerate (usually 20-30) is because 'getting greedy' tends to result in badly bugged games.  The way they do it basically makes certain there is little to no variance in framerate throughout the game, thus making relatively low framerates less noticeable to the untrained eye.  However, in the cases of games like the Witcher 3 or Skyrim, you can definitely tell when framerates are falling, because they tend to fall and rise drastically.

This is more due to Japanese developers having the tendency of coding systems that rely on specific frame timings, something western developers tend to avoid doing. So Japanese games lock themselves at 30FPS more often. An example of this is Dark Souls, whose physics are heavily dependent on the framerate, and unlocking it can cause issues like falling through the world when sliding down ladders. 

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Steam games especially ports from consoles or vita lock games at 30 FPS. The Steam community is really big when it comes to unlocking these 30 FPS locks and raise it to 60 FPS. 

Also, I had an old 60hz monitor and I tried 60 FPS there..... christ, it looked so damn terrible because of the screen tearing, so 60 FPS depends on your monitor too. 

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If you simply have an unlocked framerate, the framerate can exceed 60 which will cause screen tearing on most 60hz displays. You can either lock the framerate at 60, or use v-sync. Most people will use v-sync which gets rid of the tearing completely while still maintaining smooth frame rates.

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All games should follow Undertale standards (focus on gameplay and experience). You don't need 3D 1080 graphics and hundreds of thousands of budget to contend for best game awards/rankings. 

l-o fucking l


Undertale is fun, don't get me wrong. But its a meme spouting game that appeals to the tumblr, reddit, "look at me i'm a unique snowflake crowd"

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People spout 1080p@60 because they want it.

1080p is just a standard resolution at this point, and I am on the side of thinking "bigger numbers, bigger e-peen", then again I did buy a $700 gpu which can DSR every to 4k :shrug:

But 60fps on the other hand is more important, and why I bought my card.  After seeing 60fps videos on Youtube, I can tell immediately whether or not it is 60 or 30.  60 is really an acquired taste, but the downside is that once you go 60 and start feeling the greater smoothness of it, it's hard to go back.  I got tired of 30fps even before I built my monster rig simply from watching Youtube at 60.  I figure more and more people, not just gamers, are going to be wanting it if not only because of Youtube.

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The only games I've ever played where framerate mattered were FPS games, and I've rarely played one well enough that I could notice framerate issues. However, I did once get good enough at a game, which I also thoroughly enjoyed playing, to really notice framerate issues. The moment I understood the problem, I did everything I could to get a better experience. In that case it was actually a console game (I'm mostly a dirty console peasant, aside from VNs), and the issue was with the TV; we had two TVs where we'd play big system link games of Halo: CE, and on one of the two TVs, you just... could shoot better than the other. I noticed this after two years and somewhere around a thousand hours of playing the same game on these two TVs. The picture was actually worse on the "good" TV, and it had, I shit you not, a dead fly stuck between a protector in front of the display and the display itself (my roommate named him George), but the framerate was better on it. You just shot better when George The Dead Fly was there to help you.

Once you can really feel that difference, the joy of playing the game noticeably decreases if you're subjected to that worse framerate; it really sucks to play a competitive game with a noticeable, avoidable handicap.

I haven't ever had that experience since, and I'm certain I wouldn't care about 30 FPS vs. 60 FPS today, unless I reached that same level of play at a competitive game like an FPS or an RTS. If that happened, I doubt I'd be out there having an internet dick-measuring contest about my gaming rig, but you can bet I'd be quietly doing everything I could to make sure I got the best possible experience. Pwning n00bs is serious business.

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Pfft only 1080? All about 4k. 

Either way more FPS and better resolution make stuff look nicer and feel nicer (FPS at least) though it depends on the game. If it's a competitive multiplayer game you want/need the best performance possible. When a game is created with a 30 fps lock for a reason, and it still runs well, there is nothing wrong with that. 

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I don't think there's anything wrong for wanting better resolution and framerate for your games. 1080p is pretty much the standard for displays at this point and 60 frames does make a game look a hell of a lot smoother. Wanting to play your games in the best way possible is a sentiment that I can share; however what I don't understand is when people boycott games for not hitting their standards of resolution and FPS. It's your money and you can do what you want and I really don't care but I would much rather play the game in 720p@30FPS then not play it at all.

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I don't think there's anything wrong for wanting better resolution and framerate for your games. 1080p is pretty much the standard for displays at this point and 60 frames does make a game look a hell of a lot smoother. Wanting to play your games in the best way possible is a sentiment that I can share; however what I don't understand is when people boycott games for not hitting their standards of resolution and FPS. It's your money and you can do what you want and I really don't care but I would much rather play the game in 720p@30FPS then not play it at all.

It's because they're trying to send a message. Products without 60 FPS as an option often come as a result of laziness. That being the case, it seems slightly more normal for there to be boycotting.

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