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Shikomizue's Strange Stories

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Oh don't worry, I'll think of a dastardly scenario to put you in.  :upupu:



The smell of ganja is strong with this one

Pfffft. I have no idea what you're talking about. :rolleyes:


Also I call bullshit on that story, I don't even know how to play Go Fish.


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                  The Strange Gender Hiding Sig Makers

                                                                                     (Seriously though, it can't be a coincidence.)


WARNING: I typed this up at 3:00 AM, so this may be weirder than normal. You have been warned.



(Ugh how do start this thing.... um.... yeah, yeah that'll do.)


Our story begins on a rainy, stormy, bang-bang kind of day. You know, those ones where Thunder is all like: "BOOM DIE HUMANS!" And Lightning is like: "Zap zap, Zapper that amazing cricket, you ever play that game? I did a long time ago as a kid. I should play it again soon." Yeah, I love those days.


Anyway, our story begins with a person called Mr. Meogii. This Mr. Meogii was walking up to a person called Rose's doorstep. He was invited there by Rose, who said that other signature makers, namely Kurokusari and Roach, would be there as well.


Meogii knocks on the door, waiting to be let in. Rose opens the door and says:


"Ahh Mr. Meogii I presume?"


He nods to show confirmation.


"Well then come on in."


As Meogii walks into the house, he- Blah blah blah, blah and blah blablah who then blah blah.


Don't worry, those were all boring details you didn't need to hear. I mean, this is a comedy story, so I can't bore you with things that would be necessary for an actual story.


*Flips pages* Ummm..... Ah! Here we are!


So, standing at the front of this very big mansion that certainly looks haunted Roach decides to speak up.


"So, are we going in or are we going to just stand here?"


"Well, I suppose we have no other choice." Rose says annoyed.


As they walk into the mansion, they notice how decrepit everything is. All of a sudden. A trap door opens up under Rose.


"Wooooaaaaaaahhhhh." She yells in surprise. (Come on Rose, we all know you're a girl. You make it painfully obvious.)


"Oh cool this looks fun." Roach says cannon-balling in after Rose.


This leaves us with Mr. Meogii and Kurokusari. *Corpse Party music starts playing*


"Meogii! We have to find them and get out of here! Let's start looking!"


Meogii nods with confidence.


(With the two idiots that fell into a cliche trap)


As Rose and Roach wander around, Rose feels a chill down her spine, like a something was following them kind of chill. She looks behind her only to find that- OHMYGOD THERE IS SOMETHING THERE! It's, it's.... her shadow....





Now feeling insanely stupid, Rose turns back around only to find that Roach is gone. Where did he go? There's only one way to go, and that's forward. All of a sudden, Rose is being choked! She struggles to get loose, but to no avail. Rose looses consciousness, and is taken into the shadows, never to be seen again.


(Back with Meogii and Kuro)


After exploring the 2nd floor of the mansion, (because that's the logical thing to do after your friends just fell through a trap door) they tried going to the basement, but the door was locked- but that didn't matter, because the door was so rotten that it broke with no effort! So they went down into the basement, at least, they were but apparently Kuro had something to say.


"Um... Meogii-san?" he asked.


"Yes?" Meogii says his first word in this entire story in reply to Kuro.


"I... there's been something I've wanted to tell you for a long time now..." Kuro says, his breath becoming heavier.


"Yeah?" Meogii gives his response.


"Um... I... I really...... L-....L-.... lucked out! I mean isn't this a cool adventure we're having?" Kuro says, disappointing everyone I'm sure.


"Yeah, even though our friends fell into a trap about 15 minutes ago, it's pretty fun."


"Isn't it? Anyway let's go."


So they continued down into the basement, while Kuro was sighing in relief. (And I don't mean the Kuro in my story. :makina:)

After walking what seemed like miles of stairs, they came to a door. Seeing as there was nothing else to do, they opened it to find... Rose... and Roach... and...Flutterz?



                                                                                                    "Wanna tell ghost stories?"



                                                                               (For the guy who complained about lolis, this is for you.)


                                                                                                          And then it rained lolis.


                                                                                                                    The End

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"I... there's been something I've wanted to tell you for a long time now..." Kuro says, his breath becoming heavier.


"Yeah?" Meogii gives his response.


"Um... I... I really...... L-....L-.... lucked out! I mean isn't this a cool adventure we're having?" Kuro says, disappointing everyone I'm sure.

Geezus crais what's with this?





What the hell are you doing me? You were alone why didn't you raep him?

To the people who were disappointed, don't raise your hands. I didn't,don't, and will never get involved like this. I mean, I'm in the story and there's no LOLI?

This is fraud. There are always lolis when I'm involved. I demand a refund.

Meogii-senpai notice me~

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Geezus crais what's with this?





What the hell are you doing me? You were alone why didn't you raep him?

To the people who were disappointed, don't raise your hands. I didn't,don't, and will never get involved like this. I mean, I'm in the story and there's no LOLI?

This is fraud. There are always lolis when I'm involved. I demand a refund.

Meogii-senpai notice me~

Alright! You know what? I'll edit the story just for you!

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You'll probably add Flutterz in any way possible so I request a story of yourself huehuehue

Funny, I was just thinking about making a story about myself...


You should do one for Tarzan. Yes, Taiga OF Versailles. Cuz we all know Tiag is worthy of such Tiegoness and the ability to Tiggers, F, Verela and Totters

Oh I will, but I want to see if I get any good ideas for his story, (which will also include Stray Cat) so he'll probably be one of the last people I make a story about.

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  • 2 months later...

*Ahem* I do hereby announce, Shikomizue's Strange Stories, reopened!



                                                              The Strange Sister


Once upon a time, there was a man named Tiago F. Varela.


The day started like any other Saturday, Tiago was on his PC surfing the internet, browsing Fuwanovel and watching romance anime. When all of a sudden, his sister of all people walked in and said.


“Onii-chan, do you want to do something today?”


“What did you have in mind?” he asked.


“Maybe we could go out for some ice cream?”


“Sounds lovely”


And so they went out to get ice cream, his sister asked for chocolate while Tiago himself wanted strawberry, Tiago payed for the delectable treats like a gentleman.


“Can we go somewhere else Onii-chan?”


“Sure why not, how about we go to the book sto-”


But he couldn't finish because he slipped on a banana peel, and considering they were walking down a hill... he slid into a manhole.


“Onii-chan?! Are you okay?!”




Now smelling like sewage, Tiago noticed there wasn't a ladder to get out. Looking closely, it seems the rungs had been pulled out for some reason.


“It seems there isn't a ladder here. I'll meet you at the next manhole okay?”


“Alright, I'll meet you there. Be careful Onii-chan.”


As Tiago walked down the pathway, he noticed another manhole entrance, he climbed up and pushed but it wouldn't budge, not even a little bit. He then noticed what looked like cement, and it looked fairly recent. Disappointed, he continued walking, searching for another exit. Unfortunately, all of them were sealed. Thinking back, everything up to this point seemed... planned. But who would want to do this? He had done no wrong, committed no crime. Pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose, he started thinking like his favorite Ace Attorney character: Edgeworth.


There are three things so far that indicate this was intentional.”



1. The obvious cement on all of the manholes.

2. There was one open manhole even though all the others are sealed.

3. The banana peel by itself you could pass as coincidence, but considering the other two things, that's not likely.


Anyone could have figured this out, he just wanted to make himself feel smart.


It's clear that someone wants me gone but who? Who would have a motive? I haven't done anything to my family to deserve this. Maybe someone on Fuwanovel who took me too seriously?”


Knowing that standing around thinking all day wouldn't get him out of the sewers, he continued on his journey for an exit. He found another manhole and decided it was worth a shot. He climbed up to it, pushed, and luckily, it seemed the culprit forgot to seal this one.


As soon as he made it out, he noticed a clown with a flower on his head walking up to him.


“Hey there! You look like prime clown material!” he said.


“I what?”


“I said you look like clown material! Come with me!” and the clown dragged Tiago off to a big tent.


“Hey guys! I found another performer for us!”


As the clown said this, many looked in his direction. Tiago took a good look at all of them. A girl with golden hair and... sparkles? There were a lot of animals around her, so he thought she must be an animal tamer. A very thin man with a puppet... that was hitting him. A ventriloquist perhaps? There also seemed to be a magician with pink hair. Tiago thought he recognized this man from somewhere. What was his name...? Bob? John? Billy? No, no magician would have a name like those, right?

Said magician responded to the clown.


“Fabulous! We could always use some more help around here.”


Tiago protested to this however.


“Your friend here is mistaken, I'm no performer, much less a clown.”


“Oh, well that's too bad. I was hoping we could get some help with our performance. Anyway, sorry to bother you.”


“It's fine, I'll be on my way now.” and so he left the tent.


After getting out of the den of weirdos, Tiago went to many places looking for his sister. I'm not going to mention any of them because I've run out of ideas at this point. But you can be sure each place had some hilarious happenings.


After a long day of looking around he started going back home, it's the only place she could be.

When he walked in, he heard a voice, it was his sister's voice! Tiago opened the door where it came from and found... Flutterz, who said:


                                                                                      Wanna have a tea party?


                                                                                                 The End



I want some feedback from you guys. Did I do better than my previous stories? Or do I still need work? If I do, please tell me in what area so I can improve. Oh, and for the next story, give me a prompt to help me out.

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I don't know how to put it butttt, imo the narration are a bit weird. Not weird in the sense of 'I-can't-understand-what-going-on' but more of a 'There's-something-off-but-i-don't-know-what-is'

Also, it's only a personal preference but putting and after a direct speak like   “It's fine, I'll be on my way now.” and so he left the tent. is pissing me off for some reason :sachi:

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It's wonderful. And I mean that in the worst possible sense.

It is not near random enough. It pretty much makes sense and while it's cluttered with references, it lacks anything that would make me rage and other laugh. It seems more like a... random, unninteresting somewhat parodized story, but not sufficiently so.

Therefore, I can't say I dislike this story for insulting me, because it doesn't, but I can't say I like it for being funny either, the original intention.

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I don't know how to put it butttt, imo the narration are a bit weird. Not weird in the sense of 'I-can't-understand-what-going-on' but more of a 'There's-something-off-but-i-don't-know-what-is'

I can't really see it (being the writer myself). Is there any other way you could describe it? I'd like to fix that if possible.


Also, it's only a personal preference but putting and after a direct speak like   “It's fine, I'll be on my way now.” and so he left the tent. is pissing me off for some reason :sachi:

Actually, you're right, that does sound a little weird. I'll make sure to change that in the future.



It's wonderful. And I mean that in the worst possible sense.

It is not near random enough. It pretty much makes sense and while it's cluttered with references, it lacks anything that would make me rage and other laugh. It seems more like a... random, unninteresting somewhat parodized story, but not sufficiently so.

Therefore, I can't say I dislike this story for insulting me, because it doesn't, but I can't say I like it for being funny either, the original intention.

I noticed this as well, the problem is I don't think randomly enough. I don't think: "Oh, that sounds like a funny idea!" I think: "Hmm... that doesn't seem funny." I don't really know how to intentionally be funny, or even know if what I'm writing is funny at all.

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I can't really see it (being the writer myself). Is there any other way you could describe it? I'd like to fix that if possible.

True, finding a fault in your own story is damn near impossible :amane:

Hmmm......actually now that I re-read it, it seems that the story have a feel of being told by someone, maybe because of the usage of 'and' that i already mention,


Also, try to explain what is happening more clearly, and try to describe the background of what happening. Like 


Now smelling like sewage, Tiago noticed there wasn't a ladder to get out. 


How can he smell like sewage? Is it just because that being in the manhole the smell immediately transfer to him or maybe he get splashed by the water in it so that he smell like a sewage?


Also, maybe separate two different event that don't have a correlation to each other. That sentences at least IMO, imply that since he smell like a sewage he come to conclusion that there wasn't a ladder. Maybe put 'As Tiago look around, he realized there wasn't a ladder to get him out'


Well, it's all according to IMO anyway, maybe you can ask advice for someone who can actually write instead of me :P 


That said though it's a fun story. Best part in story without a doubt would be : Anyone could have figured this out, he just wanted to make himself feel smart.

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True, finding a fault in your own story is damn near impossible :amane:

Hmmm......actually now that I re-read it, it seems that the story have a feel of being told by someone, maybe because of the usage of 'and' that i already mention,


Also, try to explain what is happening more clearly, and try to describe the background of what happening. Like 


Now smelling like sewage, Tiago noticed there wasn't a ladder to get out. 


How can he smell like sewage? Is it just because that being in the manhole the smell immediately transfer to him or maybe he get splashed by the water in it so that he smell like a sewage?


Also, maybe separate two different event that don't have a correlation to each other. That sentences at least IMO, imply that since he smell like a sewage he come to conclusion that there wasn't a ladder. Maybe put 'As Tiago look around, he realized there wasn't a ladder to get him out'


Well, it's all according to IMO anyway, maybe you can ask advice for someone who can actually write instead of me :P 


That said though it's a fun story. Best part in story without a doubt would be : Anyone could have figured this out, he just wanted to make himself feel smart.

  1. Be clearer.
  2. Separate sentences that don't have a correlation.

Got it. Thanks for your input.

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