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Deep Blue

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Blog Comments posted by Deep Blue

  1. I'm really enjoying this vn so far probably the only one that was released recently that I actually like.

    I don't share your point of view regarding the protagonists in general, I hate Shuuichi he is a piece of shit, but that's it. I actually think that Renji is one of the best male characters out there without being in chuuni vn, just acting like a normal human being in a hard circumstance he behaves like a fucking bad-ass not like your average teenage boy and you don't see that very often in vns.



    The part I was referring to was when you are playing some kind of paintball game inside the school, it was a bit too much but then again from one thousand lies there are some hidden truth so not everything that we are reading is actually what happened in reality, it was just his reality or what Ciarán wanted to be true, after all he is a liar just like Claire, was she actually real and not just his figurine? I think she was real part of the time and part of the time she wasn't 


  3. It's really hard to talk about the novel without using the spoiler tag :( and I made sure of not spoiling anything but yeah I do agree that one particular part was a bit too much yet there is an explanation for it. 
    It goes without saying that the novel is not perfect but I praise it a lot because it does something different without trying to mimic or copy cliche stories that we have already seen many many times specially on EVN, and it does so with some amazing characters and some really good dialogues between them, some of the conversations between Ausse and Ciar are too damn funny, the part with the reference to katawa shoujo I was laughing out loud and I don't usually do so, add philosophy and a real drama to it and you have an excellent visual novel that you don't find every day.

  4. When I'm watching some anime or playing a vn I always get "are you still watching those cartoons?" but they don't use the word cartoons but "dibujitos" which means cartoons for little kids like, dora the explorer. I don't give a crap and i never answer. xD

    Also this is something that everyone says here everyone! (school, family, job) "do you like japanese stuff? that's weird "Japanese people are all the same, they all look the same to me" and the worst of all "Japanese people are a bunch of perverts, they like little kids, they are very sick people" Yeah the racism here it is over 8000 xD (it's actually 8000 and not 9000) 
    What I have to deal with:vinty:

  5. To be fair most of the English dubs are bad (or even horrendous) because they hire random amateur people  to do the jobs, specially in rpgs and let's not even talk about OELVN... there are some pretty amazing English VAs out there , just look at the team that fromsoftware hires for the souls series, Naughty Dog (with uncharted and last of us) BioWare and almost all of their rpgs (from baldurs or nevewinter to mass effect) Obsidian even with their bad titles like alpha protocol..

    In japanese is actually hard to find a bad VA (those surely have high pitched voices but I don't think their acting is bad) so far I only hate one actress and she seems to be in every single vn that I like or it is written by Kataoka (which I like too) and she is always the protagonist...probably is some kind of fixation that kataoka has with her xD

  6. yeah VAs  takes most of the time while reading a vn, for example in a combat scene, in let's say f/sn, if you just read it it will take 5-10 min but watching it with the voice acting takes a lot more, I mean Saber saying excalibur takes as much as just reading a couple of sentences alone but where is the fun in watching that scene without her awesome scream?

    Although I know a lot of people that actually dislike VAs in vns and they play it voiceless all the time, a waste if you ask me, I can understand that in some vns but in sharin no kuni for example, without Satou Masayoshi the character of Houzuki just wouldnt be the same, is one of those cases where the actor actually gives the character life and after that you cant have one without the other, even if the character on its own is amazing something would still be missing without it.

  7. 1 hour ago, firecat said:

    i read fast too and most voice acting are done under 10 seconds of recording so its not really missing anything.

    I don't want to turn this into "who read faster" or "who has it bigger" I don't give a crap about that, but the truth is if I read at my normal speed I have to wait a while until the dialog of the character end because reading most of the time is a lot faster than speaking in a normal conversation, specially if the scene is with a tone of drama, because of the acting.

  8. is hard to call this types of vns bad or a failure because of all the guro... after all the target audience of this vns are very specific and they are looking for this kind of content so having a good story in my opinion is just a plus, let's be honest whoever read this they dont read it for the story.
    To me this kind of content turns what could have been an awesome vn into a mediocre even bad one (like with euphoria) but then again im not the main target so that's ok.

  9. hey clephas I always read your reviews or thoughts about the novels that you play, I will ask you a favor. Can you add from now on how difficult to read is the novel in your reviews, you don't have to write a whole lot just say if it was easy, hard, medium etc. I often read the novels that you read but sometimes they are above my skill level.

    Either way thank you for all your reviews.

  10. Sometimes not using honorifics can screw up a dialog much later on in the story, for example there was a vn that almost by the end the characters were having a discussion on why the MC wasn't adding honorific to the heroine when he was addressing her, there is no way to fix that other than changing that entire dialog and making something up. Also honorifics are part of the culture in Japan so if you want to keep that intact and stay true to the meaning of what you are reading and translating then you should keep them.
    Yes you are translating a vn for a western public that they might or might not understand or know everything about the Japan culture but if they are reading a vn (which is a Japanese creation) then they probably know about it and if they don't they should, why else would they be reading it?

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