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About this blog

This is where a really clever description would go. They were out of those at Wal*Mart so I got this one at 7-11 with a cherry Slurpee. I have no set topic, but that's probably for the best, because SQUIRREL!!!

Entries in this blog

I Should Thank Fuwanovel

On May 11th, 2017 (ie, Thursday last week) the parody visual novel "Stay! Stay! Democratic People's Republic of Korea" was released. Most people probably know that I wrote it. Well, 90% or so of it, there were some humor changes and a couple last-minute changes to make some things make sense, those were done by the Project Leader. But for the vast majority of it, it's my handiwork. I actually got picked for the project because the developer advertised here on the boards. I submitted a sampl



Writing is Hard (Sometimes)

So this year I've taken to writing some independent OELVN pieces, two freebies that have both gone on some sort of hiatus and one paid one that I'm nearing completion of. One of the freebies the project lead kind of had her own vision for what I was writing (and I was too verbose). The other the lead liked what I wrote and even had a demo made of it. You can view it on YouTube. I did the writing, and yes, it's based on the anime "Free!" No money changed hands, in case you were wondering, and my



Truth About Nurses

I know I'm shattering some hopes and dreams here, but nurses do not wear what we wish they wore. What we wish for: What is reality: Well I never said nurses couldn't be cute. They just don't wear short skirts and thigh highs.



Honey Pot

Thanks to reading visual novels, I've learned something new. Something I probably could have lived the rest of my life happy having never known. I hate the term "honey pot" in place of "vagina" when reading eroges. Actually, I'd hate it anywhere but I'd never seen it until I started reading eroges. It's bad enough that, so far that I've read, the vast majority of h-scenes are so awkwardly written that it makes "Super Hornio Brothers" and "The Bare Wench Project" seem like literary achi



Still Not Complete Spoilery Stuff, Part 2: Ghosts Don't Need Logic

So after railing about the lack of logic in Megumi's story in No One But You, I've moved on to the wonderful world of ghosts, which defy logic anyway, so it's all good to be illogical. Because it's a ghost story. With ghost stories, a lot of times you can see them coming from a mile away. The author either accidentally or intentionally tips his hand that his story involves ghosts. Bruce Willis is the exception, not the rule. And that's okay. I'm down for a good ghost story, especially if it



A Not Complete, Spoilery Review of No One But You... So Far

WARNING - This post WILL have spoilers for a new Visual Novel. If you don't like spoilers, go read something else I wrote. Like ask onii-chan a question, hmmmmm? Okay, Unwonted Studios recently released "No One But You" - a visual novel about a young man who returns to his hometown and runs into girls, picks up a weird friend and does stuff. That's the layman's gist of it. Okay, so Hidaeki moves back home. Meets cute girls. Can pursue cute girls. Cute girls are emotional wrecks - it's



Getting My Feet Wet

As some may or may not know, a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away - New Jersey and New Hampshire) I was a writer/editor for sports sections of some different newspapers. I loved it, because I've always loved writing. And I've managed to profit off of it (let's not discuss high school where I wrote papers for money). But newspapers are an industry practically on its deathbed and my last job feel through. With sports, it's hard to get in, as it's a great job and those who bet them stay until



Surrogate Friendship

CONFESSION: I use you guys in lieu of an actual social life. I really do. The internet has made certain things easier. When you find people you share things in common with and can socialize in some way, such as message boards about Japanese porno games stories, you tend to use it as a surrogate friendship. Heck, I actually got married because of CrossGen's boards way back in the day. So, I love you guys.



The Spirit of Giving

Recently I started a post of random silliness, dubbing myself your onii-chan (yep, if you're reading this or that, I'm now your onii-chan). As part of it, one particular poster (jokingly) asked to borrow $40 to buy a visual novel. I responded as to being open with the idea because I kind of am. And I actually did send $40 to a person on Twitter that I don't even know, as he needed it to pay the vet for his cat's operation. It seemed legitimate, and while I can't afford to waste money, in the big



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