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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. TFW siren starts playing in your town and you think of Silent Hill
  2. Confession: It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is my plan
  3. True. Next person likes to shout Objection!
  4. True. They're very yummy. Next person likes watermelons.
  5. TFW Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort is on 100% now.
  6. False. Do you take me for a pyromaniac? Next person is the next person.
  7. Best game ever, hands down... The OST is great, the story was perfect and the gameplay was really enjoyable. Ib was pretty good. Mad Father was OK. Misao was meeeh. I didn't play the rest of two you mentioned. I'm almost surprised Ao Oni is not on the list?
  8. Hello and welcome! *Is like the only one who didn't grab paddle*
  9. TFW I expected you to respond with "Overly attached Schwarz"
  10. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure... Perhaps because of the video?
  11. "Big bug removed from an ear" Nopenopenope...
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