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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. Also, if you will go sleep sooner and not too late, you will more likely have dreams. If you go sleep after midnight, you probably won't.
  2. Confession (?): If you won't masturbate for a long time, you are more likely to have ecchi dreams.
  3. I'm not sure how else would I write it then?
  4. Also I was trying hard to make "two sausages" and "baguette" relevant but I couldn't Actually I was thinking of Chrono Clock while making this
  5. When boy named Kenji finds a mysterious watch that can reverse back time, his life changes dramatically. Should he help and change past of certain girl, it will be up to him. Prologue My name is Kenji Kobayashi and I am your typical high school student. I live alone since my parents died in car accident two years ago. It took me quite a while to get over it. Although it's not as hard as you think, because my friends were always there for me. That being said, even with their help I have to go to work every day after school, so I can earn some money. It's a simple part-time job as chef, that pays well. "Oh no, it's already seven thirty..." My mood dropped a bit when I realized I might be late for school today. It took me two more minutes to get everything ready and to leave my apartment. I belong to the 3-A class, which is on the second floor. But in the end, I still, even though barely, made it in time for the English lesson. After the class during the break, my best friend Mark approached me. He greeted me with his casual: "Yo". Now, Mark wasn't native. He was foreigner, American to be exact. He was tall, rather strong and well informed on certain subjects... but he was an American. His traits would most likely be; competitive, hard working and outgoing... but he was an American. Overall, Mark is the cool-type guy. "I'm not giving you any money" I answered him. "W-what? I just wanted to greet my friend. Why would you assume I need money?" Mark desperately tried to deny the truth. "Because I know you" I sighed. This time he was rubbing his head in shame. "Fine, fine... And so, can you lend me some? I don't have lunch with me today." Note that this was a daily thing. This guy rarely brought a lunch with him. And while he always returned the money I lent him the next day, on the same day he would ask for loan again. This was known as the Mark cycle. Borrow, spend, use, return. "Alright, let's go to the cafeteria... I might as well buy something for myself." I shrugged. "Thanks mate." It was a bit weird that cafeteria in our school was open this early, but I wouldn't complain. Despite the fact we were like the only ones who always used it this early. "What do you want?" I asked when we arrived. "Hm... How about two sausages, mountain dew, baguette..." Mark would continue with his list, but he was interrupted by me. "Wait a second... I don't have that much money on me, seriously..." He gave me confused look, but then he smiled. "Gotcha, I'll take baguette and mountain dew then. Sounds good?" Taking mineral water for myself, I said: "Well, it's certainly better than what you were trying to order just second ago." During my comment, I paid the cashier and we returned to the class. Later on, the long break came and we had twenty minutes to eat our lunch. "The usual?" I threw my question towards Mark who came to my desk. "Yep. I believe Akeno is already there." He nodded. "Then what are we waiting for?" I got up from my seat and headed for the roof. A cacophonous sound could be heard as we climbed the stairs and the sound got louder and louder the closer we were to the door to rooftop. When we opened the door, everyone could see there was an argument going on between a single girl and bunch of guys. "I was here first, leave" insisted the girl. "Huh?! And so what? What are you going to do, hurt us?" The group of guys started to laugh. But the girl's resolve didn't drop. "Oh, I will" she answered and the mood has gotten serious. One of the guys has approached the girl while still laughing. I forgot to mention that this girl, is the girl we talked about earlier. Her name is Akeno. She has two long twin tails that suit her blonde hair, she is as tall as me... "Starting from the top, her sizes are 82, 55 and 81." Mark interrupted my awesome introduction. "Seriously?" I scowled at him. "Haha, sorry sorry... You can continue." Moving on, I believe she knows martial arts. "Ugh!" The guy that walked towards Akeno was now on the floor. "Do you still want to have a lunch here?" she asked while smirking. Instead of any answer, they started to panic and run away, including the one that just got beaten. Me and Mark stepped aside as they left the roof by going downstairs. Like you could see, Akeno is short-tempered and stubborn, but she also has kind and energetic personality deep inside her. In short, throughout heaven and earth, she alone is the honored one. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: I was writing the story at school, so it might not be too fancy. Also, since I decided for the story to be very short (which is about 5-6K words), I'm not very descriptive about certain scenes. Overall it's supposed to be minor comedy (notice the references and dumb 4th wall breaking etc.), romance and major drama. Either way, I would like to know your opinion about the prologue/my writing (even though there is like, nothing important yet).
  6. TFW you just noticed that Fluttez added you on steam.
  7. That's not what I meant by going out... By going out I meant, going out during your free time not when you have to go to school/work or whatever.
  8. You talk about it as if it was completely impossible to get.
  9. Confession: For a second I was thinking of taking MDMA.
  10. Confession: I am writing a short story, that is inspired by Chrono Clock and To The Moon. I might finish it in few days if I get to it.
  11. Confession: If I would be a girl, I would cosplay as Meme
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