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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. I don't really like those Sakura games much, but this one looks interesting... I wish I had it.
  2. It's mystery, but not scary, so it should be fine
  3. False. Next person wants to play Until Dawn.
  4. TFW Masochism is different. Even a masochist wouldn't like self loathing or regrets. Can confirm.
  5. Needless to say, the trip was very nice and refreshing. Definitely made my year~ Thank you very Much, for the wonderful experiences~ Looks like a great trip
  6. Das ist nicht komisch. Translation: Gettin' real tired of your shit
  7. Hello and welcome! Be sure to check out fuwachat once in a while!
  8. Hello and welcome. Enjoy your stay!
  9. My longest story had about 12K words , but I dropped it
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