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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. I'm sure Kaguya would be happy to oblige. Nah. Not my kind of person/type and I am sure Kaguya feels same Ship sunk There was a try.
  2. I'm sure Kaguya would be happy to oblige. Nah. Not my kind of person/type and I am sure Kaguya feels same
  3. Confession: One day, I want someone to have to leash on me. Literally
  4. 4th Confession: Please go out with me! *Badum tssss* Though Kiri, you are such a slut. You wanted to marry me after I told everyone that I actually enjoyed housework/chores
  5. When I think of my books, I touch my shelf.

  6. Confession 1: Yesterday, I started writing H-scene in school. I regret my decision Confession 2: (Also yesterday) I cut my finger once more while shaving (though it happened actually before shaving when I was removing the cover/protector from the razor. As always, I question my shaving skills I'll go with cool.
  7. TFW you revive a completely ded thread.
  8. Confession: I surprisingly got better at German
  9. Did you really just made a new topic just for this? You've got guts, I like it.
  10. Nice! Did you already have that or something? I didn't, but people keep on gifting me games. I believe 80% of the games I have were gifted to me That's pretty dang sweet. I bought some stuff that was on sale, but no one gifted me anything. It's the natural-selection of friends
  11. Nice! Did you already have that or something? I didn't, but people keep on gifting me games. I believe 80% of the games I have were gifted to me
  12. Confession: Someone gifted me (yes again) the Hyperdimension Neptunia 2 and 3 on Steam
  13. Confession: What I don't have to do today, I will do tomorrow (most of the time)
  14. Today I realized that oatmeal ≠ rice pudding. Mind = fucked How old are you :?
  15. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay
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