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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. Confession: I always write my dreams down and some of them are really.......
  2. Well, her clothes did look interesting and I am very curious to find out It is what you think it is. Hidden Content It won't be free though. I am not sure about the second part
  3. No idea but you should go talk to her again I have no idea why, but okay! Well, her clothes did look interesting and I am very curious to find out
  4. cute pictures of what? Cats, if you would. And nevermind the broken quotes, I simply find myself unable to work with them properly. cats are overrated So are ducks so are your waifu's
  5. Guys... A girl made this sign for me, but I don't speak the sign language. Anyone knows what this means?
  6. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  7. cute pictures of what? Cats, if you would. And nevermind the broken quotes, I simply find myself unable to work with them properly. cats are overrated So are ducks
  8. Sounds like there's a story behind that. *waits patiently* Basically, there is this guy in our class who is a total fag who keeps on filming people and taking pictures of them and it's really annoying. Especially, since he puts his phone right before you (so it's in the way). Long story short, he tried to film me today and I tried to take his phone. I failed but apparently I dented part of his phone because of how much force I used. Well, when he noticed (right away) he punched me in the face. That being done, I punched him in the face in return without any delay... with twice the power. Piece of shit had it coming. Furthermore, next break he went to bathroom while holding his cheek where I punched him real good. When someone went after him and asked if he is okay, he threw water at them in rage. It's funny because I didn't lose my composure at all. No hard feelings. Also, to top it off... apparently his phone stopped working partially thanks to me. He said shit like "I'll kick your ass after school" though that never happened. I doubt he would want to get punched again *chuckles*. One more thing... He mentioned that I would have to buy him a new phone to others and what not. But if he would bring this to court, I would easily win, because; 1. He took photos/videos of me without my consent. 2. He took photos/videos at school AT ALL, which is against rules. 3. He attacked me, while my attack was a simple self-defense. Not my fault I happen to be stronger than him. So yea... that's pretty much it.
  9. God dammit all those Neptunia references I am seeing. I hope it will be available on PC at some point?
  10. Hello and welcome Though you already know about me... I hope you enjoy your stay!
  11. Confession: I was able to punch someone in the face without holding back (I used about 40% of my power, but it still packed quite a punch) and it felt good.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCN-a0NsNk
  13. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  14. Another Madoka Magica movie? I enjoyed the 3rd one so hopefully this one will be also good!
  15. What was the gift? A bag of dicks, of course! The person said they had a two dogs and a kid, so I went with a dog plushie and some dog treats. Surprisingly you can be kind for once. Cute.
  16. Confession: Today I woke up and found myself drooling... again.
  17. Nope, it's not. Should I make another Titanic image? Please don't. Hidden Content Confessions: I recently played Witch's House... Hidden Content Witch's House has one of the best plot twists ever (you have to get the true ending though). I enjoyed the game a lot~
  18. Many things happened. Make a VN out of this: VNs are hard to make D: I'd rather just make it into a lewd short story instead ._. I beg you *bows* Dont. Just dont. Please ;-; Fiiine xD Don't listen to her! She's deterring you from greatness! You dare question nee-san?!
  19. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay!
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