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Posts posted by Crayten

  1. Translation:

    Before long the time will come.  A silver light that cuts through pitch black darkness will descend at last, and the curtain of demise will fall upon this world.  The blood spilt from the final decisive battle, baked into the ashes of the end of days, will become nourishment for a new world and a new covenant.  The cycle of death and rebirth cannot be stopped.  Even so, will you oppose it?


    Sounds apocalyptic--and like something I'd be interested in.  It actually sounds reminiscent of the Fate series by Type-Moon.

  2. your comments make me totally shudder, goosebumps all fucking over my body, when thinking about h-less eushully titles aka full routes getting cut out....oh almighty goddess of lewdness, may your wrath come upon those insolent fools, denying the fact of sexual acts also beeing used as a rhetorical device & not only for fappness alone.

    @zenophilious, yeah that would be my biggest horror, definitely. cause nearly all of their games do not only have much ero-content, no it is also pretty often very plot relevant & censoring it would basically kill the plot/tension & turn it into a travesty like the other all ages game, planned to be released on steam. guess even half of their own fanbase would go on a rampage, when faced with such insolense

    edit: nevertheless mangagamer will announce 5 games & 2 new partners on otakon, so stay hyped!



    2 more new Partners huh? I still have hope for some good news for Meoge Fans.

  3. I think Haruka is a solid choice, though sadly it's probably not Steam worthy.  I'm looking forward to the day a Rance game premieres on Steam...


    But yes, more important than the Haruka license itself is the potential this partnership brings.  Alicesoft makes some of the best gameplay eroge in the industry, and such a conservative, venerable, and highly successful company releasing games overseas is bound to turn the heads of other developers.  This could be just the breakthrough needed to further open up the market.  In many ways this announcement is as historic as the Nitroplus partnership was in 2009, after which the overall quality of JAST USA's licenses improved significantly.  If Mangagamer shows they can handle the license to Alicesoft's satisfaction, their brand will gain an immense amount of respectability among Japanese developers.


    I'm kind of surprised Mangagamer was the company to secure a partnership with Alicesoft.  Perhaps this will motivate JAST USA to step up their game and grab Eushully.  Or perhaps Sekai Project will come along and try to Kickstart Ikusa Megami Zero for a million dollars?  :lol:

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