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Everything posted by Nimbus

  1. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have. Best of luck with your project, if you need help there are many people in the forums who will be more than happy to lend a hand
  2. Over the past year I found myself developing a love for classic Chinese and Japanese music. Though it's not to the point of marriage these genres almost always fill me with emotions and thoughts that I wouldn't normally have and has developed into something of an obsession.
  3. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have. I'd recommend Katawa Shoujo, it's a great VN for newbies.
  4. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  5. Count me in, loved doing this last month and am looking forward to doing it again. I'd prefer to do something less known (i.e. something that doesn't get recommended to every newbie) so that I can broaden my visual novel horizons.
  6. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  7. I felt that some of the H-scenes were a little unnecessary (Suzu in the bathroom, the Dominion threesome etc.) but overall they were well executed and well spaced.
  8. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  9. Done, looking forward to the results.
  10. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  11. Let me start out by saying that I loved this visual novel. The story was really well executed and I appreciated how the writers actually expanded on the universe and allowed the story to delve into it rather than just teasing us with it (I'm looking at you Comyu). The characters are perhaps the strongest element, all of them are fleshed out with their own stories and personalities but what really makes the characters memorable is how nearly all of them re enjoyable, even the ones who start out as people you hate by the end you can sympathises with them such as the dominion members (excluding Ichina who was just the worst). Even Keijirou was introduced as a bit of a dick but quickly became awesome. An interesting thing I found with Ayakashibito was how each route actually dealt with all of the major plot threads (dominions hunt, tens plans etc.). I assumed that this would be similar to Hishozora where plot threads are resolved as you go through each route with the final one bringing all the resolutions together so I was pleased to get something a little different to what I'm used to. Favourite route would have to be Touko's with the second ending. I loved how the protagonist become possessed and delt with such dark thoughts and Prez's final farewell was just heartbreaking so much so that I actually felt bad for not being able to develop a bond with him in later routes. My favourite moments would have to be Karito's moment of glory in Tonya's route (Karito was actually my favourite character as well so it was a pity they didn't do more with him) and Kuki's final moments in Suzu's first ending (I cried a little inside and I'm not sorry). As far as criticisms go I really don't have much. It did take me a while to become invested into the story so it was something of a slow start for me, I'm not sure if anyone else had this problem. Overall I loved Ayakashibito, great story, brilliant characters and an interesting world that I can be invested in.
  12. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  13. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have. As someone who is hoping to learn Japanese one day I'm very interested following your content.
  14. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you my have. What visual novels have you read so far?
  15. Last night I watched "A Liar's Autobiography - The Graham Chapman Story". As expected of a Monty Python related movie, it was freaking hilarious!
  16. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have. Have you had a chance to read If my Heart had Wings? If not I'd highly recommend it.
  17. Nimbus


    Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  18. I feel that I am currently in no position to give an accurate answer. Music has been a big part of my life since I first started playing guitar (over a decade ago) and I feel that I am able to express myself in ways that would otherwise be impossible without it. Video games have allowed me to become much more social and a more critical thinker all the while expanding my imagination and helping to carve a potential career from creative writing. Movies have always been a source of laughter in ways that no other medium can be (at least until someone makes "Blackadder: The Video Game"). As for VN/Anime/Manga, these are things that have only recently entered my life and are thus still taking shape in terms of their importance and influence, though Visual Novels have shown me side of myself that even I didn't know existed, which is something that can't be ignored. If I had to choose a favourite I probably would choose video games, though this would by no means be an easy choice and if asked again in a years time it could well be something else.
  19. Auron from Final Fantasy X. Do I really need to explain why?
  20. Welcome to the community fellow Australian, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  21. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  22. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  23. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  24. Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have. If you haven't already I would reccomend Grisaia no Kajitsu and Katawa Shoujo.
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