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Everything posted by HMN

  1. this OP is simply amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5NtKCDSM-I
  2. welcome to fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  3. HMN

    Not hello

    welcome to fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  4. Yes it is and they've cut a lot from the prologue
  5. i don't know about that tsunderes always show their emotions they are always noisy but yumiko is emotionless and cool see the difference? like Tiagofvarela said you must play all the routes they are all unique and makina's route focuses on yuuji's past more than the other routes
  6. you're spot-on my friend,kuuderes have a hard shell and when they finally open to their lover i find it really cute to see them show affection,i love them almost as much as i love yanderes though thank you XD get ready for the feels
  7. yumiko is my favorite heroine in the game,i enjoyed her route but at the same time it felt kind of repeated her problem was kind of a mix between michiru and makina issues,frontwing could have done much more better with her route,and i have a problem with her bad end it doesn't even qualify as a bad end it's not even bad,but nevertheless she is still my favorite girl
  8. フワノベルにようこそ (・ω-。)ヨロ(。-ω・)ゞシク(っ・ω・)っネッ☆ どうぞよろしく!
  9. welcome to fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  10. welcome to fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi
  11. HMN

    July MotM Competition!

    no don't want anything out of the ordinary a note with a pen will do just fine
  12. HMN

    July MotM Competition!

    thanks everyone i really appreciate it! i'll be choosing the congratulatory note as my prize
  13. welcome to the forums! enjoy your time here!
  14. HMN

    July MotM Competition!

    can't wait! (ドキドキ)
  15. welcome to fuwa! enjoy your time here!
  16. finally caught up with the manga as well,and man do they love killing the main characters my favoriate girl is kurome she's so cute
  17. it's fine as it is,you'd see some spam here and there and some weird topics which is only natural given that it was made to talk about variety of things other than VNs and if anything gets out of control the moderates can always lock/delete the topic
  18. that'd be ruining a great experience you know
  19. i'd recommend majikoi and i second Grisaia
  20. haha,i didn't know what harem was either.even though it's an arabic word
  21. my first VN was harem party (i didn't know what nukige was at that time o_o)
  22. welcome to the forums! enjoy your time here! i would recommend reading majikoi and Grisaia
  23. welcome to the forums! enjoy your time here!
  24. it's one of the animes i was really looking forward to this season,it's dark themed so it's defiantly to my liking and i'm really enjoying it one of the things i really liked is that the protagonist isn't a wimp he's actually a badass anyhow i'll be marathoning the manga tonight
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