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Everything posted by HMN

  1. and that's only the translated one i found this in japanese weeks ago
  2. http://www.mangahere.co/manga/grisaia_no_kajitsu_le_fruit_de_la_grisaia/
  3. yumiko is always cute.always. she's even more cuter in the manga
  4. right? they didn't even bother making a bad end for her which is very disappointing...
  5. False,i go to buy it Next person will explain Tiagofvarela's obsession with milk to me
  6. false,i'm pretty far away from there Next person listens to vocaloid everyday!
  7. The bad end so you're saying even her good end is bad you know i never looked at her good end from that perspective...
  8. when you choose not to face him,the next scene shows yumiko and yuuji with his newborn son and if i remember correctly he says "i wish someday i have the courage to face him and show him his grandchild" or sth along these lines,is that considered bad in your opinion?
  9. i said this before but i'll say it again it's not even bad moegii-san,they just decide not to face her father.end.
  10. because yumiko is kami-sama. the more reason i think her route is the true route she's the face of grisaia and she's so loved by the creators because as you pointed out she didn't even have a bad end
  11. you can't escape that,the route is full of flaws to be honest...
  12. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  13. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  14. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  15. this thread was made for the sole purpose of praising our goddess yumiko and praising here only let's try not to get off the point
  16. i've only been here for 46 days but whatever
  17. Oh dont worry there is nudity all right xD
  18. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  19. u even lift brah?(bring it on!) Next person was in a bad mood today
  20. vocaloid only vocaloid
  21. we don't question Grisaia's logic as you said she's adorable.end of discussion.
  22. HMN


    why would you want to impregnate a loli in the first place? the thought itself is making me feel uncomfortable
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