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Everything posted by HMN

  1. I personally prefer women who are obsessed with you that's why I like esdesu but kurome is still my favorite though You forgot #powerabuse
  2. I'm really really excited for the next chapter! You know you want to~
  3. hohoho,i wanna see you try,those we challenge us are only destined to fail
  4. actually the Mekakushi-dan Avatar Group disbanded so the kazama family is the only one left.oh and you can never kill us.never.
  5. the art is a crucial thing for me,i can't bring myself to fully enjoy the routes of the heroines or the story in general really if their appearance isn't to my liking
  6. that's way too many votes!!! anyway mein was really cute in this episode i can't wait to see her horrible death
  7. HMN

    Not hello

    what if cofee is actually sanada?? plot twist!!
  8. it's not very long compared to the first game,the size of the script for grisaia no kajitsu is 3.73MB while meikyuu is 1.83MB too bad koestl won't be working on it for a while,we're better off learning japanese really
  9. HMN

    Not hello

    i swear to god this is sanada all over again
  10. HMN

    Not hello

    i'm worse than michiru in picking out names and she named her cat "kittymeow"
  11. HMN

    Not hello

    then call me 光 from now on yandere <3
  12. HMN

    Not hello

    my life is a lie.....
  13. HMN

    Not hello

    you just messed up the whole meaning of my name by putting the "N" before the "M" but suit yourself sanada is our spammer,was our spammer
  14. HMN

    Not hello

    first of all you messed up my name are you sanada by any chance? second of all no not really
  15. HMN

    Not hello

    me neither.. i'm surprised a mod hasn't showed up yet
  16. HMN

    Not hello

    probably on another forum spamming to his heart content
  17. HMN

    Not hello

    i've never seen such spamming in an introduction thread since sanadashadow was around here
  18. we're talking about yumiko-sama here i can't go easy on him.. and they both have issues with their parents
  19. HMN


    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here!
  20. don't refer to yumiko-sama as "a typical anime girl" yumiko is love yumiko is life
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