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Everything posted by HMN

  1. another hardcore yumiko lover! welcome on board my friend! and your absolutely right! yumiko deserves all the love in the world! yea we're taking things to the next level
  2. i personally saved the best for last and that was my yumiko also we're doing a pretty good job keeping this thread alive all hail the goddess yumiko!
  3. well i don't wanna get my hopes up for the anime only to be disappointed but nevertheless i'm really looking forward to it! i approve of yumiko hentais
  4. HMN


    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here!
  5. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  6. her dere side just cannot be resisted she is simply kami-sama for me
  7. okay okay we officially derailed the thread now let's stop
  8. so you're questioning meogii's faith in yumiko that shall not be accepted xD but yeah everyone have their personal opinion on the VN but the majority happens to love it
  9. i don't see how me being a sacrifice relates to praising our goddess yumiko XD but damn right i'm her biggest fan!
  10. well it's true it was emotional but not to the point where i'll shed some tears btw a new chapter of the manga has been released
  11. i personally enjoy long common routes,especially the ones which are full of funny scenes like grisaia
  12. the only natural disaster that i happened to experience was an earthquake so yeah i'm scared of those
  13. just started "Another" it looks great
  14. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  15. well of course it's going to be the best route after all it is the true route,but yeah i know how you feel real emotional ending...
  16. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here!
  17. i wholeheartedly support the resistance! #runwhileyoustillcan
  18. HMN


    welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! so what other VNs have you read?
  19. welcome to Fuwa! enjoy your time here! and read majikoi!
  20. i use it from time to time mainly because sometimes i don't feel like hitting enter
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