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Everything posted by REtransInternational

  1. I don't think the site gives you the extension. You have to add it yourself, like this: [img=http://puu.sh/20lRi.jpg]
  2. Usability suggestion: Yes should link to some instructions too, like this:
  3. REtrans Web Interface, a collaborative online translation platform (like TLwiki), but less wiki-like and more directed at translation. Here is a public instance you can play around with; it contains this currently with a somewhat botched import from TLwiki. (You're welcome to fix or add lines.) 453KB total is no problem. RWI has handled 600KB+ per-file.
  4. Probably the former... although Fuwanovel community translation isn't a bad idea either.
  5. What are the chances anonymous edits are also going to be blocked...? It's not ideal since it looks like the scripts are a mix of translatable text and other cruft, but if you want to move away from TLwiki and tryout RWI send PM or use the contact info in the signature. We can get you setup with an account for every one who wants to work on the text and the scripts uploaded (how many lines total/size?)
  6. Did you mean this one? It's not exactly only translation requests, but close. Or since we have a suggestion in the OP here already, how about renaming it and repurposing this thread for future requests?
  7. I think they should be collected in one thread ("VN with high demand for translation.")
  8. There's some weird JavaScript voodoo going on in that page... if you have a slow connection you see the videos appear without any gap between them, then the JS kicks in and it appears. The code could be simplified a lot more.
  9. Is the text in the preview image supposed to be cut off there like that?
  10. By then, iff you keep continuing to translate, you should have improved a lot. Practice is good.
  11. Welcome! Fuwanovel: Fun for the whole family.
  12. That's been discussed at length here. Fuwanovel is about exploring new ways to produce translation more efficiently, and to break away from the "old culture". The old culture's attitude is "you must do it our way" and they embody the belief that quality is an absolute, sacrificing many other things that are often just as important. There'll always be tradeoffs, and we view quality/accuracy as not the only factor in delivering value to the consumer. Make it easy and enjoyable to increase participation, finding new processes to explore the tradeoffs, exploiting technology, that is what the new culture is about.
  13. We also have RWI, a web-based interface that makes it easy to translate while viewing original lines side-by-side. No installation required, works in any recent browser. Patch release and other services are also provided, although we're currently somewhat busy with other work. Either way, continue translating at a steady rate, and have fun.
  14. Good point. It is odd that TLwiki, despite being a wiki, went almost the exact opposite route from Wikipedia... Being able to show multiple versions of a line might be interesting, if only to compare how different translations can be. Regional/dialect issues also suggest it is good to give the user more choices. The preference filter suggested above would also help, but should default to any-available --- that's the goal after all.
  15. The text for the lines is there, if it bothers anyone sufficiently that it's not spoken they could make unofficial "fan vocalisation patch"
  16. How about a Visual Novel Translation Process Development board?
  17. This has a parallel in the software industry, with the open-source movement. There are many companies that pay for jobs working on open-source software, and they still make a profit from it. They have realised that the old business models do not benefit the consumer nor the producer, and changed to providing the software for free and charging for support, i.e. moving to services instead of product.
  18. Post your OS configuration and system information, that makes it easier to spot a trend in what works and what doesn't. Suggestion: OS locale Japanese?
  19. Going forward you should have periodic backups of anything you want to keep. The Internet can help but it's not completely reliable either. (Same goes for the forums and everything else.)
  20. It should be kept in mind that in the end it is the consumers who decide, and giving them what they want is going to be the way to grow. Expending effort to go beyond that can seem frustrating but that's the reality of it. Machine translation vs human translation has always been controversial because human translators fear of being replaced by a machine. Although that is not going to happen soon, they will still fight against it because systems are constantly improving. Hybrid approaches are likely to become commonplace in the near future, so translators should learn to work with and improve the technology rather than fight against it. Currently, HT has the accuracy advantage but are at huge disadvantage (several orders of magnitude) with speed, MT has a huge speed advantage and accuracy disadvantage. There does not seem to be much interest in making human translator faster (is that even possible?), but much research happens for improving MT accuracy. That's why they should work together to improve both. Overall it is about value; as a consumer, what is the balance between accuracy and speed that you want? Going forward I expect we will see this tradeoff diminish.
  21. Not using the font may lead to issues later on as that is not a configuration we tested and support. In other words, if it works then great; if it doesn't, then it's not unexpected either. The MiscFixedSC613 font name is embedded in the engine and that is what it looks for; if it can't find that font then it will fallback to some system-determined font that depends on what fonts you have installed, and clearly we cannot test with all configurations of fonts available on user's system. The reason for the custom font is to allow readability at the size that was needed to fit all the text. In your favour, the majority of crashes caused by not having the right font has happened very early in the game, so 2 hours through may have passed that point, but it's not a guarantee. Proceed at your own risk, save early and often. Regarding accuracy this definitely is nowhere near perfect. It was the translator's first time. You may find the quality decreases for a little while because at some point he was competing with another translation attempt so some parts were rushed, but should increase after that toward the end.
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