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Posts posted by Tooko

  1. It took a bit longer than I had anticipated, but now Nagisa's arc is finally complete, bringing the total script to just about 66% complete. Her arc in particular has 3 lengthy H scenes all in a row right at the very end, so that was partially the reason that it took me a bit longer. But anyway, there are just about 12,000 lines left, and it all revolves around Yui split into two parts, Yui 1 and Yui 2. I'm still hoping to get the translation done by no later than July, so it shouldn't be that long before I get into editing the images and then the script. So I'll probably have another update next month sometime as we approach the grand finale.

  2. About a month later, and now another arc is complete, this time with Airi. That brings the current total to about 45% complete for the entire script. Although there's still about 20,000 lines to go, it always feels better once I get over the 50% mark, which I should hit sometime next week in Nagisa's arc. Funnily enough, Nagisa's arc is almost exactly the same size as Airi's, even down to the amount of text itself, with only 482 characters separating them. Both arcs were written by the same author, Saitou Kenji, so that may have had something to do with it. So I'll get back to working on it and have another update next month.

  3. Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete
    (In Search of the Lost Future)



    At Uchihama Academy, the number of new students at the school has been increasing every year, so a new school building is constructed. Before they move to the new building, the school will hold one last cultural festival at the old building before it is closed down. Each of the clubs decide to give it their all to make it a success. The student council asks the astronomy club to calm the uneasiness among the students in regard to mysterious incidents at the old building. Sou Akiyama, a member of the astronomy club, is inspecting the old building when he finds a mysterious naked girl, Yui Furukawa, who appears to know him. The next day, Yui expresses her desire to join the astronomy club.
              (Description taken partially from VNDB and Wikipedia.)
    VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v4880

    Where to purchase

    The game can be purchased legally from DMM (https://dlsoft.dmm.co.jp/detail/tin_0002/), but a Japanese proxy/VPN may be necessary to purchase it. In addition, there's an extra layer of DRM which requires the installation of the DMM Game Player software which then allows you to download and install the game. A Japanese VPN is necessary to use DMM Game Player, both to download the game once purchased, and also to launch the game, although once launched the VPN can be turned off. This is the copy I have obtained, but the patch will work with both the DMM version and the original disc version released in 2010, although the only difference will be in their encryption and the addition of one extra file to get the disc version to work on modern systems.



    The English localization project is being conducted by Studio Frisay as its third project following Imasugu Onii-chan ni Imouto datte Iitai! in 2022 and H2O √ after and another Complete Story Edition in 2023. As before, I (Tooko) will be doing all of the translating and editing of the script, along with probably most of the image editing, and working on the game engine. Also as before, nReus has agreed to help with the rendering of the game's videos and also some of the image editing (you can largely thank him for the design of the logo above).

    Studio Frisay discord server


    Programming: The game uses the Kirikiri engine, one of the most popular and versatile engines around. I've already taken care of the preliminary engine hacks necessary to construct the patch after a lot of trial and error, and also received some help to streamline the patch creation process once the project is complete.

    Translation: The translation officially commenced on January 19, 2024. However, I already translated about 25% of the script by the time I announced the project a couple months later in March. The game has 35,416 lines across 180 scenario files split up between the five heroine routes:

    Kaori: 8519 / 8519: 100%
    Airi: 7368 / 7368: 100%
    Nagisa: 7356 / 7356: 100%

    Yui 1: 2518 / 8334: 30.2%
    Yui 2: 0 / 3839: 0%
    Total: 25761 / 35416: 72.7

    Relatively uncommon for this type of game, it doesn't have a separate common route and instead incorporates elements similar to a common route into the beginning of each route. There is also a set order the routes must be completed, which is the same order they're listed above. A full walkthrough will be provided with the patch to view all CGs and endings.

    Progress link on Google Sheets

  4. At long last, I can finally release the English patch for H2O √ after and another Complete Story Edition. Download via either Google drive or Mediafire.

    A lot of work went into this project over the past year, but despite the game's flaws (nothing's perfect, after all), it was still well worth the effort of translating this game into English. As a long-time fan of visual novels, I first heard about H2O way back in 2007 shortly before it had its anime adaptation the following year. However, like most anime based on visual novels, it was severely lacking and even changed some of the story. Fast forward about 15 years, and no one had ever translated the game, despite a couple of efforts (that I'm aware of) fizzling out years ago. So I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do, and also that you too fall under Yui-sama's spell (but don't worry, Yui won't hold it against you if she isn't your fav).

    There was also a lot of work and time put into subtitling, rendering and upscaling the 9 videos in the game, all done by nReus. This was very significant to the project, and also addressed an issue that came up with the videos due to the game's age and how it interacts with modern graphics cards. You can read about the issue (and how to fix it, if it affects you) here, and this is also mentioned in the readme file provided with the patch. A walkthrough is also provided with the patch, since the choice progressions that lead into the individual routes is a little unclear, and there are at least 2 routes where to unlock them requires multiple other routes to be completed, so if you get stuck on how to get to a specific route, you can read that.

    And if you encounter a target module error, edit config.json included in the patch on line 4 from BGI.log to BGI.exe.

  5. Finally after 5 months, the editing phase is complete! It's been a long time coming, since I first thought about creating a patch for this game around a year ago. Now that the QC phase is about to begin, it's a relief to know it's 90% complete, and for all intents and purposes, is a complete (beta) patch for the first time. Based on my experience with doing the Imaimo patch previously, that game had about 2.5-3% of the text changed from before and after the QC phase, but about half of that had to do with formatting, so it was closer to 1.5% that was altered (fixing typos, rewriting lines, etc.). That might not seem like a lot, but it makes a big difference when the game is actually played, and obviously results in a better patch.

    So the QC phase will be starting as soon as I recompile the game files, which is much easier this time around since there's only about 1/3 as many scenario files, and the other files are even quicker to deal with. So I'll get to work on that and go from there.

    PS: The game is once again 50% off on DMM until August 17.

  6. Okay, so it's been 3 months since I've been editing the script, and it's currently done up through Hinata's arc, bringing the total to 56.7% complete. With around 30K lines left to edit, I'm going to try to get done with it sometime around either late June or early July, so hopefully less than 2 months from now. Then I can finally start the QC phase, which should last about 2 months. What that means is that I'm currently shooting for a release of the patch sometime in September, which I'm very much looking forward to, and I hope you are, too. So with that, back to editing.

  7. Just a quick update, since it's been almost 2 months since the last one (and I didn't want to do it yesterday for obvious reasons). The editing of the script has been going at a slow, but steady pace over the past 50 days, with now both the common route and Hayami's route fully edited, bringing the total up to 38%. I'm still not sure how much longer the editing phase will continue, but I'm hoping to get it done by June if I can so I can start the final, QC phase (which itself will probably take at least a couple of months). I still fully expect the patch to be released sometime later this year, but I won't know a more definite release window until I'm at least partially through the QC phase.

    The whole process has been daunting from the start, but it's been a lot less demanding once the translation was completed. There's not much else to say, other than that work on the videos is still ongoing, but otherwise all the image editing is done, at least preliminarily. I'll probably post another update sometime next month.

    PS: The game is still 50% off on DMM until May 8. so please purchase the game if you can so as to support the original creators.

  8. I'm back for another update, this time to announce that all the in-game images (and at least a portion of the UI) have now been completed. The vast majority of the images were pretty simple in terms of typesetting and editing, although there were a certain amount (around 25-30 or so) that required extensive editing, but I'm very pleased with the end result. Even the more challenging ones were fun to go through, if not a bit tedious at times, but there was nothing too difficult, at least.

    On the video side of things, all the lyrics for the 7 songs have now been translated (a shout out goes to Shinyyyjoke#1112 from the Moekko Company discord for providing the lyrics for 2 of the songs that I couldn't find anywhere online), and that was the last thing I had left to do before moving on to the text editing phase.

    Speaking of which, that's what I'll be doing now for a while. There was a certain amount of self-editing I was conducting on my translation as I went through the script just as a general side-effect of the translation process itself, but there still requires a fair amount of editing the script now that the entire thing is translated. I'm not really sure how long this process is going to take, but I'm not going to rush it by any means. Preliminarily, it might take me anywhere from 2 to 3 months, but I really don't know. As I've commented on previously, this game is wordier than the previous project, Imaimo, not only in terms of its sheer length, but the lines themselves and the overall writing style lends itself to be more verbose than what I encountered in general when I had worked on Imaimo last year. As such, I can already anticipate the editing phase for this game to take longer, but how much longer exactly I probably won't know until I'm around 50% through the script.

    So thank you for your support, and your patience in this long process. I want to put out the best quality patch I can, and 90% of that has to do with the script, so that's why the editing and QC phases are so important to ensuring the quality of the overall product and experience when playing the game. So until the next update.

    PS: The game is once again 50% off on DMM until March 7. Now would be a great time to buy the game in anticipation of the patch, if you are able to do so.

  9. 9 hours ago, Novel21 said:

    It getting closer now and I have a question, are you guys going to translate more games?

    For now, I'm focused on getting this patch done, so I'm not really thinking about the "next" project beyond musing what I would do if/when there is a next project. I'll have to make that decision once I get closer to the completion of this patch.

  10. Now the update many of you have been eagerly awaiting: the translation is now 100% complete with the completion of Otoha's arc. The translation took just under 6 months to complete from August 10 to January 28, a period of 171 days. To put this in perspective, that's around 400 lines per day on average. I say around, because a certain amount of the 73,547 lines were repeated across various arcs, and in two instances, there were scenario files that had identical content (one shared between Hayami's and Hinata's arcs, and another shared between Hinata's and Otoha's arcs). In addition to this, large sections of other scenario files were duplicates of lines already translated, and although I don't have an exact number, it's at least 3,000 lines, but it's probably closer to 4,000 or perhaps upwards of 5,000 lines.

    But let's just say we can estimate that about 70,000 lines of the game were not duplicated elsewhere. That would bring the average number of lines translated per day to about 410. On average, I usually could translate about 80-100 lines per hour, meaning that it would come out to be around 4-5 hours per day as an average. Obviously, some days I did more when I had more time, and some days I did less when I had less time, but I'm giving the average to give you an idea of just how many hours it took to translate this game over the past 6 months. I translated at least some of the content nearly every single day during that time, mainly because I was eager to get the patch complete and out as soon as humanly possible. That said, it will still take a long time before the patch is released, although if all goes well, I still assume it will be out sometime later this year, but I won't know an exact time frame until at least the editing phase begins, which probably won't be for several weeks.

    In the meantime, work on the game's images will now be the main focus. This process is being shared between me and nReus, same as with Imaimo previously. There are around 110 UI images (not counting some duplicate CG thumbnails) and roughly 335 other game images, almost all of which deal with the SD images that pop up throughout the story. Many of those 335 images are themselves duplicates, or at least are otherwise minor variations on each other, meaning the exact number of unique images is much less than that. Plus, most of the images require relatively little image editing, so I don't really anticipate this process taking that long, although could still stretch into several weeks or more, at least for my part. As it is, I won't be starting on the editing phase of the text until the images are finished, and this process will give me some time to take a break from the script for a little while.

    But with the translation now complete, the project can now finally move forward with the rest of the work. I'm looking forward to getting the patch complete, and I hope you're also looking forward to finally playing H2O after all these years, this being the 17th year since its initial release back in 2006 (although the Complete Story Edition didn't actually come out until 2009, so it's been 14 years since that release). So thanks for the support the project has received thus far and I'll see you at the next update.

  11. I'm back once again for another update, this time the penultimate translation update with the completion of both Hamaji's arc (about 10 days ago) and now Maki's arc, bringing the total lines translated to 65,246 at 88.7% complete. That also makes it through 22 of the 26 H scenes, and all of the content that was from the sequel, Root after and another.

    Hamaji's arc was especially interesting mainly because of how different it felt compared to the rest of the arcs. That's because at the time, it was a sort of preview of what would later become Sakura no Uta, which was originally in development at the same time as H2O, but because the development of that game took so long (about a decade), it basically shows the direction that Sakura no Uta was going at that time around 2006-07, and it features some of the characters from that game for that reason. It was also the densest part of the script. To put this in perspective, Hamaji's arc is 4,973 lines and 98,503 characters long. Maki's arc, despite being 464 lines longer, is only 87,214 characters, a difference of about 11,300 characters. In addition to that , Hamaji's arc has no H scenes, so there's none of those typical H scene lines where it's just spamming "Aaaaaaah" over and over. So if Hamaji's arc was the most literary, then Maki's arc is the most focused on sex and is basically the nukige arc of the game. So kind of a weird contrast between the two.

    Now there's just one final arc to translate, Otoha, at only 8,301 lines. It's been challenging, but also a lot of fun reading through and translating H2O over the past 5 months, and you can imagine that I'm looking forward to finally being done with the translation. But after that comes image editing (of which there are plenty), video editing (of which there are 9), in addition to editing and QCing the text over the period of many months. But the light can be seen at the end of the translation tunnel at least, so that's something to be pleased with for now. So I'll get back to work and see you at the next update.

  12. 1 hour ago, littleshogun said:

    it's interesting to see that you like Yui despite that some reviews did state that they didn't like her because of what she did in Hayami's route

    I did see at least one of those reviews, and I can understand why someone would feel that way based on Yui's character in both the common route and Hayami's arc. But one of the themes of H2O is really about looking past our prejudices and finding ways to coexist, and maybe even make some friends along the way. Friendship is such a strong backdrop to the entire story, so it was actually in Hayami's route that I really came to initially like and then love Yui's character compared to the others. She definitely deserves the route she got in Root after and another.

  13. One final update for the year that I actually managed to make in time before the end of 2022. I've now completed Yui's arc bringing the translation up to 74.6% complete at 54,836 lines with only the latter half of the arcs left to go for the final quarter of the script. Although since Maki is actually the after story from Hamaji's arc, it's really only 2 arcs; Hamaji/Maki and Otoha. Even combined, Hamaji/Maki makes up about 10,400 lines, so substantial but not as lengthy as the previous arcs up to now, although it does have 4 H scenes all in the Maki after story (about half of Maki's arc contains H scenes, if you can believe it).

    So all that's left to translate is 18,711 lines, which really isn't all that bad when I take into account all that I've translated up to now over the past 4 and a half months. Yui's arc in particular I really enjoyed since she's my favorite character, so that's also part of the reason why her arc seemed to just fly by this month, although I was aiming to try to get her arc done before the end of the year anyway. I'm so glad they gave Yui an arc in Root after and another.

    But anyway, Hamaji/Maki is up next, and the next major update will be once both are done (since separately they're both pretty short). If it isn't already obvious based on the pacing I've achieved thus far, the translation should be completed some time early next year, but because of everything else that has to be done (image and video editing, script editing and the final QC process), the patch won't be out any time soon. However, I can reasonably say that unless something catastrophic occurs, the patch should be complete at some point in 2023. So still a ways off, but something to look forward to in the relatively near future. So I'll see you at the next update.

  14. Another month, another route, and I'm back again for another update. This time I've crossed two major milestones: I crossed over the 50% mark for the overall translation about 10 days ago, and I've now completed Hinata's arc, bringing the total amount translated to 56.7% totaling 41,685 lines. That's about 3,000 lines less than Imaimo, so I've just about matched my previous translation project in terms of line count. But there are still about 32,000 lines left to go in this one.

    Thus far, it's been quite a wild ride going through both Hayami's and Hinata's arcs, since at 34,732 lines, that's slightly more than the last four arcs combined. Naturally, that also makes up the majority of the H scenes, with 15 of the 26 shared between Hayami (with 9) and Hinata (with 6). Not to mention how Hayami got 3 after stories, and Hinata got 2, whereas the others only get 1 each. Also, since how the game is divided, I'll now be spending an extended period of time finishing up the content from Root after and another (Yui's, Hamaji's and Maki's routes). I've especially been looking forward to working on Yui's route, but it'll still take months to translate the rest of the game.

    Yui's route has a little over 13,000 lines, almost the same length as Hinata, but a little more compact and with less H scenes (there are only 3). So until the next update.

    Also, as a small reminder, the game is once again on sale on DMM until January 10.

  15. It's been exactly a month since the first post announcing the project, although you may have noticed I've been updating the translation counts weekly. And so I'm here to give the first major update: Hayami's arc is now fully translated! Her total arc has over 20,000 lines and is the longest by far in the entire game, so getting over that hurdle is very gratifying and makes the rest of the project seem slightly less daunting. But only slightly, since with just under 46,000 lines left to translate, that's almost exactly the entire length of my previous fan translation project, Imaimo. Not that the two are really comparable in any way beyond that coincidental statistic. The fact is that Imaimo was generally easier to translate.

    That's not to say H2O has a difficult writing style, because it really doesn't. Most of it is very straightforward, but it does tend to be very wordy. That might have something to do with how this is a NVL game and not an ADV game, so the lines can be longer without having to worry about a text box. Or maybe the writers of H2O were just generally more verbose than what I encountered in Imaimo. Either way, I've noticed that it generally takes longer to translate H2O on the whole, but I'm still going at a pretty decent pace. There's also the fact that starting the translation of any decently sized project feels slower at the start because there's so much more left to translate, but that picks up over time, especially after getting over the 50% milestone, which at least for this project is still a little bit ways away.

    Now for a few other things that I feel require clarification about the nature of the game. As it says in the first post, this version of H2O combines the content from the original game and the sequel that came later, Root after and another. But Root isn't just a fan disc. It essentially doubled the size of the available content from the original game. In fact, the two are virtually the same size in terms of their line counts: H2O content covers 36,901 lines, and the new content from Root covers 36,646 lines. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but it's an interesting coincidence either way. Additionally, if you remove the roughly 7,000 lines from the common route from the original game, that means Root actually has more content in the character routes than in the original game.

    The game's overall structure is also interesting in how it's laid out. There are 13 possible endings, which covers 5 normal routes (Hayami, Hinata, Otoha, Yui, Hamaji/Yukiji) and 8 after story routes (3 for Hayami, 2 for Hinata, and one each for Otoha, Yui and Hamaji/Yukiji (this last one is also Maki's route)). In the original game, you had to first play through Hayami's arc to get to Hinata, and then getting done with Hinata let you access Otoha's route. That's not exactly the case anymore in this version, although Otoha's route is still only unlocked after going through Hayami's, Hinata's, and Yui's normal routes. But you can do those in any order, or even do Hamaji's route first. As for the after stories, they're obviously only unlocked if you go through the normal routes first, in addition to 3 of the 8 after stories only being unlocked when you finish other after stories. That, in addition to the somewhat confusing choice progression, means that a full walkthrough will be provided for this game once the patch is released.

    But back to the translation. Completing Hayami's arc brings the total content translated up to 37.5%. Not bad for about 3 months of work considering how long this game is. By comparison, the Imaimo translation took me just under 3 months to complete from start to finish. So yeah, I have my work cut out for me. But I've enjoyed it immensely thus far. This is a really solid story with plenty of feels, comedy and...oh yeah, H scenes. There are 26 H scenes, 9 of which are in Hayami's arc. By line count, the 24 scenario files that contain the H scenes (because 2 files contain 2 H scenes) take up 14,479 lines, 19.7% of all content. That's not to say that every line in those 24 files is part of an H scene, but the vast majority of it is. As for the other girls, 6 H scenes are in Hinata's arc, 4 are in both Otoha's and Maki's arcs, and there are 3 in Yui's arc.

    Next up, I'll be translating Hinata's arc, the second longest after Hayami's, but considerably shorter at just over 14,000 lines. So for now, I'll get back to work.

  16. H2O √ after and another Complete Story Edition



    Download the patch (Google drive, Mediafire) (ver. 1.01, dated September 8, 2023)


    In H2O -Footprints in the Sand-, Hirose Takuma is a blind middle school student, though the cause for his blindness is undetermined. After his mother died unexpectedly, it left a deep emotional scar on him, causing him to become lonely and reserved. Due to this, Takuma moves from the city out into a rural area to live with his uncle and Takuma is enrolled into a new middle school. There, he meets several new girls, including the firm and obstinate Kohinata Hayami, the kind and obliging Kagura Hinata, and the cheerful and mysterious Otoha.

    In √ after and another, there are new after stories for two of the heroines from H2O (Hayami and Hinata), plus new routes for Yui and Hamaji/Yukiji, the latter of which also unlocks Maki's route.

    A version merging both games into one was later released, H2O √ after and another Complete story Edition.

    H2O VNDB: https://vndb.org/v473

    √ after and another VNDB: https://vndb.org/v561

    Where to purchase

    The game can be purchased legally from DMM (https://dlsoft.dmm.co.jp/detail/mnphs_0007/), but a Japanese proxy/VPN may be necessary to purchase it. That is where I obtained my copy. It goes on sale quite often, although it's pretty cheap even at full price, considering its age.



    The English localization project is being conducted by Studio Frisay, fresh off the completed Imasugu Onii-chan ni Imouto datte Iitai! project. As before I (Tooko) will be doing all of the translating and editing of the script, along with probably most of the image editing, and any engine work that needs to be done (of which is very little).

    Studio Frisay discord server


    Programming: The game is built on the BGI/Ethornell engine, as with Imaimo before it, so I'm already familiar with how the engine works and have all the resources necessary to apply any hacks and build the completed patch once everything is done. In fact, there's a lot less work this time around on that front because the structure is a lot simpler, being a NVL game instead of an ADV game.

    Translation: The translation officially commenced on August 10, 2022 and was completed on January 28, 2023, although progress was initially very slow because of the ongoing work for the Imaimo patch at the time. However, I already translated a decent amount of the script (20%) by the time I announced the project a couple months later in October. The game has 73,547 lines across 167 scenario files split up between the common route and six character routes:

    Common: 6953 / 6953: 100%
    Hayami: 20620 / 20620: 100%
    Hinata: 14112 / 14112: 100%

    Yui: 13151 / 13151: 100%
    Hamaji: 4973 / 4973: 100%
    Maki: 5437 / 5437: 100%
    Otoha: 8301 / 8301: 100%
    Total: 73547 / 73547: 100

    Images and videos: Aside from minor tweaks, all of the in-game images in need of editing are now completed. Editing of images is shared between me and nReus, who will also be typesetting lyrics onto the 9 OP/ED videos. The images include about 110 for the UI, and about 335 for the rest of the game, although most of those are minor variations on each other, so the actual number of unique images is much less.

    Editing: The editing of the game's text officially commenced on February 10, 2023, and it was completed on July 10, 2023.

    QC: The quality check phase involves going through a normal playthrough to check for any problems with the patch files and their rendering. This should took about two months, completing in early September. The patch is scheduled for release on September 8, 21:00 UTC.

    Progress link on Google Sheets

  17. 3 hours ago, Satsuki said:

    Quick question: Is there anything important in the system.arc file?

    I asked that, because I actually could not open the game after copying the patch (未走義のシステム制御命令 s8162 を検出しました), and reverting the system.arc file back to original solved it. Seemed to cause no visible change to the game though (everything is still translated, other than, well, the windows title), so I guess it's fine?


    Are you using the download edition or the disc version of the game? The disc version has a couple other files in system.arc that are required to launch the game. That's why there are two specific files for the disc version, one of which is system.arc.

    To answer your question, there's nothing terribly important in system.arc; just a couple cosmetic changes. The big issue issue really comes from not using sysprg.arc in the Disc version folder if you are using that version. There will be some bugs present in the game if the incorrect sysprg.arc file is used.

    Otherwise, if you're using the download edition, I'm unsure why you'd get that error. The system.arc in the English patch folder for use with the download edition caused no such error when I used it.

  18. 10 minutes ago, HataVNI said:

    May I know if fuwa is the only place to get the patch from right now? Because if that is the case you basically funnelled a lot of ppl into our place, supporting our revitalization efforts actively and I'm glad for it.

    It's also on vndb (although this thread is also linked on that page) and on the discord channel, but that's it.

  19. 7 hours ago, Satsuki said:

    So...ugh...no offence to you, but I would like to ask, given that this is a solo project, are you confident with the quality of the final translation? I mean, 45k lines in less than 3 months is REALLY fast, and then 2 months for both editing and QCing. Most other teams would probably spend at least a year for a VN of this size.

    To put it bluntly, I'm staking my reputation on this translation. I wouldn't have started such a huge project if I wasn't confident I could release a quality product, and I wouldn't release it unless I was sure of its quality. I didn't just start translating yesterday. As I mentioned in the first post above, I was a fan scanlator for manga for a little over 10 years. I am very meticulous about the translation, editing and QC process. All I can say is if you're wondering about its quality, play the game yourself once the patch is released on Friday.

  20. Hello to everyone who's been following this project over the past several months. I'm now over halfway through the QC at 55%, having completed the common route, along with Matsuri's and Kimika's routes. So far I've fixed over 500 lines (out of around 25,000), which amounts to about 2% of the lines on average that need fixing. About half of those involve some sort of typo, grammatical error, or a word that needs to be added or removed. The other half has to do with a quirk with the engine where punctuation hangs over a line, being placed onto the line below it instead of the whole word its attached to automatically being bumped down like it normally does for long words at the ends of lines, which are easy enough to fix by just adding a line break, but those are definitely the most annoying bits of the QC.

    Also, on my way through the QC, I noticed several mistakes/bugs the devs didn't catch when they released the game. Two of which were problematic when recompiling the script, but I found a solution for them. Another 2 had to do with voiced lines, and there is at least one obvious sprite that should have been something else.

    Other than that, there are some stylistic decisions I've found a bit odd at times, like parts of certain scenes where I would expect there to be music but instead there's silence, or how that Rikuto isn't voiced throughout the entire game. Oh, and there's no video playback option in the extra menu, sadly. Speaking of videos, it's likely that the subtitled OP/EDs for the game won't be done by the time the patch is released, so they'll be released later as a kind of bonus extra. They'd have to be released separately from the patch anyway, since the videos make up 1.32 GB in the game folder, whereas the patch will be around 450 MB.

    And so, this will probably be my last post here before the release, which I can now give a definite date: The English patch will be released on September 9. And I even managed to get it out before the game's 10th anniversary in December, so that's at least something, seeing as how I originally thought it was going to take me until next year to release it. So until then.

    Edit: The subtitled videos were completed on time and will be released with the completed patch.

  21. On 8/14/2022 at 12:50 AM, Pinkman said:

    Have you received any offers from a local publisher, let's say Nekonyan for example, about selling your team's translation to them and joining their team?

    No, and I don't expect there to be any such offer. If Koichoco never got officially localized, the possibility of it happening to Imaimo is even less likely, just based on the niche nature of the game and that it's not even an eroge. For what it's worth, I know I'm putting out a quality translation, but I'll let it speak for itself once it gets released next month. Percentage wise, I'm currently 38% through the QC.

  22. At long last, the editing is now done, including going over the previously mentioned short stories, so the pre-QC phase can finally begin. I'll be doing some preliminary testing and once again going over some of the images to update them from any changes done during the editing phase, in addition to applying engine hacks, translating system text for the UI, and also recompiling the scripts and images back into the engine. All told, this will probably take a week or two, and then the actual QC process will begin when I play through the game with the patch applied. All told, this process will take at least a month, which is why I've set the release date for sometime in September.

    So the home stretch is finally here. I literally can't wait to finally get the patch out so more people can enjoy this game. It's been a joy to work on over the past four months.

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