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  1. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from ittaku in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    With ittaku as the main TLer, you are already on a good path since he is a proven dedicated TLer
  2. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from VirginSmasher in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    Ah, I see Then I don't know who else to suggest. Only he came on my mind. Anyway, hopefully someone will pop out soon enough  
  3. Confused
    Infernoplex got a reaction from kokoro in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    Wish you all the luck of this world to see this one through. I already know that this VN has tons of lines (I think it's like 100k if I remember correctly when I checked sometime earlier), which makes this a considerable amount of text to go through... and not just that, it's one of those "kamige"-tier stuff (I dunno if it's anything like Grisaia since I didn't read it, but I heard from some people that they call it "better Grisaia"), so it would require a really good translation to make this proper.
  4. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Dergonu in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    How dare you not give me credit for helping you, grr!
    Best of luck guys. Wish I could do more for the project, like TLC, but I have my hands full with other projects for now. Hopefully you find a second translator fast.
  5. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to ittaku in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    I've been waiting for this particular game to get a project going so that I could translate it, but I didn't want to be project lead (and everything else) as well as translator this time. Luckily no one noticed I was free for translation between finishing Clover Day's and now so I could jump straight into it. I'm really looking forward to translating this and hope we get enough staff to make it a great release. Given my history with my previous projects I'm sure you all know I definitely see things out to the end, so at the very least you have one translator that is dedicated to it, however we do need another translator as this is a well known kamige and the standard required really needs the highest quality translation and checking to do it justice. Translators and editors step up and join in.
  6. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    There's a possibility of that happening and I have thought of it before creating this project. That being said, we're still going to go ahead with the project.
  7. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No Translation Project (Completed)   
    Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi No - VNDB Link
    A translation project by Inbou Translations

    VN Description: (VNDB Description with slight tweaking on my part. Sorry for it being so awkward to read)
    Project Leader/QC - VirginSmasher, yours truly.
    Translator - @ittaku
    Editor (Main School) - @Pomelo 
    Extra QC - @Arcadeotic
    Extra TLC - @Clephas
    Hacker - @Porygon2
    Image Editor - @Blake
    Translation Example:
    Live Translation Updates can be found here - https://cookie4.com/projects/haruuru/progress/
    Well, that's all I have to say for now. I'm pretty passionate about making this project succeed and we just need some more help on this project than we currently have. That being said, I will catch up with you guys soon.
  8. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Anais in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    So is this just a h-scene restoration patch still? Read through the last few comments, and I got the impression that it's turned into a re-write of the entire moe-novel script ? Haven't had chance to read the entire thread yet though, so I'm not sure.
    Whichever it is though, thanks so much for doing this!
  9. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Dergonu in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    It's an H-scene patch. I'm not re-translating any of the Moenovel lines, (except a handful that might have been altered due to censorship.) The TL of the game outside the H will still be Moenovel's work. 
    Inferno is making some general changes to the Moenovel script while the translation is being made for the H, though, so the final product will probably have fixed some of Moenovel's lines as well. (Mostly just the ones that stood out to Inferno as strange/ bad.) 
  10. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to DatMetalGuy in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    I'm willing to help out anyway you want, I can watch what you've posted so far or wait! If you want feedback on what you've posted, feel free to send it, if you prefer to wait then I'll wait! 
  11. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from DatMetalGuy in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Thanks for following the project I was just uploading these days some videos on how the new Miazora reads like. You came a little early since I am not done yet uploading it all (some 8 videos need to be uploaded), but if you want to take a look at the first 3 I uploaded so far, I can send you in private. I want to get some feedback on what can be improved on the original Moenovel translation (I heavily edited all scripts so it should read better than the Moenovel version did, but still, it's based on Moenovel TL so it cannot be perfect). As for the H-scenes, I left that to Dergonu so I don't know at the moment how the things are going on there. Next week, I'll have the first 2 or 3 hours of the VN uploaded, you could either wait to see that and give some feedback or I could PM you the first 3 videos I uploaded so far .
  12. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Plk_Lesiak in Apparently on erogamescape (The Japanese vndb) you can vote on how much you liked the H-scenes. I compiled a list of some known VNs ranked based on their relative like-to-dislike score ratio.   
    I think he just follows the nukige naming convention and considering the topic of the tread I find it highly appropriate. 
  13. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to DatMetalGuy in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    How are you holding up Inferno ? Just checking in, been a while since anyone posted on this thread, don't forget that everyone appreciate your hard work ! 
  14. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to ittaku in What is purpose of this community?   
    Is there any other community where fan translations can be coordinated, announced, discussed regularly etc. without dropping off the "front page" of reddit to be forgotten till the next time they post? There is much more permanency to a forum thread for posts and others seeking information than any other community type. I came to fuwa for this - once the other community I posted on died it was the most suitable place, and I'm still here for this. I post more about anime since that's what I spend more time on, but there's nowhere else for me to discuss the fan translation aspect (especially my contribution there.) Now the fact is that fan translation is also getting more and more fringe and less common compared to official localisations, but there's no sign of localisations reaching the epic proportions that anime did that virtually killed off fansubs. With trillions of VNs (okay maybe an exaggeration, and most are likely crap, but you get the point) there will always be material that only fans have a chance of localising. If the fan translation scene dies off, is this a good thing for VNs? I don't think so, unless we get 100x more official releases than we currently are getting. Fan translations are what spawn a much larger whole official localisation market in the first place. To me this is what fuwa has to offer that nothing else does. That may or may not be how the admins and much of the audience sees it, but that's why I'm here.
  15. Sad
    Infernoplex reacted to VirginSmasher in MoeNovel's next title - Cross Channel   
    Yeah. MoeNovel can technically have access to Propeller's catalogue and ruin Evolimt for everyone. 
  16. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to bakauchuujin in MoeNovel's next title - Cross Channel   
    I kind of hope it goes horribly bad and it leads to Moenovel finally dying. I don't want their hands on more titles after this. The sooner Moenovel goes away the better.
  17. Thanks
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Dreamysyu in MoeNovel's next title - Cross Channel   
    I am one of those people who don't care about honorifics and I can already tell you that the translation of Miazora is poor, but not for the reason that the honorifics were cut out. The writing in it ranges from digestible to awfully bad. On top of it, the script feels like it has never seen an editor or a QC for that matter. I know all of this because I have been rereading it for month or two now (the common route) and the more I read it, the more I see issues with it.
  18. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Dergonu in MoeNovel's next title - Cross Channel   
    MoeNovel, just stop, please...
  19. Sad
    Infernoplex reacted to bakauchuujin in MoeNovel's next title - Cross Channel   
    So we can expect Moenovel to kill of titles from other companies as well now? I believed it was bad enough that all releases from Pulltop would get butchered for english release. 
  20. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Dergonu in sekai project release a hunie pop like game   
    Well, at least this has original art, unlike Purino Party, which was quite literally just CGs ripped from other Frontwing games. (Pure Girl and Innocent Girl.) Talk about a cash grab, lol.
    I'm not really interested in this at all. (Especially if all you get in terms of H is one scene per heroine that's 100 lines... That's pretty darn short.) If it had like 4-5 scenes per heroine, I might have considered it, but... Yeah.
  21. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Colliflowa in Mahoyo/Mahoutsukai no Yoru/Witch on the Holy Night Translation [Chapter 1 & 1.5 COMPLETE!]   
    I at least need to show wth I was doing for two weeks as proof that I'm not getting lazy. One was word-wrapping the text, two was editing my past mistakes, and three was the interface as shown below.

    At the very least, it's really the interface that's giving me trouble b/c pictures. Word-wrap on kirikiri is a problem in of itself but I found a workaround. Everything is fine, folks, the delay is just me being a clumsy newbie.
  22. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from VN devourer in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Yes, that's true. In fact, I think you're right here. I myself rarely encounter "directness" in written English, while "frankness" and "bluntness" seem to pop out more often. Thanks for the feedback, I think I'll modify it to "bluntness" at the end.
  23. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Darklord Rooke in An Unauthorised History of /r/visualnovels   
    I hate its structure because it's upvote, downvote thing promotes a circle jerk community. When people have the ability to downvote an opinion out of sight I immediately become suspicious xD
    EDIT:Well, that and I find its threaded nature difficult to hold a sustained discussion on. Might just be me, though.
  24. Thanks
    Infernoplex got a reaction from DatMetalGuy in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Yes, that's true. In fact, I think you're right here. I myself rarely encounter "directness" in written English, while "frankness" and "bluntness" seem to pop out more often. Thanks for the feedback, I think I'll modify it to "bluntness" at the end.
  25. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to DatMetalGuy in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    If I could had my grain of salt to this, "bluntness" is the word that makes the most sense. Directness might be better on a grammar level, but it's hardly ever used anymore and would only be heard in high society, which the game doesn't take place in. All the others like "pushiness", "forwardness", all seem weird in this context as they don't exactly all mean the same thing. To me, bluntness is what makes sense here.
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