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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. Will you guys let that drop already.... It's been like 2 pages of this.
  2. Yeah. not hating on Kosuna but I do wish he was a little more connected to the fan base here. He only posted once and did mention he would never come back. Maybe just a quick hi guys I'm still alive every once in a while would be nice . But hey, the guy is free to do as he pleased as he never really built up our hopes or anything. He was very casual right from the start.
  3. What use is a route that you cannot play until you play an untranslated route?
  4. He really seems like a bad team member. Does he not return emails or just does not want to give out updates? Or am I just mistaking it that he does not give updates even to team members? BTW I mean no offense to him as a dude. Just as a member of a team he does not seem to keep in touch much.
  5. Does the messenger affect the message? Should I have based if off of what some old dead guy said 500 years ago for it to be more credible? My previous statement holds in every way. You cannot kill those who should not breed. You cannot nutter them. So why is it O.K. to say that 2 people cannot have sex just because they biologically should not? Plus there are more than enough people in the world. The human race is not close to extinction that we need to monitor birth rates. What is ti to the grand scheme of things if like 2% of the population stopped having kids and adopted instead? Because I mean does anyone think that there is a number bigger than maybe 5% of the population that will have incestuous relations just because they can? There is no biological reason to stop incest in a real like scenario. if we were close to extinction then maybe but not now.
  6. I find it most common as a joke than as actual censorship. I noticed they say penis but not chinpo though, Apparently its fine if you say it in english?
  7. now for my actual opinion. I am totally cool with NSFW material in Fuwa as long as it is hid with a spoiler that says so. Would be really awckward to watch tentacle rape in the middle of school as I check the threads I follow. I am fine with my kids(when I have them) looking at pretty much anything they want. Whenever they find porn then they can see it. I do not believe in filtering the world for my kid. I am nothing but simple guide to him. He can make his own decisions about what to believe. I like to think my kid is not an idiot and can handle watching the world unfiltered.
  8. Why do I always feel like I have to explain the basic constructs of language and critical thinking to other people. This is like my school all over again... Well in any case, If no one cares about Christianity in your country then how exactly is it important? If you don't care then that means you are not a christian. There are requirements to being a christian The bare minimum being that you need faith and belief. "Caring" is the absolute least you need. What your kids can and cannot do is inconsequential. They CAN if they so choose kill small animals for pleasure. That does not mean that I will allow it in my household. The question is about your mentality as a parent not about how your kids will defy your parenting. That last sentence hurt. if you are in this forum that means you should be at least a little antiquated with jp culture. They have Vns on anything from tentacle rape to elementary school sex to sex with animals. How are they not full of fetishes as part of their culture? They never discuss sex related topics with each other. Those are slight social tabboos. They are sexually repressed. How is his statement so wrong? Now for the all important disclaimers. *I am not a religious person *If it seems like I am coming off as a little bit of a conceited dick, that is because I am. *I am not hating simply having a verbal disagreement laced with traces of insult.
  9. Animals have incest all the time. The chances of offspring being off when having incest is higher not a certainty. Also humans don't have to follow that book. If they did I would be praised for murdering Idiots rapists and the deformed. Then they would not be able to reproduce. As it stands now even saying what I said would get be branded a monster by certain people. i heard something really nice in an anime the other day. "The rules of what is forbidden are just things decided by man"
  10. Come on! I cannot be the only one that has thought of this. It is a good story!
  11. Actually, I somewhat want one. i would like to see her without the makeup and with her hair down. maybe meek and uncharacteristic while still wild and maybe just maybe, she rapes Yamato.
  12. Neither does Haguro.
  13. Damn. I guess one h scene is all we get Also does anyone know where to get a torrent to Japanese dubbed disney movies?
  14. yeah I actually kept going just to see what would happen. Maybe I get something at 30 again?
  15. Finally got the Kosougi route on S. I feel so cheated. It was not a real route at all. it was one scene with no H or even direct talking. I regret watching that tutorial.
  16. Less important than Ootomo or Stacy or Lee? or Kuki 4? They only seem somewhat important because they have a route. Ageha is a pretty cool character. She even appears in They are My noble Masters.
  17. Is there a game that has the Ageha route? I just find it so odd that there are zero plans for an Ageha route. Granted it is not my first pick but I mean even Ootomo and Kuki 4 get one? It just seems unfair not to give Ageha one.
  18. More than inevitable it is with full intention. Viva la Off Topic!
  19. If any of us were upstanding citizens we would not even be here. Fan translations are vaguely illegal.
  20. The old looking graphics are detering me but I might end up powering through it. I will put it into my list right after Tiny Dungeon and Jun'Ai.
  21. Hmn. Though I never had any interest before now I kind of want to read Fate Stay Night(This is the name right?).
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