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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. Holy crap. At this rate we may double the original 100 pages goal.
  2. the Kuki 4 IS bad end is for sure the worst bad end in all of Majikoi.
  3. She has a Docking feature!!! You combine the red one and the yellow one.
  4. I always knew Nosebleed was cool. Thanks for not locking the thread. I really like our pointless chatter.
  5. WHAT!!?! What D-frag is much better as an anime. The tsukkomi have a lot more soul behind them. Though I also love it as a manga.
  6. I'm sorry.... I know everyone said not to go in expecting a Majikoi but I did anyways. At first I was not disappointing. Then it hit me in the face like a brick. Make that 3 bricks. It is not bad but it pales in comparison. There is not enough Maki. Ai has a completely unfair advantage. I really hate how the story starts out with him going out with Ai. How the hell is he supposed to go after other without breaking up with her somehow? It makes for a really sad beginning. Also, Hiroshi pales in every way when stacked against Yamato. He is not as funny, witty, strong. AND he is a total wuss. I don't hate this but it falls sadly short of majikoi.
  7. Yup. Ah.. Brings back memories. I was here from day one. Those were the days. Right in the thick of the action. Not knowing what would happen. Or if they were really going to translate it. Ah.. Those were the days.
  8. I just realized we are talking about different people. I was talking about kimi not tiara.
  9. so what did she do exactly and in detail? was it what I think?
  10. My god....You dedicated bastard. I cant believe you read 112 pages of that crap and still want to continue. Also, what the hell did the nurse do to Reina's underling. The thing that Hiroshi had to clean. I am super super curious but my JP was not good enough to catch the implied meanings. Though I do have an idea...
  11. Shiku Shiku. I still cant tell which route I am on. I think I might be VN challenged.
  12. I am not that much into walkthroughs. I use them sometimes but most of the times I prefer to go solo. And no I meant the
  13. Since I had done Majikoi from the beginning a long time a go, I had forgotten how long the intro to a VN is. Read for 2 days and only just finished the intro to Jun Ai. Love you Saki! Also, happy birthday Ai!
  14. so they dont go all the way? I stopped because I wanted to make sure I was not on the ai route. I want saki.
  15. hmm. Did not think there would be an H scene before that.
  16. my EXACT feelings so far. How do you know what route you are in? I know it sounds stupid but is there a particular spot where it just tells you or do you just know as you go further in?
  17. Maki scares the crap out of me.... but I think I like it.
  18. Anyone here read Jun'Ai? thee story is not what I thought it was. BUT! it is not bad. not bad at all.
  19. whoa whoa whoa. The government is not meant to have the power to differentiate between good and bad. At least not in the US. It is MEANT to follow the will of the general public who decided what was right or wrong. Does it do that? well no, but that is what it is supposed to do. The de facto decision of the law should not be "no, unless you can prove it is OK." it should be "OK, unless you can prove it is wrong." Since you cannot give solid proof that it is wrong to have incestuous relations then it should be a yes.
  20. Was it really that bad? I liked it. I loved the Miyako in the anime. She is a whole different character but それはそれでいいかもしらないす。 I love them both as separate products I guess maybe I was just happy to see the story animated.
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