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  1. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from theboxcarracer in Allow Me To Introduce Myself   
    Welcome to the forums...
  2. Like
  3. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to solidbatman in The Fuwa House (Sims 3)   
    Household 2
    Murphy Rynne


    Aniki Minako (I did the best I could short of downloading mods and what not.)



    The beginning of the tale of these two households will begin soon. 
  4. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Tay in The Fuwa House (Sims 3)   
    Demotions suck. Be strong, brother.
  5. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Narcosis in Trolling?   
    Why, hello there~
  6. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from n00bfish in VN Characters You Felt That Needed a Route   
    Mayumi from Shuffle, anyone? I really felt that she had a fun personality and a kinda moe appearance that was at least as good personality as most of the other girls in the cast (except maybe Asa...)  
  7. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to OriginalRen in (Temp) Still Alive! Be back soon!   
  8. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Tay in (Temp) Still Alive! Be back soon!   
    Hey everybody,
    I'm sorry that it's a week after my anticipated return date, and I'm still not up and running. I'm not sure if anybody posted about my RL issues, but I've been dealing with some crises and have been in and out of the hospital. I'm home now, and will plan on being online tonight to start catching up and getting to work. 
    I haven't had a chance to read any posts or PMs, so if it seems like I'm ignoring something -- forgive me! I'll get to it tonight or tomorrow.
    Thanks for your patience and all the well-wishes people have sent my way,
  9. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to madvanced in What is free will?   
    There was also a guy that had had one arm that he didn't control so that arm would often try to unbutton his shirts etc.
    They can't communicate directly. They become something akin to two different brains, it isn't exactly like that but it's how I can explain it.
  10. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from crunchytaco in Does anyone else find big eyebrows moe?   
    Do it.
    But use eyebrows as the mustaches
  11. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Narcosis in Clannad to be released on Steam by Sekai Project   
    You literally forget that Clannad had more or less a finished TL (it was badly done, but still something to start from) and Planetarian had a great TL made by Insani. Licensing those two titles was only a matter of time; since even before SP got funded, guys who formed it stated plenty of times, that if anything KEY gets ever released on the west, it will most definately be Clannad and Planetarian. Now you have it. It's a nice accomplishment, but don't even think about resting on your laurels. If anything, this is just the beggining and any communities involved in visual novels will have a lot to do from now on.
    SP isn't any different from Jast or MG - their only difference lies in the fact they are less restricted in terms of licensing games, but they follow the same rule that applies to any publisher, as in either bringing the most profitable titles out, or publishing games that require little to no work. The good side is they are constantly improving and looking for community feedback. I guess that's our main task - share knowledge and guide our western publishers, so they can release good and profitable titles on the west. The more profitable this business becomes, the more chances are the japanese studios open their doors and start looking forward to partnerships with western publishers.
  12. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to crunchytaco in What is free will?   
    I agree that the sum of our parts makes up who we are, like the tiny hamsters running wheels inside our heads.
    It's just that the definition of free will here is stretching to what it applies to,  and I'm not sure if you're aware of it.
    Let me run a rewind a bit to freshen memories.
    On a conscious level, you believe you are here discussing with me using your conscious effort. But as I have explained, the left brain works in retrospect. It is the conscious part of you that narrates the story in your mind. It tries to make sense of things even if it has to make up facts to do so (refer to the chicken shed response). Outside of split brain experiments, this is proven to happen during investigations when the same testimony changes details each time it was repeated to fit the narrative in the testifier's head without them even realizing it. 
    Your body has made every decision before you're even aware of it because your consciousness is the slowest reacting part in your brain. It's once these actions become visually apparent in front of the left brain that you begin processing it on a conscious level. Yet it is the conscious part of your brain that convinces you it's the one in control of all your decisions. Each part works on such a different level, with such distinct job functions, it's fascinating that we even consider them one and the same brain.
    If we are not aware of our choices, but we still classify that as free will, then this is no longer the classical definition of free will that we know it as. 
  13. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Kyoroto in Hello everyone!   
    Welcome to the forums...
  14. Like
  15. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Kurisu-Chan in How did you find your favorite Visual Novel?   
    My current favorite VN: Shikkoku no Sharnoth
    (Favorite VN is subject to change)
    Through a (sort of) recommendation and browsing VNDB. Someone was hyped for another Liar-soft VN being translated. I asked if they were any good, and decided to browse VNDB to see if any of them looked interesting. Sharnoth was fully translated, and seemed most interesting.
  16. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to astro in [萌え] How to Read Moege - A Comprehensive Guide   
    How To Read Moege 101 - A Comprehensive Guide

          Many people struggle with learning a second language. If it just so happens that you're trying to learn Japanese, you can probably already tell by now that it's not an easy task. I can relate to the tormenting frustration of desperately wanting to read a certain VN, but being unable to merely due to a lack of Japanese proficiency. Having to look up every word in the dictionary is not only time consuming - it's also actually not that productive because chances are, you won't remember half of what you read. You shouldn't dive into a visual novel that's way above your difficulty level. You need to prepare body and soul with some hearty foreplay. Yes, foreplay. But alas, you don't have the slightest idea as to how you should go about doing that. You have my condolences. That's why I am writing this guide - not to teach you how to read Japanese per se, but to make it easier for you to read your very first untranslated 'moege'. After reading a few on your own, you will start to get the feel of Japanese writing, humour, expressions, and maybe even pick up some kanji. I am merely dropping you off at the doorstep - you still have a long road ahead of you. Good luck.
    1) Understanding How Moege Work
          Moege is derived from the two words, "moe" and "game" (self-explanatory). You're usually going to be paying attention to the characters more than anything else in the game. Sure, they look nice, but what I really mean is their personality. Indeed, personality. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that personality is more important than looks! That only happens in 3D (but let's not get to that right now)... Anyway, there are a select few 'generic' and frankly 'stereotypical' heroine-types that you will find in pretty much every moege. I won't go into too much detail, but I'll describe a few of their unique traits. This will not only help you connect to the heroines better, but it will also help you guess or 'predict' what they are saying (even if you can't read the Japanese) which will be further explained in the next section. I am only going to list five, though I'm sure there are many more out there waiting to assault their onii-chans.The stereotypical heroine archetypes I am going to expand on are:
    The Tsundere

    The Senpai

    The Onee-chan

    The Klutz

    The Osananajimi (Childhood Friend)

          Now, I realize that there may be a tsundere senpai onee-chan klutz osananajimi somewhere out there, but let's leave that for now. Due to popular demand, I will unveil a brand new section for everyone's favourite (including mine) - the imouto.
    The Imouto

    2) Reading Between The Lines
          Now that you have most of the basic heroine-types nailed down, it's time to learn how to read between the lines (or, "I don't know these words, but judging from their facial expressions, tone, the situation at hand, and their stereotype, I can probably guess what's going on!" for short). The point is that you shouldn't get stuck on a few words you don't know. Sometimes it's best to read through context instead. Like I said before, foreplay. You can grind (hue) all those difficult kanji symbols (that you may or may not ever see again) later. That's all just memorization, and a whole lot of studying. But right now we're tackling a more technical aspect of the Japanese language. Now's the time to sit down and enjoy a moege.
    3) Kanji/Vocab You Should Probably Know
          These are kanji or basic vocab words that you will see in almost every moege. I will add to this list as necessary, so feel free to leave a comment if you think I missed anything key. I will cut it off somewhere so people don't get overwhelmed though, so pick the ones you think show up in 99% of exclusively moege. For now, I will briefly go through them all:

    4) Where To Start
          Honestly, there isn't really a list of VNs I can give you. Besides, that wouldn't be fun. You should read things you think you'll really enjoy. But if moege are not for you, then suck it up. You have to learn to walk before you can learn to run. I guess all I have to say for now is that Cube, ALcot, and Favorite (albeit games by Favorite are harder reads) are all companies that make great moege that are, at the same time, relatively easy to read. If you find yourself bored to death starting out, feel free to pick another game. If you think it's still too hard for you (this is kinda late but make sure you've mastered basic hiragana and katakana), push on through. Don't stumble every time you come across a word you don't know, or you don't know what's going on. Just playing through will help you, even if just a little.
  17. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to solidbatman in "I do that all the time!" thread   
    Pretty much during every sex scene. 
  18. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from solidbatman in solidbatman writes fanfiction   
    Can't wait for more
  19. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from arakura in solidbatman writes fanfiction   

  20. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to solidbatman in solidbatman writes fanfiction   
    Chapter 0.5
    The Taylor of the Batman
    (Authors Note: I have no clue if Tay's name is Taylor. It could be Jawaharla for all I care.)
    Batman walked into the steaming bath house. No one was around for miles. It was a really big bath house. Batman removed his hockey pants, and then his baT-shirt (It was summer). He left on just the mask and slowly lowered himself into the warm bath. The hot water washed all of Batman's worries away. Who cared about solving riddles and stopping silly clowns. This was life. Suddenly, he heard footsteps. 
    Using all 7 of his senses (touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste, sonar, and flying), Batman quickly identified the intruder. It was a male, likely 7 feet tall, and 180 lbs (thats American for fuck the metric system). 
    "Oh, I didn't know anyone was in here." Tay's soothing deep voice caused ripples to move across the water.
    "It's fine," Batman growled in a raspy voice. "You can stay citizen."
    Tay slowly took off his clothes revealing a finely sculpted body no doubt due to a vicious training regime involving typing and doctoring. Batman was jealous. Why should this 7 foot man have a body that would make the Statue of David weep in envy?
    "Nice abs." That is all that Batman could say to this person. 
    "Thanks. Nice mask." 
    Batman blushed. He liked the mask. He must be a good person. Tay lowered himself into the water and let out a sigh.
    "Long day?" Batman asked. 
    "You could say that. Someone is always angry."
    Batman didn't know what this man was talking about.
    "So what is your name?" the man asked Batman.
    "I'm Batman!" Batman yelled.
    "I see. I am Tay. I have no last name that is publicly known but for the right price certain people will give it out."
    "I understand. So if people want to know your last name, they should send $37.56 to [email protected]."
    "Exactly." Tay let out another sigh. Batman felt awkward. Bats fluttered around in his stomach. 
    "Say... you don't think I could see yours?" Tay suddenly asked.
    "What what what what!?" Batman began panicking. What if Tay didn't like it? Batman put a lot of work into it and was filled with pride by it. But this 7 foot Tay might not like it. Who knows what went on behind that sexy face of a god?
    "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Tay was upping the ante. How could Batman refuse now. 
    Slowly, Batman wrapped his fingers around the base, slowly pulling up. Being very careful, Batman continued to slide his fingers up as Tay watched on with a gentle smile. 
    The mask finally came off. Tay gasped in delight upon seeing the man behind the mask. He now knew who Batman was. 
    "Your turn," batman whispered.
    Tay then tore off his mask revealing his true identity. He was Batman. 
  21. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to solidbatman in solidbatman's 2029th Post   
    I missed my 2000 post celebration and Tay kindly pointed out that 2014 would be another good post to play with. I also missed it. So I'm here to celebrate my 2029th post. What is in this post? Actually some goodies. I'm also drinking in celebration. What the hell is my life?
    First off, my fanfiction is coming along nicely. It makes zero sense and right now the current draft is Batman shitting all over the plot of Little Busters. So far, so good. Not sure when I'll be tired enough to post it. Likely Tuesday?
    Secondly, my VN project is still a thing and is looking good, even if have missed every single self-imposed deadline. But its fine. Right now the current draft for common sits at just over 1,000 lines and the common will likely go on for at least 5-6,000 more. I'm hoping to have the common route completed by mid August and aim now for a early-mid 2015 release. This thing is turning out much larger than I anticipated but I love what has come out of this so far. Stay tuned for more info. 
    Finally, my streams are coming back, though in a slightly different manner. We will be switching to a monthly (maybe twice a month) stream. Rewrite is still on the agenda, alongside a brand new stream that will see more info soon. I hope you like OELVNs! 
    Oh... maybe another big stupid competition involving points and stupidity soon?
    So there you have it. Happy 2029 posts to me and holy hell I need new hobbies. 
  22. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from KushiroX in Hi! New to the forums :)   
    Welcome to the forums...
  23. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to solidbatman in July MotM Competition!   
    I found more ways to waste my time thanks to visual novels. 
  24. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to solidbatman in solidbatman writes fanfiction   
    Jesus christ I'm tired so its the perfect time to make a stupid post. IMMA WRITE FANFICTIONS HERE! (Disclaimer: These are legit being written while in sleep deprivation mode and will be shit. Enjoy).
    Book The First
    Batman Visits the Local Anime Convention
    Chapter I
    The Knight is dark. Dark as night. Batman swoops down from the top of a building landing on a parking deck. Cars fill in every available spot. A gruff voice echoes through the concrete structure.
    "You see Robin, this is why we didn't bring the Batmobile."
    A group of girls all dressed as Dawn from PokeMan glance at Batman before tightening their group and scurrying past him. 
    "He's creepy," says one of the Dawns.
    "Like, totally," Dawn replies.
    Dawn also looks at Batman and mutters something. Batman slowly makes his way to the stairwell.
    "Robin, what is the location of the mayor?" he asks. 
    The stairwell is empty. No one responds.
    "I see. In the central building across the street from this parking deck. Good work Robin."
    Batman hurries down the stairs, tripping over his cape only once. When he finally reaches the bottom, sunlight blinds Batman. Bats are nocturnal and do not like sunlight. (Authors note: I researched  this and came to the conclusion that Bats are in fact nocturnal, but Batman can function in the day time as evidenced by that one issue of The Legends of the Dark Knight where he beats the shit out of a shark.)
    Batman slowly makes his way across the street. People snap pictures of him while gasping in pleasure at the sexy sight of justice. Girls were watching, and Batman knew this. Taking great care to not trip on his cape anymore, he reaches the other side of the street and jumps through the automatic doors. 
    "Robin, there are too many people here. It will be tough to find the mayor."
    Batman continues walking through the main lobby of the building, right past a large desk. A scrawny man dressed as Solid Snake sits at it. Batman flips the table sending the scrawny Solid Snake sprawling across the sparkling, speckled surface of a floor (Authors note: High School English has taught me that alliteration improves everything.)
    Batman picks up the Solid Snake and begins screaming at him.
    "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" the Solid Snake screams.
    A new voice rings out in the lobby.
    Batman drops the Solid Snake and turns to see the owner of such a voice. It is a girl, cosplaying Mio (from Nichijou duh). Batman takes a step towards her. She just flashes a big grin and runs off as sirens blare in the distance. 
    "Robin, I need an extraction. The local authorities have been alerted." 
    People run every direction. In the chaos, Batman simply walks towards the front door. There, he spots a little white animal.
    "Do you have a wish?" the little creature says.
    "A wish?" replies the confused Batman as people run past him.
    "Yes. A wish. I can grant any wish you like if you form a contract with me."
    "Deal. I wish to..."
    "Wait! You don't want to hear the contract?"
    "Look, I need to get a head of the cops and fast."
    The little white creature lets out a little giggle before resuming the conversation. 
    "Fine then, what is your wish?"
    "I wish to avoid the cops in anyway possible."
    The world suddenly began to bend and change shape. Batman felt something coming out of his chest. It was a gem. The world around him was collapsing, as if it were a dream. Batman began to lose focus as the world put itself back together again. When he came to, he knew not where he was. Everything felt... different. There were no more sirens, no more screams, and no more sweaty smelly cosplayers aside from himself. Instead, four other girls were standing next to him posing. Batman just stood there, confused as to what had just happened. 

    He wasn't at his local anime convention anymore, that's for sure.
    Chapter 0.5
    The Taylor of the Batman
    (Authors Note: I have no clue if Tay's name is Taylor. It could be Jawaharla for all I care.)
    Batman walked into the steaming bath house. No one was around for miles. It was a really big bath house. Batman removed his hockey pants, and then his baT-shirt (It was summer). He left on just the mask and slowly lowered himself into the warm bath. The hot water washed all of Batman's worries away. Who cared about solving riddles and stopping silly clowns. This was life. Suddenly, he heard footsteps. 
    Using all 7 of his senses (touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste, sonar, and flying), Batman quickly identified the intruder. It was a male, likely 7 feet tall, and 180 lbs (thats American for fuck the metric system). 
    "Oh, I didn't know anyone was in here." Tay's soothing deep voice caused ripples to move across the water.
    "It's fine," Batman growled in a raspy voice. "You can stay citizen."
    Tay slowly took off his clothes revealing a finely sculpted body no doubt due to a vicious training regime involving typing and doctoring. Batman was jealous. Why should this 7 foot man have a body that would make the Statue of David weep in envy?
    "Nice abs." That is all that Batman could say to this person. 
    "Thanks. Nice mask." 
    Batman blushed. He liked the mask. He must be a good person. Tay lowered himself into the water and let out a sigh.
    "Long day?" Batman asked. 
    "You could say that. Someone is always angry."
    Batman didn't know what this man was talking about.
    "So what is your name?" the man asked Batman.
    "I'm Batman!" Batman yelled.
    "I see. I am Tay. I have no last name that is publicly known but for the right price certain people will give it out."
    "I understand. So if people want to know your last name, they should send $37.56 to [email protected]."
    "Exactly." Tay let out another sigh. Batman felt awkward. Bats fluttered around in his stomach. 
    "Say... you don't think I could see yours?" Tay suddenly asked.
    "What what what what!?" Batman began panicking. What if Tay didn't like it? Batman put a lot of work into it and was filled with pride by it. But this 7 foot Tay might not like it. Who knows what went on behind that sexy face of a god?
    "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Tay was upping the ante. How could Batman refuse now. 
    Slowly, Batman wrapped his fingers around the base, slowly pulling up. Being very careful, Batman continued to slide his fingers up as Tay watched on with a gentle smile. 
    The mask finally came off. Tay gasped in delight upon seeing the man behind the mask. He now knew who Batman was. 
    "Your turn," batman whispered.
    Tay then tore off his mask revealing his true identity. He was Batman. 

    Batman and the Little Busters
    (Note that Little Busters Spoilers will appear)
    "Oooh! Nice hit Riki!" Kyouske's voice can be heard from across the field. Riki made stupid girl noises in response.
    "You have such a man boner for him Riki, just ask him out." 
    "Wha!? Batman! Where did you come from!?" Riki asked turning around. Batman was already gone though, running down the third baseline chasing Kud.
    "Things sure have been strange with him around, haven't they?" Kengo was walking towards Riki from first base.
    "And his muscles are just HUGE! ARRRGH!" Masato took off after Batman screaming something about a fight. He never won these though. 
    "I don't like him." Rin was glaring in Batman's direction with suspicion. 
    "He did show up out of nowhere, with no memory of how he got here," Mio added. Batman, done chasing Kud around who had passed out from fright at the sight of Masato and Batman chasing her, walked back to home plate.
    "Are we having a team meeting? If so, I have some suggestions to make. Cut Kud. She is a liability. I think we can trade her for a draft pick next year if we package her with Haruka. We need to think about the future here."
    It was just another day for the Little Busters. Mio was right though. Batman had just appeared out of nowhere, with no explanation other than, "I made a wish." Kyouske had asked at one point to investigate, but Batman turned him down. Still, it was Kyouske's idea to add Batman to the Little Busters. In the battle standings, Batman was never able to take first due to Kuds secret weapon, "The God Damn Beam". It's attack melted the heart of anyone in a 5 foot radius and was especially effective on balloon boobed onee-samas. 
    The days were filled with fun and games with Batman around. Batman seemed to have the answer for everything. He saw through Komari's conveniently timed issues, he repaired some rocket for Kud, he simply shrugged his shoulders towards Mio, he even made a movie starring Bill Murray based off Kurugaya. Despite Rin and Mio's reservations (Mio was jealous she didn't get a movie), Batman was loved by the Little Busters. And nothing seemed like it would change that... until the fateful day.
    Batman awoke on the roof like any other day. He made his way off the roof using the same path Kengo took one day. Being Batman, he did it with more grace obviously. Once at the bottom of the building, he grappled his way back up to the classroom to take his seat. Riki had asked why Batman didn't just simply use the stairs like a normal person. Batman just replied something about Key needs quirks to offset poor writing. It didn't make any sense to Riki, but what did?
    Batman quickly noticed how silent the room was. There was no loud obnoxious pink haired girl trying to rip his mask off today. Where was she? Batman secretly looked forward to seeing her everyday. He was a tsundere after all. Setting that aside, Batman slowly realized that there was in fact no one around. The class room was just silent, and still. Batman grew unsettled. It was just like the last time he entered a world. Had he come to the end?

    He looked out the window and saw the Little Busters out on the baseball field. What were they doing out there!? Class was about to start! Odd as he was, Batman did not accept tardiness from the Little Busters. He swooped out of the window and glided down to the field. 
    "Citizens!" he growled. "Class begins in 1 minute! HURRY!"
    No one paid him any attention. Instead, Riki was staring, dumbfounded at Kyouske, who was crying. Kengo too had tears welling up in his eyes. 
    "Wh...what is going on?" Batman asked.
    "Batman," Kyouske said turning to him. "Watch over Riki and Rin. Make sure... make sure they live on. Make sure, Riki is strong enough. One by one, the Little Busters walked up to Riki and Rin, saying goodbye. After each one would say something inspirational, they would vanish, as if they never existed.
    Soon, only Rin and Riki remained with Batman.
    "Uhhh.... what just happened? My Bat-sonar is not picking up any life form at all." 
    Riki and Rin just stood there.
    This is no good, they are in shock for some reason. Most likely over the disappearing friends. Meaning... we are at the good part. 
    Batman showed a small smile. This time, he could change it. He could make it all worth it in the end. 
    "Riki! Rin! Lets go!" Batman grabbed both of their hands. Slowly the world around him vanished. The smell of gasoline and blood began to fill the air. The world was turning into a scene of blood and gore. Bodies littered the bus.
    Batman heard a moan. It was Riki, just where Kyouske said he would be. Batman grabbed Riki and dragged him faraway from the bus. As soon as Riki was safe, Batman ran back to the bus as fast as he could. He found Rin and just as quickly as he had come, he got her to safety as well. Batman then pressed the detonator, destroying the bus. 
    "Let's see you bullshit a miracle out of that Maeda," he muttered. Batman called the Japanese equivalent to 911 and awaited the moe animu nurses to show up. This was always his favorite part. Batman swooped into the tree and waited. When the nurses showed up, Batman hid, and followed them back to the hospital. He would watch over Riki and Rin, just as Kyouske asked him to do. He would make sure Kyouske's unwilling sacrifice was not in vain. 
    3 days later, Riki woke up. He had some bad injuries, but would pull through. Rin managed to make it out with minor injuries, thanks to Kengo. It was their first meeting together since the accident. Batman had finally pieced together what had transpired. Kyouske, Kengo, and Masato had created that world to make Riki stronger. The Little Busters never included the likes of Haruka, Kud, Komari, Kurugaya, Mio, or anyone else. It had always been those original 5. 
    To Riki, those times would be but a simple dream that would make him stronger. He would use what he learned in the dream to care for Rin, and lead a happy life, not knowing what had really happened. Kyouske's brilliant plan would turn Riki's weakness against him to make him stronger. Riki would move on.
    But that isn't what happened. Batman overheard Riki talking to someone. Riki was simply saying it wasn't enough. He had to keep going. Batman knew, this wasn't part of the plan. He was going to have to show himself to make sure the plan stayed true to the path. 
    "Riki," Batman growled from a dark corner of the room. "Don't do this."
    "So you are real!" Riki look surprised, but acted relieved. "So this means..."
    "No Riki. I'm special. I can exist anywhere. All I am is a mask, a symbol. That is why I was there."
    "You're wrong. You were part of the Little Busters. With all of us. Komari, Haruka, Kurugaya, Mio, Kud... all of us." Riki was smiling. 
    "Riki, it was a dream. Those people... you never met them!" Batman was growing impatient. His time was running short. He could only remain for so long before everything collapsed. Already, he sensed the world fading from him. "You have to move on! Don't let what Kyouske and the others did go to waste!"
    Riki looked at Batman with a look of steely determination. It caused batman to take a step back. Had he really become that strong?
    "They are real, Batman. As real as you, as real as me. They were, and are my friends! We are the Little Busters. If Kyouske is strong enough to shape and create a new world... then... then so can I!"
    "You're set on doing this. You know... if you fail, it means you will die. And Rin... Rin will be left alone. Are you prepared for that risk. To lose everything you've gained?"
    "Yes, Batman. I am. I have to do this. For me, for Rin, for the Little Busters. I know they are real. They are part of the Little Busters... and I will save them."
    Batman did all he could to hide a smile. Kyouske really was something else. Perhaps he could learn a thing or two from him... if only he had the time. 
    "Then do it Riki. Use all the strength you have. Save them, save the Little Busters. I was supposed to watch over you, to make sure you lived a happy life. But, its impossible for you and Rin, without all of them. Go."
    "When this is done, Batman, lets play one final game of baseball." 
    A single tear fell down Batman's cheek. "I would love to." 
    The world began vanishing. Batman could hear Riki calling for him. He would soon forget though. That is how this power worked. Lights appeared everywhere. Batman felt the constraints, binding him, preventing him from resisting.
    He was back... as back as he could get. The anime convention was far far away from here, wherever here was. 
    "Damn you Maeda. You clever bastard. I thought I had you that time. But don't worry. I have one more trick up my sleeve you miracle writing hack." Batman stood up, ready to move on to the next world, to try and end Maeda. 
    As he stood up, a picture fell from his utility belt. The sight of it brought back a flood of emotion. Batman really did enjoy his time with the Little Busters. He realized it now. Despite all of their flaws, and how cliche those people were... he did enjoy being with them. Putting the picture back into his belt, he braced himself for the next world. But he would not forget his new friends. The first he had ever had. The Little Busters.


  25. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Darkshine in ShiniKiss Ending Question   
    I just finished it, and here is what I got out of that particular ending:
    "Guide souls to where they belong"... Well, Makoto was living in the past, and Hiyori lost her soul in the past, so I believe that the place that their souls belonged was clearly the past.
    So I believe that Izayoi did not "turn back time" but rather, just sent their souls back where they belonged, causing whatever happened in "the present" to simply not happen. 
    Or something. It's 1.45 AM over here, so my tired brain might've missed something.
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