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Posts posted by DavidB

  1. Hey all,

    I wish I had some additional news and information to share with you all, but right now we're working hard to see that the game is released just as soon as possible. I know we're all anticipating the release and maybe even a little excited to dive right into the game the second it drops, but please just hang in there with us a weeee bit longer.
    Thanks for the patience and understanding, it really is appreciated.

  2. First off, thank you for supporting the release, OP, much appreciated. And the same to anyone else who has supported Atom GRRRL!! or any of our other releases...be it on Denpasoft or Steam.

    To address some of your questions/concerns: The primary function of this download limit is to prevent account sharing. Yes, the game is still DRM-free, but we hope that people will want to support the blossoming western VN community/industry by acquiring the titles legitimately: i.e. purchasing them directly from their publisher or development circle or from trusted third party services like Steam. We also understand that internet access and bandwidth issues can be finicky and downright troublesome at times, so if a registered user has an issue(s) downloading a title they have purchased that can be easily remedied by contacting Denpasoft support. :)

  3. 40 minutes ago, LightBladeNova said:

    A little less than $8000 to go~ :sachi:

    Also, all you Root Double backers, don't forget to support the Thunderclap thing if you haven't already, so the KS gets sent to all the supporting people's friends and followers. 

    Here: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/37185-let-s-kickstart-root-double

    Yes! This, a million times this! We're super close to Thunderclapping the KS! And who knows...with a day to go after a successful Thunderclap we may drive home some of those stretch goals. Stay optimistic.
    Please share the link wherever you can! http://thndr.me/T7lwJD

    Thanks yet again for all the awesome support and for the Thunderclap idea. Seeeeeee, we listen. ;)

  4. Thanks again to everyone for all of the help and the big push we've seen on the campaign in the last couple weeks. A vast majority of that is on all of you, so thank you!

    Also, thanks @Maxel. Good call on the Thunderclap push: http://thndr.me/T7lwJD - totally forgot that Libra used that - I even tested it out trying to get some votes for Sound of Drop. It was up for Community GOTY on Rely On Horror. We got edged out only by Until Dawn I think. Gave them a damn good run for their money though. 


    EDIT: Also, why are you reading this?! Go out and have fun, it's the weekend. Well, consider Thunderclappin' then go out and have fun. ;)


  5. Thanks all for the continued feedback. We're certainly listening and adapting as best we can with what we have for this campaign. We've been pushing hard the last week or so and are on a solid track to getting this one funded. If anyone has any additional feedback, please keep it coming. We certainly love to hear from all of you...be it positive, constructive criticism, or even the not so constructive criticism (because sometimes you just need to vent, and that's totally cool with me).


    EDIT: Oh, and on a side note (not necessarily directly related to visual novels per se), we're getting ready to launch Rabi-Ribi tomorrow. If you dig metroidvania-style 2D platforming games and Touhou-style bullet-hell (bunny-hell in this case :P) boss battles, this one might be right up your alley.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Dergonu said:

    Ohh, yeah, gratz on getting greenlit. Seems the kickstarter has had a little spike as well. At this pace it will make it. Hopefully. :P 

    Thank you. I can't take any of the credit there. That's on all of you! I love the productivity and suggestions from everyone. Don't know if we'd be able to do the reseller kit thing though. I have a feeling that would go over like a fart in church (EDIT: in terms of us trying to get the approval for it). ;P

  7. 14 minutes ago, ExtraMana said:

    Greetings senpai. Enjoy the discussion on 2d waifu's.

    OMG haha! What a fantastic avatar. I loved Genshiken! Never felt like such an otaku in my life watching that. It was like walking right into a intervention. But I'll never give up my anime loving, game and figure collecting habits. NEVER EVER! The Guilty Gear scene was a bit of an eye opener. I was like "dang, I hope I"m not like that with my GF." Not that I'm that oblivious. Thankfully, I have an amazing gal who loves videogames. Phewwww.

  8. 12 hours ago, Nimbus said:

    I know we've just met, but will you marry me? 

    Depends. Will I become the sole heir to your gaming and anime collection if something were to happen to you? >:3

    11 hours ago, Maxel said:

    My first time posting in this forum section, maybe I'll introduce myself someday too^^'

    Anyway, nice to see representative of SP on Fuwa, finally. As far as I know, opinion about SP isn't too good here, maybe it will change within time, at least I hope so. I think it was very nice move to finally hire some PR guys, and let some weight off from dovac's arms. I really like that SP is going on and on with kickstarters, because they want to grow ASAP. And I think that's the fastest way for now, which fruits we would be able to see in probably quite near future. 

    Don't know if you can answer, but is there any chances for 18+ G-Senjou release? I think some people might want to support Ak Soft2 so we can get more of their titles, but they just aren't willing to pay for double cut(CG wise and content wise) Steam version. I guess I'd agree with Steam only release if they wanted the same or similiar money for uncut one. 

    Hope you'll stay here for a long time, and you're willing to accept constructive feedback. There also might be some anti-SP people... but don't mind them, they're all good souls loving VNs. So yeah, nice to have you here!

    PS. May I also ask for Baldr Sky release date? :sachi: 

    Jk, jk. :(

    Well hopefully I'll be able to work towards changing that...if only just a weeee bit. :3

    And yes, I totally agree. I approached SP when they initially came on the scene with Sakura Spirit and was able to hop on board last October. Super thankful for the opportunity to officially be working with the team. We're still pretty small, but I really cannot tell you just how hard-working and dedicated everyone is.

    RE: G-sen, no plans just yet, but I wouldn't mind getting something up on Denpasoft.

    RE: Constructive feedback. So long as it's not slinging profanities at us on social media, I'm more than happy to work with fans supplying constructive feedback and criticism. While I don't want to name any names or point fingers there are a couple folks on Twitter who love to swear like sailors and direct their profanity-filled ships (tweets) our way. I don't really deem that as constructive and the chances we'll respond to that are slim to none. But if it's constructive and something we can discuss in a civil manner, I'm 100% on board. Let's sail that ship together!

    11 hours ago, Dark_blade64 said:

    Nice to meet you pal! Fellow gamer. :D If you have been gaming for so long then you must know that feeling when finding somekind of new genre of games that you haven't tried and have a blast playing something new. Just what happened to me last year when thankful I noticed I could actually play visual novels if I purchase them from steam. :holo: What kind of games do you like sir?

    Likewise. :D

    Been gaming for days and have amassed quite the collection over the years: http://imgur.com/a/NyJ91

    I love playing all sorts of games. Don't execute me for saying this, but I've really just started to get into VNs over the last few years. And now that they are becoming readily available to the western world I'm finding more and more that I enjoy. Toughest part is finding the time to play/read through them.

    Just the other night I finally beat Castlevania for the first time, and I've had the game since it was released back in '86: http://imgur.com/gallery/kHrD7ps/

    I was so excited!


    Anyhow, I've gotta get back to pitching press for our upcoming 2D platformer, Rabi-Ribi. If you haven't already, please check it out and maybe pick it up when it's released next week: http://store.steampowered.com/app/400910/


    Talk to you all soon!

  9. 7 minutes ago, Nimbus said:

    Welcome to the community, feel free to ask any questions you may have.

    Show off :yumiko:

    Haha. I will say that working with Sony back in those days was a total blast! Got to work on Siren, EyeToy, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, SOCOM II (I can't tell you how much fun it was to get players to reveal their secrets and hacks online and then go write them up as bugs to be patched by Zipper - MUHAHAHAHAHA!), and a load of other awesome games. Was some of the most fun I've ever had. Made some really great friends there whom I still speak with today.

    6 minutes ago, Dergonu said:

    Hello, welcome to the forum! Nice to meet you David :sachi: 

    Its really awesome that you are here. We really miss an official "touch" from sekai project on the forum. (Well I know I do at least.) 



    Release date for Meikyuu? :makina:

    Nice to meet you too, Dergonu.

    I'll make sure to do my very best to help out here as much as I possibly can. Oh, and nice try. ;)


    Thanks for the warm welcome you two. :3

  10. Hi everyone!

    I registered here a couple days ago to hop in and provide some support and feedback on the Root Double thread. I suppose it's best to come right out and offer full transparency to everyone: I work with Sekai Project as their PR manager for the western half of the globe (primarily North & South America with a little dash of some EUR media outlets sprinkled in the mix). I'm certainly not looking for any special treatment. Not at all. I feel that it's better that everyone knows my role so they can ask questions or just take some comfort in knowing that I'm here to assist when and however I can...within reason of course. Don't be expecting me to reveal release dates. ;)


    I've been a long-time anime fan -- all the way back to my very first anime, Iczer-One. This was back in the late 80s, before I even knew what anime was. In fact, I just posted about it earlier today on Twitter. And for those of you who have yet to watch the anime series, let's just say that it was certainly one heck of a way to be introduced to the medium. In addition to anime I've been an avid gamer since the late Atari 2600/early NES days, and wound up getting into the game industry with a job testing games for Sony back in '03. Shortly after that I fell into PR and that's pretty much what I've been doing ever since (with a short stint in production). Anyhow, I'm rambling.

    I just wanted to officially say hello, and that I look forward to speaking with all of you about anime, games, or whatever you'd like to discuss. I'm always up to shoot the breeze, so please feel free to reach out to me either here or via social media.



  11. 3 hours ago, kingdomcome said:

    Who picks the tiers? Is it SP or the developers?

    Why not get more interaction between the devs and fans, like an AMA or some videos from them. That's why I think Mikandi did such a great job.

    3 hours ago, VirginSmasher said:

    YES. This is definitely what they need. Mikandi stood out because of them doing this and that is a factor in why Libra got funded and reached those stretch goals.

    Tiers really come down to what we have available to work with.

    What I am seeing a lot of folks greatly overlook is that not ever developer is going to agree to or want to appear on camera, etc. Some are a little more loose while others do not wish to be right in the middle of a spotlighted stage. Not just saying that in terms of RD, but for any project. No two are going to be the same. In this instance where people are comparing the RD campaign to Libra, Muv-Luv, etc. it's sorta' the opposite of the old saying: what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


    Thanks for all of the questions though, everyone. I have to get back to email pitching, but I'll likely check back in tomorrow. Have a splendid evening.


    EDIT: I don't know if everyone has caught that we are offering new items for some of the preexisting tiers (just can't go back and edit the text desc. once someone is backing that tier).



  12. 1 minute ago, Deep Blue said:

    I will love to back this project but I just don't agree with some things that sekai is doing and also i'm out of money for the moment, but a tier of 5 dollars would be perfect for now probably I can pledge more the next month. I don't know why there is no 1 and 5 dollars tiers, even if it's a little it does help. All campaigns so far had one but this one doesn't seems weird   :/

    Do what you can...even if it's to help spread the word. Every little bit is appreciated and really does go a long way.

    I believe we are in discussions to hopefully get some lower-level tiers. Fingers crossed.

  13. 2 hours ago, Maxel said:

    Yeah, you might be right with the assets thing, but that doesn't justify "meh" quality boxes/images... They look as simple as they could be.

    David, honestly, don't you think it's offensive to fans to set up 1,000$ tier with only signs added from 275$ tier? I'm feeling bad for people trying to save KS by choosing 1000$ tier...

    Offensive? No. Hopefully a campaign creator would never offer a tier that fans would find deliberately offensive.

    However, do I feel that it shows the backer's passion and dedication to a project they want to see come to fruition? Yeah, I feel that it might. :)

  14. 10 hours ago, Maxel said:

    You guys should just take an example from Muv-Luv KS, because it was the most successful VN Kickstarter ever. Look at the rewards, the images, the desription etc. and compare them to Root Double... Layout is pretty important thing too!

    Look at the tiers on the right for Root Double, pretty simple, and they look... pretty poor/bland? even with the added mugs etc. (it should be prepared beforehand...):

      Reveal hidden contents


    Now look at the Muv-Luv one. Everything looks pretty, right? Way more information than in Root Double KS, we even got them pointed... :

      Reveal hidden contents


    Don't get me wrong, but I also think that images/assetsfor tiers prepared for Muv-Luv KS looks way better than the ones for Root Double. Don't get me wrong, but people like things to look pretty... 

      Reveal hidden contents







    Could point more things out. When you do a kickstarter, you should try to "sell" the product as best as you can. Don't know if your tactic with this one was: "Let's start with "shit" tiers and get them to somewhat acceptable ones by the end of kickstarter" or if you just failed in praparation stage? 

    I really thing you could do way better with this and every each one of upcoming SP kickstarters. Let me say this again, take example from most successful kickstarter... Hire someone with high photoshop skills, pay him xxx/xxxx$ to make layout etc. of kickstarters and you'll see increase in backers. You announced KS 6~~ months ago, and you come up with something like this? 

    Everything in Muv-Luv KS looks pleasant to eye, while I can't say the same about Root Double KS, the images etc. seems pretty low quality...


    What's a Muv Luv?

    I'm kidding, I'm kidding. ;)

    If only it were that easy, friend. That is sort of like comparing an apple to an apple pie. Like CLANNAD, Muv Luv has strong ties to other forms of media, and can use/rely on preexisting art assets, physical products, ect. By doing so this provides the campaign with a greater chance at a more diverse set of backer rewards, and more reward tiers to pull in a larger spectrum of backers for a bigger overall funding goal.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Zenophilious said:

    Thank you for posting here.  I find it a little frustrating that nobody from SP seems to post on Fuwa very often, other than the few times @SP-AlpacaSan has materialized out of thin air.  I visit r/visualnovels regularly for news, but it's a little disheartening to feel like we're being ignored.  I appreciate the effort.

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I was a little scared after posting that I'd get a lot of backlash.

    There are a lot of things happening so sometimes it can be difficult to break free from email, team discussions, etc., but I can promise everyone here that I'll do my best to visit regularly and be more active in discussions. And if I slip just be like "Yo, don't make me come over there and slap chop that liver." ;P

  16. 16 hours ago, Zenophilious said:

    Wanted to pop in and give a big THANK YOU to those of you who have supported RD and helped to spread the word.

    Kickstarter and other crowdfunding campaigns can be very tricky. Not only do they rely on the creator(s) to push and help spread the word, but backers as well. Backers are the lifeblood of these campaigns. We read and take into consideration everything that gets posted on the campaign page.

    And yes, we could certainly use your help to further spread the word. Be it a tweet FB post, carrier pigeon, etc. Show and tell the outlets that you frequent regularly that it is something that you feel passionate about and that their readers will be interested in hearing about. It's a team effort.

    We have members of the team who are primarily focused on Root Double while my primary focus is on our current releases (Strawberry Vinegar, No One But You, Rabi-Ribi) and upcoming releases for Q1 2016. That's not to say that we aren't pushing the campaign, we have distributed news about the campaign's launch (https://twitter.com/sekaiproject/status/684464856435527680), plugged it in a couple interviews, and have been fairly active on social media in regards to further promotion of the campaign. We have also generated some pretty cool new backer rewards, and have been steadily posting campaign updates. We want to see this one blast past its goal just as much as you do.

    We are still a relatively small publishing/lic. outfit and not even one month in to 2016 we have three releases in January plus the Root Double KS campaign ...not to mention several other titles on the horizon. It's a lot titles to be working on simultaneously and by such a small, dedicated team. Sure, it's not an ideal timeframe to be working on so many projects at once, but sometimes you have to work with what you've got and you can't always ask the development studios to wait while we release "Game X" ahead of theirs. As you can imagine, that doesn't go over so well. ;P

    So if there are outlets that you feel that we should be speaking with, or ones that you frequent on a regular basis, please, by all means let us know. I will happily reach out to them to gauge their interest.

    Overall, we love hearing from you and just redesigned our own forums too (http://forums.sekaiproject.com/). Not only do I welcome you to speak with us or ask me questions here or on our forums, but you can also reach out to me directly on Twitter. I love speaking with my fellow peers about games and other related topics.

    It's all for THE GREATER GOOD!

    Now back to pitching and sending out some more review keys. :D

    Yours truly,

    Chopped Liver ;3

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