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    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in onomatope*'s lastest title - Kyuuketsuki no Libra - is coming to Steam   
    I'll just leave words with multiple interpretations in moon rune next time, if people would prefer that.
    Like so: My ビッチ Elder Sister Can't be this Chaste!
  2. Like
    Tyr reacted to Darklord Rooke in onomatope*'s lastest title - Kyuuketsuki no Libra - is coming to Steam   
    While the term ‘bitch’ could be used to indicate lewdness (and this is debatable, as in this meaning isn’t in the Oxford dictionary type of debatable,) it’s most commonly used to indicate difficult, unpleasantness, or maliciousness. When you refer to your boss as a ‘bitch’ you mean they’re spiteful and mean. A ‘slut’ is someone who is very sexually active. Using the two words synonymously would, at minimum, likely create obfuscation and at worst be inappropriate.
    Replacing the word ‘bitch’ with ‘slut’ completely changes the meaning of the title.
    Is it important? Well, it depends if you want the correct meaning to be portrayed or not.
  3. Like
    Tyr reacted to Arrakis in Do you believe in VNs?   
    Well I can honestly say that I've learned from some VN's, even though that wasn't my original goal. I approach VN's like most people I suppose, as a form of escapism. That said I've found myself at one time or another admiring character traits such as determination, integrity, courage, etc and I believe in some way shape or form I sometimes bring a little of this into my own life/thoughts/way of being.
    I suppose as they say, emulation is the highest form of flattery. Now I'm not suggesting I act like people in VN's act. Merely that subconsciously I try to act in a way closer to the characters who have for whatever reason moved me, or I have admired for some reason. For example, I am by nature a tentative person and in the past rarely trusted myself to speak my mind openly. Now I see a character who is confident, courageous and takes leaps of faith based on self belief. I then act in a way which is still myself, but partially emulates the traits I have admired. I have felt this way about many forms of media over my lifetime, be they movies, fantasy/science fiction books, animations, VN's, games, literary works, autobiographies or news articles; and many people have likewise inspired me with their words, actions or deeds. That moment where for whatever reason, something gets you to consider things from another point of view you never considered, inspires you, or causes you to reexamine yourself.
    Things that influence us, change or reinforce our thinking process and at some level that leads to different possibilities. At least that's what I think, so I guess you'd call that belief.
  4. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in What are you playing?   
    Let me clarify that I wasn't implying that you or anyone who likes Silky's Plus' games has bad taste in eroge.
    There are not many eroge companies which show the evolution of the medium in the last decade as good as Silky's does. Silky's was always trying to be modern and popular while its parent company elf stayed true to its roots. When Silky's Plus was formed last year, it essentially sealed elf's death. Economically speaking, abandoning elf was the right decision, but it's also sad for me to see something I really liked die.
    For me, Silky's Plus is the perfect metaphor how the eroge scene changed throughout the years.
    I liked the old Silky's games made in the 90s. For me, those games were "good". When I read a Silky's Plus game, I can see many elements and influences from Silky's older games, but they are all interpreted completely different, you know, more modern. (Neyuki no Genei is the best example, it's nearly a remake of an older game.)
    And I hate it. Compared with their older games, everything is far worse in my opinion. Everything is a disimprovement. How the heroines are written, how they talk, how the routes are structured, how the MC behaves, and so on...
    But I'm in the minority here. Silky's Plus' games are immensely popular. Most people like them. The way these games are designed is exactly what the audience wants.
    This made me realize that I'm not part of the target audience anymore. What I want to see in an eroge is not what most people nowadays want to see. Silky's Plus' popularity and how I can't emphasize with it is the proof to my assumption. This make me feel even a bit lonely.
    Well, that was everything I wanted to say, really. If you really want to know what I deem "good", well, read some of elf/Silky's games from the 90s or early 00s. ^^
  5. Like
    Tyr reacted to Arcadeotic in Poll: Assessing interest in text-hooking resources to play Japanese visual novels   
    It's a valid fear. r/vns is full of so-called "elitists", who look down on machine translations and even parsing to an extent. And I can assure you that if this poll wasn't linked to there, the result would've been largely different. However, that place is one of two major VN communities, so that isn't exactly an option.
    I've used machine translation and text-parsing a lot, and now that I'm learning Japanese, I'm still using text-parsing and MTL. They are a major help to those still learning this language, and this amount of shunning and ridicule doesn't feel mature. I'd understand if it was something along the lines of "I understand the merits of machine translation and parsing, but I prefer to read VNs in their original form, and thus don't feel comfortable using them any longer". Instead, in certain communities, we get this sort of backlash, and it's never nice to look at.
    I agree that learning Japanese is the best way to read VNs, but not everyone has that kind of time to put into learning this rather hard language, so parsing and MTL are great alternatives to read these games and learn Japanese at the same time. Even if it doesn't help you or you think it's a waste of time personally, it doesn't automatically mean it's a "worse" choice and should be shunned and given this kind of treatment. This elitism is really aggravating, and it would be for the better if such an attitude would be left and buried entirely.
  6. Like
    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in Poll: Assessing interest in text-hooking resources to play Japanese visual novels   
    Oh, that's easy.  Just don't do this.
  7. Like
    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in Poll: Assessing interest in text-hooking resources to play Japanese visual novels   
    Poll Objective: To gauge interest in coverage of text-hooking, a method to extract text in real-time from Japanese visual novels to facilitate machine translation or dictionary lookup.  Text hooking with dictionary lookup is often used by Japanese learners as part of the "learn by playing visual novels" method.
    Poll: Assessing interest in text-hooking resources to play Japanese visual novels
  8. Like
    Tyr reacted to Darklord Rooke in Are there any English VNs with exceptional prose?   
    A lot of people say the same thing – “writing VNs is quite different to writing novels.” I would say it’s a quarter truth. There ARE some differences, like having better and fuller control of where you end a screen, and less narration of external events due to background images, but the basics are the same, and 99% of what is needed to write VNs can be learnt better in the novel world than in the VN world. After which, you just apply different techniques to produce the same effects.
    For example: Question – with the ability to describe external events largely taken away through the use of background images and sprites, how would you slow down the pacing of a scene? Answer – You can still describe changes in the environment not revealed with static background images, or focus on internal dialogue. Question – But wouldn’t ADV format cut down on your ability to write long pieces of external narration, even if you could technically narrate changes in the environment? Answer – Most people get around this with either an ADV/NVL blend, OR a greater focus on internal dialogue which is, in essence, dialogue. These are applications of standard novel techniques.
    Dunno, I don’t really see the virtues to be honest . I can’t think of many prose techniques which stem from the Visual Novel landscape that I’d actually like to employ. Overuse of ellipses? Well you can do that with novels, but you actually learn more (and better) alternatives if you choose to read novels and not VNs. Timing is a little different due to the box/page thing, but eh, all that does is encourage the writer to use less prose, and that’s hardly a new technique. ADV does exclude the ‘he said,’ ‘she said’, lines … which is actually kinda irritating cause you can slot those words in the middle of a sentence to slow down the pacing: 
    “I suppose,” she said, as she gazed out the window, "but I’d rather have the option.”
    As you can see, the pacing of the sentence has slowed using that interjection thingy. ADV cocks this up, but you can still get around it by selecting different techniques. I bet most VNs would use ellipses here:
    NameGoesHere: I suppose … but I’d rather have the option.
    It’s not like it’s a new or grand technique or anything. You’re more limited in what you can do, and you might choose different techniques to apply to VNs than what you would in novels, but what I’m trying to say is that learning to write novels gives you a more rounded writing education, imo. What writers actually need to learn from VNs is how you compose a narrative using pictures, but that won't help your prose any.
    Of course, a lot of prominent people disagree with me, but eh. I suppose that’s just another example of how there’s no ‘right or wrong’ in writing, I guess.
  9. Like
    Tyr reacted to Deep Blue in Are there any English VNs with exceptional prose?   
    some people believe that a good and complicated prose makes a good vn (I won't give names but people that are consider gurus in this vn world), in fact they gave a lower score to some vns just because it has a simple writing style, I don't agree with this at all, if something is good it is good no matter how complex the writing style is. At the end of the day if the story is bad no matter how good the prose is the story will still be bad. 
  10. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Canicheslayer in LewdGamer editorial: Censorship in English eroge releases   
    It's not about whether France allows 12 years old girls to watch porn or not. It's about catering to 12 years old animu fangirls who don't want to look at porn. The "12 year old girl" here is a metaphor for a very dominant type of anime fan who doesn't want to cross the border between ecchi and hentai even though he would legally be allowed to. Those people don't want. And this group was the target audience of MoeNovel.
  11. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from sanahtlig in LewdGamer editorial: Censorship in English eroge releases   
    It's not about whether France allows 12 years old girls to watch porn or not. It's about catering to 12 years old animu fangirls who don't want to look at porn. The "12 year old girl" here is a metaphor for a very dominant type of anime fan who doesn't want to cross the border between ecchi and hentai even though he would legally be allowed to. Those people don't want. And this group was the target audience of MoeNovel.
  12. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Canicheslayer in LewdGamer editorial: Censorship in English eroge releases   
    This isn't an insinuation to Franc's liberality, it's a quote from MoeNovel itself, said during an interview. And naturally it was said because France has one of the biggest anime fandoms in Europe.
    I can't even fathom how this quote can be misinterpreted so wrong, lol.
  13. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in Funniest visual novel you have played?   
    To me that are definitely Elf´s Be-Yond (ultra-hillarious & fleshed out space odyssee) & Shuusaku (yes, i know i´m a disgrace to humanity as awhole). truly irresistible.
  14. Like
    Tyr reacted to Makudomi in Funniest visual novel you have played?   
    Edelweiss got some laughs out of me. To tell you the truth, I would have been satisfied if there was a full route dedicated to staying single and hanging out with your bros. Those guys were hilarious -- more than wingmen, they were their own unique characters who made for a great comedic trio.
    (To clarify, however, I'm hesitant to claim Edelweiss as a "great visual novel" by that virtue alone. Regarding the focus of the game, the girls themselves, it pretty much fell flat for me.)
  15. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Dreamysyu in No romance plot   
    I actually think "romance" is an essential part of Higurashi.
    And I don't think it's strange that nearly every Visual Novel has some romance in it. After all, they are stories about humans and humans seldom work without emotions like affection for each other.
  16. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from kingdomcome in No romance plot   
    I actually think "romance" is an essential part of Higurashi.
    And I don't think it's strange that nearly every Visual Novel has some romance in it. After all, they are stories about humans and humans seldom work without emotions like affection for each other.
  17. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in No romance plot   
    I actually think "romance" is an essential part of Higurashi.
    And I don't think it's strange that nearly every Visual Novel has some romance in it. After all, they are stories about humans and humans seldom work without emotions like affection for each other.
  18. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Mr Poltroon in The Legend Of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel Discussion Thread   
    Ah, sorry, I thought this is a discussion thread, you know, because it's called a "Discussion Thread" and OP said:
    Didn't know actual arguments are forbidden and only blind worshiping is allowed.
  19. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from john 'mr. customer' smith in No romance plot   
    I actually think "romance" is an essential part of Higurashi.
    And I don't think it's strange that nearly every Visual Novel has some romance in it. After all, they are stories about humans and humans seldom work without emotions like affection for each other.
  20. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in The Legend Of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel Discussion Thread   
    Cold Steel is an insult to the Kiseki series.
    It's everything what's wrong with modern JRPG (self-insert jesus protagonist, bland and painfully one-dimensional moeblob heroines and fucking high school dating sim gameplay) and it has nothing of what made Trails in the Sky so damn good (deep characters, great story, good battle system).
    You know why Falcom forced XSeed to localize Cold Steel instead of the other entries in the Kiseki series? Because they thought stupid gaijins want more moeges ... and they were right. (The Japanese actually make fun of us that we unironically like such a kusoge that is Trails of Cold Steel.)
  21. Like
    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in Anime Boston and Sakura-Con Speculation and Announcements thread   
    I don't think that's necessarily true, especially in the eroge market.  Eroge developers don't get into the business to get rich, and the best writers, voice actors, and artists could likely make more money in other industries.  They generally stick around because of love for the craft, their colleagues, or their fans.  Nitroplus didn't nitpick every single detail of Demonbane's English release out of desire for profit.  No doubt such attention to detail is extremely cost-inefficient.  No, they have a proud brand image and very high standards that they hold themselves and their partners to.  In a word: they're professionals.
    A self-respecting eroge company doesn't cut content simply because it's convenient.  They consider their mission, their goals for overseas release, and the audience they wish to appeal to.  They consider how to appeal to the widest audience--and that usually means having a non-adult version to market at the sea of casual users on Steam, and an adult version to serve the core fanbase.
    In addition, there's a difference between a low-risk, short-term revenue venture and a dedicated effort to build relationships and cultivate good will over the long haul.  Ditching your core fans out of expedience is usually a poor way to establish a lasting foothold in a new market. 
  22. Like
    Tyr reacted to sanahtlig in Anime Boston and Sakura-Con Speculation and Announcements thread   
    Chikan (public molestation) is an integral part of Japanese train culture.
  23. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in Noone cares? I see... (Navel & MG - Divorce, or starting over again?)   
    Oh, you just mentioned the most popular anime which are based on visual novels. Now try saying good things about the other 450, too.
  24. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in Noone cares? I see... (Navel & MG - Divorce, or starting over again?)   
    Because anime never intends to be good on its own except when it's an original story. In every other case it's promo for the source material.
    Anime is not supposed to be good or even being an adequate adaptation. It's about motivating you to buy the original game/novel/manga. Or, if you already read the source, to see your favorite scenes animated because in this case it's just fanservice for people who already know the story.
  25. Like
    Tyr reacted to Kawasumi in Anime Boston and Sakura-Con Speculation and Announcements thread   
    Eww, a normie.
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