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MiKandi Japan

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Posts posted by MiKandi Japan

  1. Hi Everyone and Happy New Year! :D

    Newton has entered the final countdown, so it's time to make one last mighty push to the finish line.

    Recently, new add-ons were revealed (R18 tapestries and daki; kawaii keychains), and Stretch Goal #3 was picked up. We're now making a hyper sprint for Stretch Goal #4... and beyond.

    On behalf of Sol Press, Laplacian, MiKandi Japan, and Newtonians everywhere *wink*, please come and join us in this race to the finish! 

    We look forward to seeing you there! Thank you for your support <3



    :oPledge on Newton before time runs out!

  2. Thanks for making this post! ^_*

    The best way for us to collect your feedback and thoughts for XERO is the questionnaire. If you've already completed it, thank you very much for taking the time to do so!!! 

    We've gotten some pretty interesting answers so far -- some of which are thought-provoking (the unexpected answers) and some that are pretty funny. Looking forward to sharing some of these in a future Kickstarter update (via Libra).

    Thanks again ^___^

  3. Hi Guys,

    It's been a little over 24 hours since the end of the Kickstarter and I can honestly say that, part of me feels like I'm still on the "battlefield" when I should be celebrating with everyone. When I woke up this morning, just like every day, I went through my routine thoughts, racing as they do, about what needed to do be done with the remaining time. Then it hit me, Kickstarter was over! o.O

    The past 120 days -- every day -- have been filled with intense planning, ups/downs, execution of ideas, surprises (see James's KS celebration comment), and fun. For me personally, switching gears has been a little slower than expected, but I've got my foot on the clutch and easing in. The intensity won't change, just the lane.

    There's many steps left to take before Libra comes to a full completion and we're committed to seeing it through to the end.

    With that, I'd like to sincerely thank you for all the advice and feedback you've given. Fuwanovel has a great crowd. It's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance. 

    I look forward to keeping you posted on our Libra progress, and also share what's on deck for future projects.

    You might even see me pop in a few off-topic threads, too. ;-)

    Until next time,

    Jonathan (MiKandi Japan PR/Marketing)

  4. Final Hours: Stretch Goal 3 Unlocked, AMA Quotes, Thank You!

    Stretch Goal 3 Unlocked: Re-Vote

    We left the fate of mini-episode 2's storyline in the hands of our backers. After a second poll was conducted and analyzed, it was Lycoris and Aoi's pre-Libra story that prevailed. 

    AMA Fun!

    Over the course of our Kickstarter, we held 3 different AMA's: 2 at /r/visualnovels and 1 at /r/cosplay. The following are some highlights from each. 

    Question: Did you take inspiration in Draculius when working on Libra? 



    "The world, setting, is almost the same. At first when we started Libra, we thought about remaking the game... but during the planning, we thought just a remake is not so creative, so we decided to keep some of the same symbols but make a completely different game." 


    "For example, when we made Draculius, we didn't imagine the biting pee effect which people asked about earlier in the AMA. So for somebody who really knows about manga/anime story they might know about higanjima manga. In that story, when vampires bite it makes people pee, so I thought if we make something like this with cute girls it might be fun. Of course there is much more, but this is one example maybe people want to hear about!" 

    Source https://redd.it/3z7z7u

    What got Producer MOKA started on his path? How does he create new characters? 


    "When I was in junior high, watching animation became the starting point. For example, anime like Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru. I was also a fan of Oji Hiroi, creator of Sakura Taisen (both game and anime) and Mado King Granzort. I was inspired by his work, so when I found Oji was a game creator also, it helped guide my path in that direction."

    "When I create a new character, before I visualize what they look like, I think about what they might say that connects to the story. From there, the details begin to materialize as more dialogue is written." 

    Source: https://redd.it/40en99

    Kurusaka-san, I like your cosplaying! Why did you become a cosplayer and what's it like in Japan as a cosplayer? 


    "Thank you for your question. When I was a child, I really loved anime and manga. Naruto is my favorite. One day, my friend showed me a picture of Naruto cosplay (it was Sakura). From that moment I fell in love with the idea of dressing up as a character from my favorite show. 


    What I like about cosplaying in Japan is there is a big community! I have a many cosplay friends and we enjoy talking about how to make different kinds of costumes. We get to share a lot of cool information with each other. There's also are plenty of shops to buy cosplay items from." (smiling) 

    From Kururu Kurasaka's AMA: https://redd.it/40e97p

    Thank You!

    MiKandi Japan and XERO would like to give a sincere, heartfelt thanks to our friends, followers, the media sites that shared our battle with their audience, and to the Vampire Princess Army. Without you, making it this far wouldn't have been possible. Together we've marched to victory and proven that there is a hope for more visual novels to make it overseas. 

    Onward to Immortality! 

    MiKandi Japan and XERO


  5. Since we're closing in on the end of Kickstarter, there's a few things I'd like share with my friends here at Fuwanovel before we move onto the next step. If you haven't checked out our "Making of Libra" movie, please consider giving it a watch. Thanks :D Filmed, Edited, Directed and Produced by Project Manager, James


    ----- Sumimasen, obligatory promo mention incoming! m(_ _)m -------

    There's an off-site promotion we've been running that's open to all backers (old and new, of any pledge level $1+): "Bring a Soldier to Battle" Giveaway. This is running now until the campaign's end in 4X hours from now. Here's how it works...

    1. Bring a friend to back Libra for at least $35. 
    2. Both of you will receive a color-copied Iris shikishi ($10 value) for FREE.
    3. Then, both of you will be entered for a chance to win a rare, 60-page art book signed by Risa Miyasu-san (artist for Shuma, Calen, Mari and Iris). The photo is of Producer MOKA and Mayumi Shindo-san (voice of Mari) each holding a copy of Miyasu-san's book during the AMA we did a few weeks ago.


    There's no limit to how many friends you can bring. Each friend you bring, your name and theirs will enter the drawing as a couple. You bring 5 different friends, that's 5 times your name is in the drawing. If your name is drawn, you and your friend each receive a copy of Risa's 60-page, autographed art book! 

    Once you've gotten a friend to back us, both of you should contact us as soon as possible through direct message. The giveaway will be held in the weeks follwing the Kickstarter.

    NOTE: This promotion is not retroactive. 


    Finally, there's that quote from Producer MOKA that I like to go back to when whenever I think about why I decided to get involved with this project.

    "In an environment where foreign players get Japan's newest games, that will help pull the industry into a new future. There are many makers like us, and so many games that can come to you. I want to create new moe for everybody, so please support this project, and let's make new moe together in the future. That's my hope."

    We know not everyone cares for Libra, or even visual novels ("What the heck are those?!?!") and that's fine. I'm simply humbled to be playing a role -- practically any role -- in bringing vn's to a place where more people can discover and *enjoy them. ^_^

    *I hope that's the case

  6. Happy New Year!

    Today: The 4 new limited rewards were sold out within 15 minutes. (wha-wha-wha-WHAT?!?!)

    Tomorrow: We have planned... (Creepy) Iris Snuggle Blanket and Mari Wall Scroll/Tapestry Add-ons.

    Official Update: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mikandijapan/libra-of-the-vampire-princess-visual-novel-english/posts/1456188



    Hope you are all enjoying your New Year Celebration!

    See you soon!

  7. Hello Everyone!

    Today we are revealing a batch of rewards that will go live tomorrow. The decision was made to show them first, and allow a little more time for the word to spread. 

    NOTE: These "shikishi" rewards are LIMITED, and may go quickly, so please be on the lookout for when they're available in our Kickstarter reward/tier section.

    We plan to have these ready between 12:00 - 13:00 EST, December 31st



    "LUV 4 U!"

    Jonathan, MiKandi Japan

    PS: The official announcement can be found at our Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mikandijapan/libra-of-the-vampire-princess-visual-novel-english/posts/1455541


  8. CXSQvINW8AAWNgs.jpg

    Not sure if anyone else caught the update hehe (see image above). Pledges have been picking up again, spirits are high, and some backers are reaching into the hard-to-get-at places to spread the word about Libra. If there's any other places you might suggest or know of, please let us know. We've been trying hard (you should see our contacts list), but some places just don't respond. :D

    For our New Year Celebration, starting December 30th (N. America Time) we'll be adding a new reward/tier each day until January 1st. Some of these rewards will be super limited, by the way. o.O

    Please keep an eye out on our updates page for these announcements. 

    @Cerulean That cosplay is pretty insane. She looks even better than the character (imho). Woah! :wub:

    See everyone very soon! <3

    PS: Does anyone ever see the Easter Eggs I leave in our banners?

    Now that you brought that up I do :P she is like waldo xD (a really charming and cute waldo)

    Now, whether I personally like Iris or not, it's clear that she, in some way shape or form, has been haunting me. It's kind of scary. o.O LOL

  9. I dont know if its me being bad at searching or if its actually not there, but I could not find any info on what release this will be in the FAQ. Is it all ages with cut content, or will it be 18+? Or both?

    By the way, gratz on 50%! Looking good :sachi:

    The release will be a complete game, suitable for Steam and general audience. A FREE patch will be hosted by MiKandi USA that patches in the 18+ content. An "erotic" expansion if you will. Thanks for asking and your support ;-)

  10. CXSQvINW8AAWNgs.jpg

    Not sure if anyone else caught the update hehe (see image above). Pledges have been picking up again, spirits are high, and some backers are reaching into the hard-to-get-at places to spread the word about Libra. If there's any other places you might suggest or know of, please let us know. We've been trying hard (you should see our contacts list), but some places just don't respond. :D

    For our New Year Celebration, starting December 30th (N. America Time) we'll be adding a new reward/tier each day until January 1st. Some of these rewards will be super limited, by the way. o.O

    Please keep an eye out on our updates page for these announcements. 

    @Cerulean That cosplay is pretty insane. She looks even better than the character (imho). Woah! :wub:

    See everyone very soon! <3

    PS: Does anyone ever see the Easter Eggs I leave in our banners?

  11. Errr....so what exactly is this "cosplay" thing about? Are you going to do some kind of offline event or something?

    We'd get in touch with either a cosplay model or AV model to dress up as one of Libra's characters, and make a very cool shoot of it.

    There are more details beyond that, but we really need to see what kind of a response the poll gets, and then make a decision from there.

    Oh... and UPDATE: Iris Mouse Pads have arrived!



  12. Vampire Princess Army,

    Greetings! How are you on this terrific Tuesday evening?

    This is an exciting moment, for we've just rolled out 4 new items (all of them physical) to the add-ons section. For you, we have:

    • Physical Game ($55)
    • Physical Game + Collectors Box ($65) 
    • Physical Artbook ($10)
    • Physical Soundtrack ($18)

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If your current reward tier does not have shipping, please include a flat fee of $10 after selecting your add-ons. This will cover shipping costs. Thank you! ^__^

    *All prices are in USD.

    45% Funded!

    Huzzah! We're now just over 45% funded and just in time to welcome our 666th soldier to the Vampire Princess Army! Ooooooh! Let's keep up the great work and continue muscling our way to the castle keep!

    Fan Art Submissions?

    Recently I was contacted by a Vampire Princess Army member and asked if we might be accepting fan art. Why YES, indeed we are! ;-) In fact, this is a call to all artists, craftspeople, doodlers, scribblers, and finger painters of any/all capability. Show us your Libra fan art and sketches. Anything, really. If there's one thing that the Kickstarter balrog has a weakness for, it's imagery of the adversary. This is like sunlight to a *gulp* vampire. Muahahaha!

    So please, don't be shy, show us your love for Aoi, Lycoris, Calen, Mari, Sakurako, Kaede, Shuma, and... you-know-who! Do it in your own special way.

    Tweet your work(s) to our Twitter Page: @MiKandiJapan with the hashtag #LibraFanArt . If you don't have Twitter, paste us a link to your image in the comment section of this update and we'll tweet for you. 

    Let's all share and re-tweet our Libra fan art for the world see! The Kickstarter balrog WILL be surrendering soon enough.

    Need some Inspiration? Please have another look at any of our officially released Libra videos on our campaign page.

    Thanks again, Vampire Princess Army for your continued support! See you all in another update soon. <3

    Onward to Victory!

    MiKandi Japan and XERO

    PS: Heya Fuwanovel Friends,

    The previous was from our most recent Kickstarter update. Just thought I'd share for those that are interested. Thanks for your time. ^__^

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