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Everything posted by kyrt

  1. From what the twitter comments of a few people are saying they didn't even look at it or get back to anyone. They just forcibly without comment got rid of it. Kickstarter is definitely not the platform for funding/backing visual novels. I hope they put the stuff that was removed as potential bonus items that people can buy via the website (maybe have a limited amount or something or keep it stocked) they could probably make quite a bit of money doing that.
  2. Kickstarter just forcibly removed 60,000 dollars and all tiers higher than $245 from the Kickstarter. It's currently at 208,000 though so still funded to michiru's spin-off adventure.
  3. Vol.1 of Nekopara is available for purchase on denpasoft 34.99 (a bit pricey imho). Features: -Full voice (except for the main character) -Animated character movement and poses using the E-mote System -Game text and UI can be seamlessly switched between English, Japanese and Traditional Chinese -H-scenes are also animated Note: Game will be shipping in February 2015. *LIMITED EDITION* Comes with a 52 page full color artbook and a mini shikishi illustration board https://denpasoft.com/shop/neko-para-vol-1/ It also seems the regular version is going to be 19.99 (basically you pay an extra 15 for the artbook).So far they only take credit cards. Shipping is 8 dollars in U.S. and 15 elsewhere. The website does have a place to enter coupon codes however which I'm thinking might be used for a certain other game they will be selling. edit: H-scenes with standard Japanese Mosaics. No Digital Download distribution rights for denpasoft.
  4. Does this include console or handheld games that some consider to be visual novels? Examples include X-Blaze Code Embryo, Phoenix Wright, Ar Tonelico series, or Tears to Tiara 2?
  5. Hey no worries from me feel free to take as much time as needed.
  6. Anyone know if the translation for the 18+ version is going to actually be decent at all? Hell does this even have a story or is this just an overload of cute and pron?
  7. Maybe just make it a regular drawing (if this isn't happening)...? I'm sure some lucky person can live without a copy of sakura spirit.
  8. so when did this have to be fully read by?
  9. Odd that steam has yet to be announced when even IOS, consoles, and handhelds are getting the game. I'm sure it will go there eventually but uh time will tell I guess. Either way this is great news for the visual novel fans since visual novels becoming more accepted in society is the first step to beginning to make people realize visual novels do not equate to just porn. I am a little concerned though if they end up using a different translator, I imagine that wouldn't be good.
  10. ^ and the day that follows viviex, shinrai, solux, supercereal4, sioxz, and xandaron happy birthday all
  11. There was actually once a time when a G-Senjou no Maou anime actually was on the table...not sure what happened but it just never went through. I think it would be the easiest one to adapt that could actually garner people's interest.
  12. I honestly think G-Senjou no Maou could make an awesome anime although I wouldn't be against a Muv-Luv anime (yes muv-luv the regular version followed by a cliffhanger leading into unlimited for a second series/season) and then capping it all off with Alternative. I also would love to see umineko redone from the beginning but that is very very unlikely to ever happen considering how bad the first version turned out in everything. Honestly if done well I'd love to see a ton of anime adaptted visual novels but sadly they don't usually have the budget for it.
  13. I probably should have explained a bit better but when I said crunchyroll will pick up anything funimation and some of what they do that was mainly speaking to fans outside of the U.S. who do not have access to funimation. Honestly I just subscribe to both so it doesn't bother me. Funimation's elite subscription actually gives you the full release version (no censorship) when they have that type of title as well as bonus dvd features to their dubbed titles; crunchyroll also usually picks up the same titles that funimation does if it sounds like it will be popular so that people outside the U.S. can watch stuff.
  14. My first anime that I remember seeing on tv was probably sailormoon and tenchi muyo. The first anime I remember buying was Sorcerer Hunters and Slayers. If we want to get real technical though Speed Racer and Star Blazers are probably what introduced me to anime (didn't know what it was called til toonami) and I have my dad to thank for it since he had some old speed racer and star blazers vhs tapes lying around when I was growing up and I liked them as a kid.
  15. I personally really liked Your Lie in April, and Akatsuki no Yona for the fall season although Existence from Shingeki no Bahamut really does grow on you. As for other songs this year there were quite a few that I would consider pretty good but I'm just going to do fall for now...need to listen to some of the others before deciding.
  16. Crunchyroll usually doesn't announce what they've picked up until a week before they air likewise funimation probably has 3-5 titles still to announce as well. Crunchyroll likely will get whatever funimation doesn't and some of what they do. They've just begun to announce which titles they've acquired (crunchy and funimation)...just give it time.
  17. Here's a shit ton of links some of the amvs listed in this list have likely been mentioned in this forum but probably not all of them. I tried to label them by the shows and titles although a lot had multiple anime so I just said they were mixed. If this was posted correctly only the first 3 videos should have in forum previews whereas the rest have youtube links. Hopefully people can find something they like. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
  18. For those interested this is what is announced so far and who has streaming rights. Times are not added because they are not known and may vary depending on location. Once it gets closer I may update but this is it for now. Crunchyroll: Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend (beginning January 8th) Durarara season 2 Funimation: Assassination Classroom (Fridays beginning the 9th) Fairy Tail (Fridays) Tokyo Ghoul A (Thursdays beginning the 8th) Shonen Hollywood (Saturdays beginning 10th) Yona of the Dawn (Tuesdays) One Piece (Sat) Garo the Animation (Fridays) Kamisama Kiss Season 2 (Wednesdays beginning the 5th) - It seems like funimation has at least four other titles to announce if crunchyroll's news is anything to base it off of...Fafner will probably be among those.
  19. Just finished re-watching durarara for the first time dubbed. It wasn't horrible but outside of one or two characters I thought the sub was more enjoyable to listen to. I've seen the show before and really I think it's about the mid-way point when the series really begins to pick up. It's unfortunate though that the story focuses primarily on the 3 high school students since the other characters were definitely interesting and enjoyable to watch. The series starts off confusing and in this way it's a bit like Baccano! in which we follow multiple points of views (lots of characters no major time hopping though) which is one of the things I like about this anime. It doesn't help that I'm a rather large fan of Narita Ryogo the creator and am also a fan of Takahiro Omori's directing style so I went in thinking I'd already like it. The dub again had some casting choices I'm not sure I would agree with but it wasn't awful either. It's definitely not a show for everyone though and if people don't get attached to the characters right off the bat it's unlikely people will stick with the show. It also takes a while before it gets overly interesting and then the ending while good definitely felt like it wasn't as good as it could be. Either way I have hopes the second season will be interesting. I'll discuss it more once people have actually finished it there's a question about the ending I would like to pose as well as asking what everyone's favorite character was. On a side note to all Baccano! viewers, who loved seeing the cameos?
  20. I'm enjoying the game but haven't gotten too much further in only on chapter IV just finished III. Considering I just played sakura spirit right before getting another chapter of Forest read this seems infinitely better for chapter III than it probably normally does.
  21. So was randomly checking to see if denpasoft had a website yet and then I happened to notice this link; DenpaSoft So can we take this for positive confirmation that we are in fact getting the 18+ version or does this recent issue with kickstarter need to be figured in first? edit: apologies for double posting.
  22. I think everyone agrees Majikoi has the most allure.
  23. I would technically not have considered the other image nsfw but then everyone has a different definition on what nsfw entails. Either way I eventually managed to find a non-sexual banana image...it was not an easy task.
  24. Unfortunately there are a lot of issues with doing something like kickstarter in regards to sexual content. In different parts of the world there are different laws and customs and something in one place might be completely illegal while legal in another...not to mention not being able to keep track of this could cause further issues as illegal content could potentially be offered up this way. This type of thing is very difficult to pull off correctly without sexual content and I imagine a more adult-oriented kickstarter type thing just wouldn't do as well. Indiegogo and Kickstarter are the two main ways of backing for upcoming projects...there have been plenty of sexual related content getting backed on both but it seems less problematic on indiegogo...a third company would have to compete with 2 very well known companies and potentially not make their necessary funds for keeping the website staffed on operational...not to mention the other issues. Still it isn't impossible but a simple rule change could be to just not allow live-action oriented content. Honestly it would be difficult to say the least.
  25. I for one have never faulted Sekai Project for any of this and I really do appreciate everything they are trying to do. The problems have been on Frontwing and Kickstarter's end although funny enough kickstarter just proved that Frontwing's fear's were not unfounded. Sekai Project is doing everything they can to make this work and for that I'm not going to fault them on it. I really do hope they can appeal it successfully. Hell the images are censored on the kickstarter which is less than what I can say about other projects. They really shouldn't have an issue with it. This does however prove that kickstarter is not going to be the right way to go about getting visual novels over here.
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