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Everything posted by Okami

  1. With machine translation you will understand as much as if you try reading it on Japanese while not knowing Japanese. But once you learn Japanese you will be able to read any VN while waiting for translation you can read only a small percent of VNs. Also those several months are usually closer to a year. I myself read translated ones while learning Japanese at a same time. Back on a topic translation of first Grisaia VN took 1 year and 2 months and translation of second one just started 2 months ago. I myself haven't read a first one yet, I plan to but have other VNs I want to read first.
  2. DimDito > False, True I do find extreme physical pain interesting from a psychological point of view. Edit: If you mean RPG's that yes. Next person felt pain great enough to cause hallucination at least one's in his life.
  3. I posted a torrent for a prequel Agarest Generations of War here that made to a PC on English last year. I finish it and it was prety intresting, true it so hard to get a true ending. When this ones come out I will shere a torrent for it too. PS: Actually I just remembered Agarest Generations of War is actually a sequel to a Agarest Generations of War Zero true Zero has been released later.
  4. Officier you see this 5000$ in my wallet they are yours aren't they? 2 dead little girls, pictures of pornografy of those two girls, and a bloody ax.
  5. I am waiting for a LB! ME edition, H-scenes would totally ruin a LB! for me so I am not gona play EX edition.
  6. I was born Ambidexteric but because of idiots of teachers that I had in elementary school that forced me to use only my right hand while growing up I am more right handed.
  7. The truth is all people are hypocrites, the whole todays society is built on hypocrisy. If people help someone it is either because they are gaining something from it or because helping others makes them feel good and have a better picture of themselves they don't really care for the one they are helping. And this video only shows that people like to judge others. It's not eye opening it is an obvious thing.
  8. False, watching sport is boring. Next person follows progress of more than 10 translation projects.
  9. I prefer serious romance but yea I like romcoms to. Next person quit smoking this year.
  10. I usually go with 720p and sometimes with 480p I keep everything that I download on my hard and 1080p takes to much space so I download in 1080p very rarely. And I rarely download BD usually for the same reason true if it is a horror anime I download BDrip once it is out otherwise I don't care if it's censored cause I actually prefer ecchi scenes to be censored.
  11. True. Next person has above average IQ
  12. False, I don't really like them. Next person likes demon heroines more than angel heroines.
  13. True, my favorite Anime movie is Aura: Maryuuinkouga Saigo No Tatakai Next person watched anime or read a VN for over 48 hours streit at least once.
  14. True, actually there are some anime that I have been putting off foor over a year. Next person never droped an anime or/and a VN.
  15. Yea a fruit and a bird VN are stupid but I can understand them cause they are "stupid thing put together by someone bored" but a bomb-heroine is a commercial VN!? I mean com on even for a stupid nukige there has to be a limit of how stupid a story can be.
  16. False, Next person was recently disappointed with a sequel of anime that he liked.
  17. False, I like it, but I don't eat it that much. Next person likes tomboy heroines.
  18. It looks like he is still working on it but doesen't want to be clear on it for some reason. This is what he posted on those dates. 14 Jan 2014 - 987/10474/43821/53707 24 Jan 2014 - 1575/10474/44409/53707 14 Feb 2014 - 2301/10474/45135/53707 I guess if we believe that he has done 80% as he said in a first place we should believe in this too. So now there are two possibilities. 1 - He never done 80% and he is just trolling as. 2 - He is still working on it and he is 84% done as of 14 Feb.
  19. Someone had to be really really bored to make something this stupid.
  20. False, I never really tried playing any music instruments. Next person prefers VNs without H-scenes.
  21. True, 11 Eyes Opening (AYANE - ARRIVAL OF TEARS ) Next person have lucid dreams often.
  22. False, I am not serveing anyone exept myself. Next person dislikes ecchi in Anime.
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