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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Firstly they were but later it come out edition with both of them as one VN and that one is the one that is being translated. True they said that they will release patrial patch for Introductory Chapter when they finish it.
  2. I am not saying that he did deserve the hate he got but still... In case of a.) he is going to far for a few haters, there are always going to be haters and trolls on interent but that's not a reason to turn against a whole society. In case of b.) he is a jerk for lying to everyone without any good reason. And maybe it is a mix of both, he gotten so pissed at the hate that he deleted a scripts and now he can't give us even if he want's to.
  3. The only things that come to mind are simple things like trying to run them as administrator or changing you system locale to Japanese. Did you try to to that allredy? If you are suspecting that your username is a problem why not try changing it? set g insted of ğ.
  4. There are many bad games out there but if I have to choose one that is absolute worst ever that would be The Void, story is beyond anything that could anyone understand, gameplay is no far from it after like 4,5 hours of playing it I couldn't get the point of game at all. I doubt there is anything worse than this.
  5. False, My only hobbies these days are Otaku ones + meditations. There are some other things I do at a free time but I wouldn't say they can be called hobbies (Like learning Japanese and studying Psihology). Next person was at least once in Anime/VN void.
  6. I think it's strange that nobody said anything about this despite project going along for some time now. So for anyone who doesn't know team Baka-Tsuki has been translating VN White Album 2 for nearly a year now and they are near the end of Introductory Chapter 10760/10769 (99.91%) and Overall 10760/70253 (15.31%). Here is their official page for anyone wanting to follow their work and for status go to Daily status under a Files. Apparently this is one of top 10 ranked VNs on VNTLS and after watching an anime that is based on VN covering Introductory Chapter I am not surprised about it. Also interesting thing to know might be that they plan to release 2 separate versions one that is 18+ and one that is 17+ (without H-scenes). PS: I am not involved with this project just spreading a news.
  7. False, Heven't watched it. Next person has recently had his heart torn apart by heartbreaking Anime.
  8. Spoilers ahed. I just finished White Album 2 yesterday and I am still totally fuc*ked up about an ending. I hate it so much but at a same time I love it so much. I feel sory even for Setsuna even true I want to see Touma and Haruki ending but the ending is just so heartbreaking for all characters. True little bit comfort gives me knowledge that the whole season 1 was just introductory chapter that is 1/4 of a VN and that story is far from over so that there is still hope for a happy ending. But still who knows when will second season be released or when will VN be fully translated. True I am litle happy knowing that.... Spoiler from a VN
  9. Can I join you even true I am crying for a differnt matter? (Like finished watching White Album 2 :'( )
  10. False, You never saw leaders in our country. Next person has been totally fuc*ed up after watching White Album 2.
  11. I am still trying to persuade him, here if anyone wants to follow it.
  12. Hate come after he newer given it to anyone like he said he would. And besides few haters aren't a reason to turn against the whole English VN community.
  13. And that is that outstanding individuals are responsible for the expectations of those that had come to rely on him, even if this is unreasonable and/or unfair (correct me if I am wrong, but I think this was it). Anyways, I didn't really read anything from staircase subs, nor was I that interested in dracu-riot, but I think quitting is perfectly fine as long as there isn't a wrong reason for it (it doesn't even have to be a good one). Actually that's not a case. People don't hate him because he dropped a translation but because he refuses to give those 80% that he done to someone else to finish it. Heres part of my conversation with him from tweether: Me: Could you please release scripts of Dracu-Riot so someone else can finish it like you said on your site. Thank you. Him: Nope. Me: But why? If you are can't finish it yourself that is not a reason to let all your work till now go to waste.. Him: Nothing is going to waste. I receive no penalties from not releasing anything, nor will I receive any reward if I do it. I am still trying to persuade him but it doesn't look promising. PS: His site is not down you just need to enter address directly and press enter to open it.
  14. False, Next person had recently watched an Anime that he hated the ending so much that he wished that he didn't watch it.
  15. True, one only. Next person meditates sometimes.
  16. False. Next person would like to go to space.
  17. Ok I don't know what are you misunderstanding here but it is totally normal for read-only to be checked on folders. If you have problem playing some VNs that definitely doesn't have anything to do with this. Try explaining what happens when you try to run those VNs.
  18. I think Shuffle! Anime adeption was a lot batter then original VN version. VN version 4/10 Anime 8/10. LB! Anime adeption was pretty good too in my opinion true I didn't watch second season yet. I guess if we compare Anime and first part of VN they are about equally good. VN 7/10 First season of Anime 6/10, but my favorite part of LB! VN was Rin's second route + Refrein witch are adapted into second season of Anime that I didn't watch yet, without those two routes I would rate VN 6/10 too. Blazblue was... well it wasn't good, but it wasn't worse then VN version at least. BB CT 4/10 BB CS 5/10 Anime 5/10. And there is Danganronpa, I would say that Anime and VN versions of this title are equal too but in VN pointless gameplay ruind best part of a story (Trials) which is why I didn't like VN version that much. VN 5/10 Anime 7/10. That's it for titles that I have both watched Anime version and read a VN version.
  19. False, Not everyone. Next person is eccentric.
  20. True. Next person has very low stamina.
  21. Topic for this alredy exists here.
  22. Now if this is true and if we count + one year from relese date for translation we can expect to wait till 2016-2017 to read this.
  23. If we count leftovers from fall 2013 then I think it was a decent season, true I guess that spring does look more promising. There are few more anime from a winter season that I plan to watch in next few days as I always wait for anime to finish araing to watch it from one siting including Nagi no Asukara and Chuunibyou 2 that I have big expectations for but from the ones I alredy watched I liked Strike the blood the most from winter season.
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