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Everything posted by Okami

  1. If that is what you disaded fell free to torrent all that is on fuwa main site as fuwa main site doesn't have any licensed titles. I am with you there, true I am not a family man and I live alone I too don't have money to spare on VNs as I am living on one meal a day as it is. I will leave supporting companies to people who can afford it.
  2. VNs market is in Japan they don't really offer their services to the west so you pirating them dosen't heart companies in any way as you are not part of their targeted market as you can't buy them legally. So with exception of mangagamer's, Justusa's, moenovel's etc. titles you aren't doing anything wrong when you torrent a VN. And there is also stuff that is written here too.
  3. Hi, I was just wondering what is going on with this project, is it stalled, dropped or have you just forgot about updating status? I appreciate any info that you can share with us, also I really hope that it's not a second one.
  4. It's an original art as well as other pics that I posted.
  5. We have many topics for sharing pics here so I thought we could use one of those too. Just share any dark anime pics that you like. Here I will start.
  6. Here as promised I posted a torrent for a game here.
  7. Just a little question, I have started reading this VN yesterday and I am 15 hours into it and I was wondering if you will miss a lot if you play routes in different odrer from preferred route order? I planed on reading Suzu>Kaoru>Tonya>Touko as I am used to going for routes of heroines that I like more first (+ I usually don't use walkthroughs in my first play). PS: Please someone give me a fast replay before I enter a heroine route.
  8. Actually majority of Shoujo-AI/Yuri VNs are all-ages ones, Lonely Yuri, Amaranto and Aoishiro are all all-ages VNs.
  9. All that I have downloaded from Fuwa was always going full speed, as Fuwa has it's seedbox I don't think that it should be going that slow, are you sure it's not something with your net? Don't worry it's not completely illegal as Fuwa shares only VNs that are translated by fantranslation groups. And even if it was illegal you as someone who only download don't have anything to be afraid of, using piracy services is not illegal only providing them is.
  10. Based on what you said that you like go for G-senjou no Maou you would probably love it.
  11. I simply prefer forum over chat that's all.
  12. Welcome to the forums, glad to have more honest addicts/otakus here. If you tell me what you like I can give you some recommendations if you want them.
  13. I am interested to know how large people's Anime/VN image galleries are. I mean don't you want to know if you have really large one, small or average compared to others. Also wath do they look like in short description, like how do you organize them and what sort of images you have most. In my case I have 8920 anime/VN images in total. 8785 are from VNs and Anime I have watched/read and 135 are original fanart. Everything is divided into folders by name of Anime/VN those images are from, except one small folder with name "Other" where I put images from Anime and VNs that I have only few (less then 5) images from. And folder named "FunArt & Uncnown Anime" where I put original fanart images and ones I think are original fanart but am not sure. 95% of those images are in larger formats that can be called wallpapers (true there are lots of professionally taken screenshots that are like wallpapers too). There is not even one hentai or H-scene image there and all those images are pure true there are some images of gore and few just slightly ecchi images but no nudity. Also those images are 2,93GB large in total.
  14. My anime/VN image gallery (Look at numbers): And it is getting bigger every time I read new VN and watch a new anime, or when I have nothing better to do then to search for anime images for hours. PS: In case you don't see numbers, 8920 anime/VN images in total.
  15. They are original fanart so there is no way to tell for sure, but I myself would say that they are around 15 but have a younger aura around them.
  16. How about something like girl on the left? She definitely would fit a description. She is totally cute too.
  17. Well I will give a chance to demo when I find a time. True personally I prefer slow moving VNs rather than rushed ones. But I also believe that if a writer is really good short story can be as good as long one but it requires far more skill.
  18. a good thing either, since Although that is the reason this is my favorite ending, since it is implied to be good, but has an underlying twist to it. Are you forgetting that those
  19. I don't think that that is really a good thing, some fillers are definitely welcome in a VN as they help you with connecting with a characters batter, also if you only include important scenes it will feel rushed. Shuffle! VN was done in a same way and that was pretty much the reason I hated it even true I loved an anime version that had expended events and added some filler events.
  20. Not just from their perspective a whole planet has goten a lot from it, Thats why I say that people who say that this is a bad end didn't really goten a point of a VN that is a
  21. In that case I think that you didn't really get a point of this VN.
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